Our Publications 2019
Our members are highly inter-disciplinary and have been working extensively together in a wide spectrum of scholarly work.
Chowdhury, F., Audretsch, D.B. & Belitski, M. (2019). Institutions and entrepreneurship quality.. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 43(1): 51-81.
Zhang, J., He, X., Zhou, C. & Gorp, D. (2019). Antecedents of corporate image: The case of Chinese multinational enterprises in the Netherlands. Journal of Business Research 101: 389-401.
Chen, J., Sousa, C. & He, X. (2019). Export Market Re-entry: Time-out Period and Price/Quality Dynamisms. Journal of World Business 54(2): 154-168.
Chen, J., Sousa, C. & He, X. (2019). Nonlinear Effects of Dynamic Export Pricing on Export Sales: A Longitudinal Investigation. Journal of International Marketing 27(3): 60-78.
You, K., Dal Bianco, S., Lin, Z. & Amankwah-Amoah, J. (2019). Bridging technology divide to improve business environment: Insights from African nations. Journal of Business Research 97: 268-280.
Mohsen, K., Saeed, S., Raza, A Omar, S. & Muffatto, M. (2019). Does using latest technology impact new venture innovation? A contingency based view of institutional environments. Journal of Small Business Management
Yousafzai, S., Fayolle, A., Saeed, S., Henry, C. & Lindgreen, A. (2019). The contextual embeddedness of women’s entrepreneurship: towards a more informed research agenda. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 31(3-4): 167-177.
Raza, A., Muffatto, M. & Saeed, S. (2019). The influence of formal institutions on the relationship between entrepreneurial readiness and entrepreneurial behaviour: A cross-country analysis. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 26(1): 133-157.
Sutherland, D, Warwick, P. & Anderson, J. (2019). What factors influence student satisfaction with module quality? A comparative analysis in a UK business school context.. The International Journal of Management Education 17(3): 100312.
Correia, R., Lengler, J. & Mohsin, A. (2019). Entrepreneurial Approaches to the Internationalisation of Portugal’s Hotel Industry. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 31(3): 1141-1165.
Zuo, W., Zhu, W., Chen, S. & He, X. (2019). Service quality management of online car-hailing based on PCN in the sharing economy. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 34: 100827.
Sutherland, Dylan, Hennart, Jean-Francois. & Anderson, John R. (2019). How does the routing of FDI to and from tax havens confound our understanding of Chinese MNE identity? A critical review of the empirical literature on Chinese MNEs.. Asian Business & Management
He, X. & Zhang, J. (2018). Emerging Market MNCs' Cross-Border Acquisition Completion: Institutional Image and Strategies. Journal of Business Research 93: 139-150.