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Our Publications

COS members publish in leading academic journals such as:

  • Academy of Management Review
  • Academy of Management Learning and Education
  • Accounting Organisations and Society
  • British Journal of Industrial Relations
  • British Journal of Management
  • Business Ethics Quarterly
  • Human Relations
  • Journal of Business Ethics
  • Journal of Management Studies
  • Organisation Studies
  • Public Administration
  • Public Administration Review

Our Publications


Basbug, G., & Fernandez, R. M. (online). Gendered Job Search: An Analysis of Gender Differences in Reservation Wages and Job Applications. Industrial and Labor Relations Review (2025)

Harding, N., Ford, J. (online). Organizational Soundscapes and the Sonicity of Voices: The Power of the ‘Sounds’ that Carry ‘Words’. Journal of Management Studies (2025)

Larsen, G., Patterson, M. Consonant and Dissonant Sonic Ecologies: Navigating Affective Atmospheres on Bourbon Street, New Orleans. Social and Cultural Geography (2025)

Preece, C., Rojas Gaviria, P., Cappellini, B., Kerrigan, F., Hewer, P., Higgins, L., & Sobande, F. W. (in press). Let’s ROC: A Dynamic Experience-Based Roadmap for Relational Engagement. European Journal of Marketing (2025)

Zakaria, Z., Zakaria, Z., Ferry, L. (online). Debate: The Malaysian MADANI narrative in reviving the tiger economy. Public Money & Management (2025)

Ahrens, T., Ferry, L. Governmentality, counter-conduct, and modes of governing - accounting and the pursuit of municipal sustainable waste management. Contemporary Accounting Research (2025)

Ferry, L., Murphie, A., Midgley, H. Studying the regulatory space of public sector audit—the historical turn. Public Money & Management (2025)

Ahrens, T., Ferry, L. (in press). Governmentality, counter-conduct, and modes of governing - accounting and the pursuit of municipal sustainable waste management. Contemporary Accounting Research (2025)

Ferry, L., Murphie, A., Midgley, H. Studying the regulatory space of public sector audit—the historical turn. Public Money & Management (2025)

Barratt, E., Śliwa, M. (online). In Brexit’s Wake – the Birth of the Left Behind Organization (2025)

Marsh, D., Eccleston, H., Śliwa, M. (online). Deflated in shame and puffed up in pride: How affective practices matter for entrepreneuring. Human Relations (2025)

Spellman, C., McBride, J. (online). Gendering “The Hidden Injuries of Class”: In‐Work Poverty, Precarity, and Working Women Using Food Banks in Britain. Gender, Work & Organization (2025) 

Ahmed, W., Hardey, M., & Vidal-Alaball, J. Organ Donation Conversations on X: A Social Network Analysis and Developing the OrgReach Social Media Marketing Strategy. Journal of Medical Internet Research (2025)

Book chapters

Brandl, B. Developments in social dialogue and collective bargaining. In J. Heyes, J. Leschke, K. Newsome, M. Reich, & A. Wilkinson (Eds.), Research Handbook on Decent Work in a Post-COVID-19 World (2025)

Black, K., Ciesielska, M., & Whitton, D. “Dragged in the Opposite Direction”: Identity Tensions Facing Women Academics in Management and Organisation. In S. Cinque, & D. Ericsson (Eds.), Debating ‘Homo Academicus’ in Management and Organization: Ontological Assumptions and Practical Implications. Springer Nature Switzerland. (2025)


Smolović Jones, O., Smolović Jones, N., Carroll, B. (online). Spacing leadership with Greta Thunberg: A materialising ‘story-so-far’. Organization Studies (2024)

Yen, D. A., Cappellini, B., Jen, M.-Y., & Victor, C. (online). Happy to chat? Understanding older people’s attitudes and experiences of talking to strangers. Ageing & Society (2024)

Vickers, P., ... Cui, H.,... Hardey, M., Sheppard, J., Tasdan, U., innigan, S.M. et. al.(2024). Development of a novel methodology for ascertaining scientific opinion and extent of agreementPLoS ONE, (2024)

Harrison, T., & Ferry, L. (2024). Managing Risks Through Government Balance Sheets. K4DD Rapid Evidence Review. K4DD Rapid Evidence Review (2024)

Grimshaw, D., Brandl, B., Bertranou, F., & Gontero, S. Tracing the potential benefits and complex contingencies of multilevel collective bargaining. International Labour Review (2024)

