Our Research Areas
Our research focuses on the following key streams, and we are actively seeking collaborations and PhD applications in these areas.
International Marketing Strategy and Performance
International markets are becoming increasingly important for businesses, offering greater market size and expanded opportunities.
Digital Globalisation
Digital technologies present both challenges and opportunities for businesses, particularly in their global value chains.
Emerging Markets, MNEs, and FDI
Our researchers have significantly contributed to the EMNE debate, publishing on a wide variety of topics in leading international business and management journals.
Responsible Business
This area aims to address pressing societal and environmental challenges, primarily through the analytic lens of global value chains and anchored in the UN SDGs.
Expatriation and Migration
We explore the contexts of migrant workers and the motives for migration, focusing specifically on assigned expatriates and self-initiated expatriates.
MNE Structure and Strategy
We focus on understanding how MNEs implement global strategies to achieve efficiency and standardization while adapting to local markets through decentralized structures