Aad, S., Dagher, G. K., Hardey, M. How does cultural upbringing influence how university students in the Middle East utilize ChatGPT technology?. Administrative Sciences (2024)

Reed, C., Śliwa, M., & Prasad, A., Provocations: Who, what, where, why and how?. Management Learning (2024)

Aad, S., Dagher, G. K., Hardey, M. (2024). How does cultural upbringing influence how university students in the Middle East utilize ChatGPT technology?. Administrative Sciences (2024)

Marsh, D., Eccleston, H., Śliwa, M., Deflated in shame and puffed up in pride: How affective practices matter for entrepreneuring. Human Relations (2024)

Barratt, E., Śliwa, M. (in press). In Brexit’s Wake – the Birth of the Left Behind. Organization (2024)

Vickers, P., Adamo, L., Alfano, M., Clark, C., Cresto, E., Cui, H., Dang, H., Dellsén, F., Dupin, N., Gradowski, L., Graf, S., Guevara, A., Hallap, M., Hamilton, J., Hardey, M., Helm, P., Landrum, A., Levy, N., Machery, E., Mills, S., …Mitchell Finnigan, S. Development of a novel methodology for ascertaining scientific opinion and extent of agreement, PLoS ONE (2024)

Gatto, M., Tracey, H., Callahan, J. L., Worst, S. (online). Inconvenient academic workers? Collective (Re)humanisation through the dialogue of a Freirean Reading Circle. Culture and Organization (2024)

Spellman, C. (online). Intersectional Reflexivity and an Uncomfortable Account of Researcher Privilege. Management Learning (2024)

Ferry, L., Fright, M., Midgley, H., Murphie, A., Sandford, M., Are local government accounts trusted? Exploring the UK Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee Verdict. Public Money & Management (2024)

Sancino, A., Fahlberg, A., Liu, H., Smolović Jones, O.  Re-organizing for public value and reclaiming post-capitalist possibilities. Organization (2024)

McDonald III, B. D., Ferry, L., McCandless, S. A., Jordan, M. M., Steccolini, I., Bartle, J. R., Ahrens, T., Haslam, J., Joyce, P. G., & Polzer, T. (online). A Polyphonic Debate on Social Equity Budgeting. Public Administration (2024)

Aguzzoli, R., Śliwa, M., Lengler, J., Brewster, C., & Quatrin, D. (online). How does colonial history matter for expatriate adjustment? The case of Brazilians in Portugal. Journal of International Business Studies (2024)

Denedo, M., & et al. (2024). Repairs and Social Housing Stigma. Stop Social Housing Stigma (SSHS) (2024)

Denedo, M., et al., Tackling Stigma Journey Planner - summary version. Stop Social Housing Stigma (SSHS) (2024)

Prasad, A., Śliwa, M., The weaponization of plagiarism accusations in the era of anti-woke politics. Management Learning (2024)

Gilmore, S.; Harding, N.; Ford, J.Fifty years of fighting sex discrimination: undermining entrenched misogynies through recognition and everyday resistance. Human Relations (2024)

Brandl, B., Implementación de la negociación colectiva sectorial: Una visión general de las ventajas, los riesgos y las condiciones para su funcionamiento. Organización Internacional del Trabajo (2024)

Reissner, S., & Falkheimer, J. (online). Strategy texts as auto-communication: How narrative, language, and visual symbolism exercise discursive control. International Journal of Strategic Communication (2024)

Purchase, S., Schepis, D., Ellis, N. Prospective market shaping: a discursive analysis of possible future autonomous vehicle markets. Industrial Marketing Management (2024)

Edwards, G., Schedlitzki, D., Carroll, B., Larsson, M., Smolović Jones, O. What makes a good article for leadership? Thoughts and views from our associate editors, part 1. Leadership (2024)

Knights, D., Liu, H., Smolović-Jones, O., Wilson, S. (Eds.) The Routledge Critical Companion to Leadership Studies (2024)

Distinto, M., Doshi, V., Osorio, A. E., Segarra, P., Śliwa, M. The Business of (Im)Migration: Bodies Across BordersJournal of Business Ethics (2024)

Aguzzoli, R., Śliwa, M., Lengler, J., Brewster, C., & Quatrin, D. How does colonial history matter for expatriate adjustment? The case of Brazilians in Portugal. Journal of International Business Studies (2024)

Denedo, M., How to make universities more inclusive for black academics. Times Higher Education (2024)

Franssen, B., Freeman, J., Aiyenitaju, O., Babajide, B., Denedo, M., Kator Iorfa, S., Oyedijo, A. (2024). Unblocking the Pipeline: Supporting the Retention, Progression and Promotion of Black Early-Career Academics. Higher Education Policy Institute (2024)

Aad, S., & Hardey, M. Generative AI: Hopes, Controversies, and the Future of Faculty Roles in Education. Quality Assurance in Education (2024)

Raaper, R., Hardey, M., & Aad, S. #Studytalk in marketised higher education: Student influencers as emerging support providers. Studies in Higher Education (2024)

Ahmed, W., Hardey, M., Winters, B. D., & Sarwal, A. Racial Biases Associated with Pulse Oximetry: Longitudinal Social Network Analysis of Social Media Advocacy Impact. Journal of Medical Internet Research (2024)

Grimshaw, D., Brandl, B., Bertranou, F., & Gontero, S. (in press). Tracing The Potential Benefits And Complex Contingencies Of Multi-level Collective Bargaining. International Labour Review (2024)

McBride, J., & Smith, A.  Precarious work and employment. In A Research Agenda for Work and Employment. Edward Elgar Publishing (2024)

Whittle, A., Reissner, S.  Making Knowledge Claims from Qualitative Interviews: A Typology of Epistemological Modes. stemological Modes. British Journal of Management (2024)

McBride, J., & Smith, A. Precarious work and employment.  A Research Agenda for Work and Employment (2024)

Grimshaw, D., Brandl, B., Bertranou, F., & Gontero, S. Tracing The Potential Benefits And Complex Contingencies Of Multi-level Collective Bargaining. International Labour Review (2024)

Moore, G. The Serious Business of Jokes: An Interview with Onno Bouwmeester. Philosophy of Management (2024)

McBride, Jo; Spellman, Cat. Open the door a little wider - Report on barriers to good work and inclusive work places North Tyneside Combined Authority (2024)

Quatrin, Denise R; Aguzzoli, Roberta; Lengler, Jorge. A conceptual model of individuals’ decision to engage in global mobility: integrating self-determination theory and theory of planned behavior. Journal of Global Mobility (2024)

Aguzzoli, Roberta; Lengler, Jorge; Miller, Stewart R.; Chidlow, Aggie. Paradigms in qualitative IB research: trends, analysis and recommendations. Management International Review (2024)

Bouwmeester, Onno; Slaats, Maxime. First up then out: Self-employment as a response to normative control practices in elite consultancies. Scandinavian Journal of Management (2024)

Book Chapter

Black, K., Ciesielska, M., Whitton, D., “Dragged in the Opposite Direction”: Identity Tensions Facing Women Academics in Management and Organisation. In S. Cinque, & D. Ericsson (Eds.), Debating ‘Homo Academicus’ in Management and Organization: Ontological Assumptions and Practical Implications (2025)

Brandl, B.The Advantages and Disadvantages of Important Datasets in the Field of Comparative Employment Relations. In J. Parker, N. Donnelly, S. Ressia, & M. Gavin (Eds.), Field Guide to Researching Employment and Industrial Relations (2024)


Hardey, M., Aad, S., After Generative AI: Preparing Faculty to Transform Education, Learning, and Pedagogy  (2024)


Harrison, T., Ferry, L., Cheeseman, K., Lucas, B., & Zaidan, M. Synthesis Note: A Broader and More Long-Term Approach to Public Financial Management: Managing Fiscal Risks Associated With Climate Change (2024)

Book chapter

Kiu, T., Bechter, B., Brandl, B., Lehr, A. (2024).From Business Analytics to HR Analytics: Common Conceptual and Methodological Grounds. In V. Fernandez (Ed.), A Research Agenda for HR Analytics (2024)


Weber, S.; Bechter, B.; Galetto, M.; Guobaite, R.; Blaziene, I.; Hiltunen, L.; Larsson, B.; Pankow, M.; Czarzasty, J.; Owczarek, D. Social partners and OSH: a multilevel and cross-country exploration in the hospital and social services sectors. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform (2023)

Hirst, John; Spellman, Cat. “Take Hold of the Future Or It Will Take Hold Of You” (Dixon, P. 2019, p.1): The Case For Embedding Futures Thinking in University Teaching & Learning. Enhancing Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (2023)

Śliwa, Martyna; Prasad, Ajnesh. Critiquing the backlash against wokeness: In defense of DEI scholarship and practice. Academy of Management Perspectives (2023)

Bouwmeester, Onno. Business Ethics and Critical Consultant Jokes: New Research Methods to Study Ethical Transgressions. Springer Cham. (2023)

McMurray, Robert; Credland, Nicki; Griffin, Martyn; Hamilton, Peter; Harness, Oonagh; Jamie, Kimberly. Emotional Labor: Concept and Practical Categorizations in Light of COVID Critical Care Nursing. In L. Herzog, & B. Zimmermann (Eds.), Shifting Categories of Work: Unsettling the Ways We Think about Jobs, Labor, and Activities (2023)

Aguzzoli, Roberta; Hunek, Ilona. Wie regional sind regionale Zentralen? Die „Latinisierung“ der Kontrolle in europäischen Strukturen eines brasilianischen MNC. In Multinationale Unternehmen aus Schwellenländern und Europa Herausforderungen und Strategien (2023)

Śliwa, M. Rebuilding leadership theory through literature. In M. Schedlitzki, M. Larsson, B. Carroll, M. Bligh, & O. Epitropaki (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Leadership (2023)

Johansson, Marjana; Śliwa, Martyna. Recognition theory: a new lens for investigating language differences in multilingual organisations. In P. Lecomte, M. Vigier, C. Gaibrois, & B. Beeler (Eds.), Understanding the Dynamics of Language and Multilingualism in Professional Contexts (2023)

Guillén, Laura; Kakarika, Maria; Heflick, Nathan. Sexualize one, objectify all? The sexualization spillover effect on female job candidates. Journal of Organizational Behavior (2023)

Fenton, Alex; Ahmed, Wasim; Hardey, Mariann (Maz); Boardman, Rosy; Kavanagh, Emma. Women’s Football Subculture of Misogyny: The Escalation to Online Gender-Based Violence. European Sport Management Quarterly (2023)

McMurray, Robert; Credland, Nicki; Griffin, Martyn; Hamilton, Peter; Harness, Oonagh. Toxic Absence: Why Leader Presence Matters in Times of Crisis. Journal of Nursing Management (2023)

Schepis, D; Purchase, S; Smith, B; Olaru, D; Ellis, N. How Governments Influence Autonomous Vehicle (AV) Innovation. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (2023)

Yusuff, K; Whittle, A; Mueller, F. Accounting for the “harms” of social media firms: Dialogic accountability and discursive contestation in public hearings. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal (2023)

Śliwa, Martyna; Aguzzoli, Roberta; Brewster, Chris; Lengler, Jorge. Workplace accentism as a postcolonial and intersectional phenomenon: The experiences of Brazilians in Portugal. Human Relations (2023)

Lauwo, Sarah; Egbon, Osamuyimen; Denedo, Mercy; Ejiogu, Amanze. Counter-conducting environmental injustices and (un)accountability: Ken Saro-Wiwa’s accounts of the Ogoni struggles. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal (2023)

Cook, Clare; Pollet, Thomas V.; Callahan, Jamie L. Acting gender: Actors’ experiences of gender role conformity and hopes for their characters. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts (2023)

Griffin, Martyn; Hamilton, Peter; Harness, Oonagh; Credland, Nicki; McMurray, Robert. ‘Running Towards the Bullets’: Moral Injury in Critical Care Nursing in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Management Inquiry (2023)

Ahmed, Wasim; Önkal, Dilek; Das, Ronnie; Krishnan, Satish; Olan, Femi; Hardey, Mariann; Fenton, Alex. Developing Techniques to Support Technological Solutions to Disinformation by Analysing Four Conspiracy Networks During COVID-19. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (2023)

Bouwmeester, Onno. Lowering Social Desirability Bias: Doing Jokes-Based Interviews. Management Consulting Journal (2023)

Credland, Nicola; Griffin, Martyn; Hamilton, Peter; Harness, Oonagh; McMurray, Robert. The impact of COVID‐19 on mental health and well‐being in critical care nurses – a longitudinal, qualitative study. Nursing in Critical Care (2023)

Hardey, Mariann (Maz); Ahmed, Wasim; Fenton, Alex; Koral, Chris. Enlightened Participation: SME Perspectives about Net Zero on Social Media using the Action Case Approach. IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review (2023)

Keshtiban, Amir; Gatto, Mark; Callahan, Jamie L. Trojan Horses: Creating a positive hidden (extra)curriculum through Justice, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) initiative. Management Learning (2023)

Lehr, Alex; Jansen, Giedo; Brandl, Bernd. All about power after all? A multilevel analysis of employers’ organization membership in Europe. British Journal of Industrial Relations (2023)

Webster, Michelle; Cappellini, Benedetta; Harman, Vicki. Feeding grandchildren: competing priorities and blurred relational boundaries. Food, Culture & Society (2023)

Ahmed, Wasim; Das, Ronnie; Vidal-Alaball, Josep; Hardey, Mariann (Maz); Fuster-Casanovas, Aïna. Analysing Twitter’s Role in Combating the Magnetic Vaccine Conspiracy Theory Using Social Network Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research (2023)

Millar, John; Mueller, Frank; Carter, Chris. Grassroots accountability: the practical and symbolic aspects of performance. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal (2023)

Kakarika, Maria; Taghavi, Shiva; González-Gómez, Helena. Don’t Shoot the Messenger? A Morality- and Gender-based Model of Reactions to Negative Workplace Gossip. Journal of Business Ethics (2023)

Bechter, Barbara; Brandl, Bernd; Lehr, Alex. Het gebruik van human resources analytics door bedrijven: mogelijkheden, kansen en motivatie. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken (2023)

Atkinson-Toal, Aarron. Reassuringly British: consumer engagement with domestic products and brands. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management (2023)

Bouwmeester, Onno. What Jokes Can Tell: A Top 5 of Ethical Transgressions in Consulting. Management Consulting Journal (2023)

Wilson, John; Tilba, Anna. Business History and the ‘Practical Turn’. Management and Organizational History (2023)

Galetto, M.; Weber, S.; Larsson, B.; Bechter, B.; Prosser, T. ‘You see similarities more than differences after a while’. Communities of Practice in European industrial relations. The case of the hospital European Sectoral Social Dialogue. Industrial Relations Journal (2023)

Gaibrois, Claudine; Lecomte, Philippe; Boussebaa, Mehdi; Śliwa, Martyna. Guest editorial: Introduction – critical perspectives on language in international business. Critical Perspectives on International Business (2023)

Moorlock, Emily; Dekel-Dachs, Ofer; Stokes, Peter; Larsen, Gretchen. Constructing Consumer-Masstige Brand Relationships in a Volatile Social Reality. Journal of Business Research (2023)

Smith, Andrew; McBride, Jo. ‘It was doing my head in’: Low-paid multiple employment and zero hours work. British Journal of Industrial Relations (2023)

Ford, J.; Harding, N.; Gilmore, S. Re/searching leadership: A critique in Two Agonies and Nine Fits. Human Relations (2023)


Denedo, Mercy; Ejiogu, Amanze. Stigma and Social Housing in England: Feedback on the consultation responses (2022)

Hardey, Mariann. Household Self-Tracking During a Global Health Crisis (2022)

Wilson, JF; Jones, GI; Toms, S; Tilba, A; Buchnea, E; Wong, N. Business History. A Research Overview (2022)

Whittle, A.; Mueller, F. Membership Categorisation Analysis: Developing Awareness of Categories and their Consequences. In E. Darics (Ed.), Language Awareness in Business and the Professions (2022)

Brandl, Bernd. From Factors to Actors: Networks and Network Theory in Comparative Industrial Relations. In B. Brandl, B. Larsson, A. Lehr, & O. Molina (Eds.), Employment Relations as Networks: Methods and Theory (2022) 

Bouwmeester, Onno; Heusinkveld, Stefan; Tjemkes, Brian. Intermediaries in the relevance‐gap debate: A systematic review of consulting roles. International Journal of Management Reviews (2022)

Bouwmeester, O.; Versteeg, B.; Sturdy, A.J.; van Bommel, K. Accentuating dirty work: Coping with psychological taint in elite management consulting. German journal of human resource management (2022)

Cook, Clare; Callahan, Jamie L.; Pollet, Thomas V.; Elliot, Carole. Gender(ed) performances: Women’s impression management in stand-up comedy. Human Relations (2022)

Ciuk, Sylwia; Śliwa, Martyna; Harzing, Anne-Wil. Implementing the equality, diversity, and inclusion agenda in multinational companies: A framework for the management of (linguistic) diversity. Human Resource Management Journal (2022) 

Kerr, Ron; Robinson, Sarah; Śliwa, Martyna. Organising populism: from symbolic power to symbolic violence. Human Relations (2022)

Hamilton, Peter; Harness, Oonagh; Griffin, Martyn. Life during furlough: Challenges to dignity from a changed employment status. Industrial Relations Journal (2022)

Śliwa, Martyna; Gordon, Lisi; Mason, Katy; Beech, Nic. ‘That’s bang out of order, mate!’: Gendered and racialized micro-practices of disadvantage and privilege in UK business schools. Gender, Work and Organization (2022)

Alroomi, Azzam; Karamatzanis, George; Nikolopoulos, Kostas; Tilba, Anna; Xiao, Shujun. Fathoming empirical forecasting competitions’ winners. International Journal of Forecasting (2022)

Harvey, Charles; Gibson, Alison; Maclean, Mairi; Mueller, Frank. Philanthropy and the sustaining of global elite university domination. Organization (2022)

Tilba, Anna. Appearance or substance of Stewardship and ESG reporting: the challenges of translating ‘commitment’ into tangible outcomes. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal (2022)

Fenton, Alex; Cooper-Ryan, Anna Mary; Hardey, Mariann (Maz); Ahmed, Wasim. Football Fandom as a Platform for Digital Health Promotion and Behaviour Change: A Mobile App Case Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2022)

Werven, Ruben van; Cornelissen, Joep; Bouwmeester, Onno. The Relational Dimension of Feedback Interactions: A Study of Early Feedback Meetings Between Entrepreneurs and Potential Mentors. British Journal of Management (2022)

Adams, Carol; Mueller, Frank. Academics and policy makers at odds: the case of the IFRS Foundation Trustees’ Consultation Paper on Sustainability Reporting. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal (2022)

Wilson, Suze; Lee, Hugh; Ford, Jackie; Harding, Nancy. If philosophers went on a leadership course: A (serious) farce in three Acts. Leadership (2022)

Bechter, Barbara; Brandl, Bernd; Lehr, Alex. The role of the capability, opportunity, and motivation of firms for using human resource analytics to monitor employee performance: A multi‐level analysis of the organisational, market, and country context. New Technology, Work and Employment (2022)

Brandl, Bernd. Everything We Do Know (and Don’t Know) About Collective Bargaining: The Zeitgeist in the Academic and Political Debate on the Role and Effects of Collective Bargaining. Economic and Industrial Democracy (2022)

Mueller, F.; Whittle, A.; Addison, S. Official Truth, Applied Deconstruction and Post-Inquiry Sensemaking in the Mull of Kintyre Helicopter Crash. Human Relations (2022)

Kele, Juliet Elizabeth; Cassell, Catherine; Ford, Jacqueline; Watson, Kathryn. Intersectional identities and career progression in retail: The experiences of minority‐ethnic women. Gender, Work and Organization (2022)

Hutton, M.; Cappellini, B. Epistemic in/justice: towards 'Other' ways of knowing. Marketing Theory (2022)

Ahmed, Wasim; Fenton, Alex; Hardey, Mariann; Das, Ronnie. Binge Watching and the Role of Social Media Virality towards promoting Netflix’s Squid Game. IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review (2022)

Yen, D.; Dovey, T.; Cappellini, B. Primary School Children’s Responses to Food waste at School. British Food Journal (2022)

Case, Peter; Raelin, Joseph A.; Śliwa, Martyna. Concluding Remarks. Business and Professional Ethics Journal (2020)

Śliwa, Martyna; Case, Peter. Response to Raelin. Business and Professional Ethics Journal (2022)

Liang, Yin; Aroles, Jeremy; Brandl, Bernd. Charting Platform Capitalism: Definitions, concepts and ideologies. New Technology, Work and Employment (2022)

Hardey, Mariann; James, Simon J. Digital Seriality and Narrative Branching: Season One, the Podcast Serial. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies (2022)

Fan, Di; Breslin, Dermot; Callahan, Jamie L.; Iszatt‐White, Marian. Advancing literature review methodology through rigour, generativity, scope and transparency. International Journal of Management Reviews (2022)

Kakarika, Maria; Biniari, Marina; Guillén, Laura; Mayo, Margarita. Where does the heart lie? A multistage process model of entrepreneurial passion and role identity management. Journal of Organizational Behavior (2022)

Hardey, Mariann. Tracking the Trackers: Self-Tracking in Households as Social Practice. Digital Health (2022)