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International Marketing Strategy and Performance

International markets are becoming increasingly important for businesses, offering greater market size and expanded opportunities. However, foreign markets also present significant challenges, such as cultural and institutional distance, the liability of foreignness, decoupling, and rising nationalism, all of which contribute to heightened uncertainty. To succeed, international firms must develop key capabilities and strategies, such as innovation, pricing, and distribution channels, to gain a competitive advantage and achieve superior performance. Leveraging digital technology can also play a critical role in helping firms navigate these complexities and enhance their global success.


Prof Xinming He

Prof Jorge Lengler


Li, M, He, X & Sousa, CMP (2023). Product Development Capabilities-Based Export Channel Selection and Export Performance, International Marketing Review, 40(2): 385-411.

Li, Y, Sousa, CMP, He, X & Hu, Y (2022). Spinning Straw into Gold: Innovation Recycling, Innovation Sourcing Modes, and Innovation Ability in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 39(5): 83-603.

Zhang, W, He, X, Wang, T and Wang, K (2022). Institutional Distance and the International Market Entry Mode: A Meta-analysis, Journal of International Management, 29(1): 100990.

Sousa, CMP. He, X, Lengler, J & Tang, L (2021). Foreign Market Re-entry: A Review and Future Research Directions. Journal of International Management, 27(2): 100848.

Sousa, CMP, Li, Y & He, X (2020). Impact of Exploitation and Exploration on Export Sales Growth: Moderating Role of Domestic and International Collaborations, Journal of International Marketing, 28(4): 1-20.

Chen, J, Sousa, CMP & He, X (2019). Export Market Re-entry: Time-out Period and Price/Quality Dynamisms. Journal of World Business, 54(2): 154-168.

He, X, Brouthers, KD & Filatotchev, I (2018). Market Orientation and Export Performance: The Moderating Role of Export Channel and Institutional Distance, International Marketing Review, 35(2): 1-23.

Li, M, He, X, & Sousa, CMP (2017). A Review of the Empirical Research on Export Channel Selection between 1979 and 2015, International Business Review, 26(2): 303-323.

Chen, J, Sousa, CMP & He, X (2016). The Determinants of Export Performance: A Review of the Literature 2006-2014. International Marketing Review, 33(5): 626-670.

He, X, Brouthers, KD, & Filatotchev, I (2013). Resource-Based and Institutional Perspectives on Export Channel Selection and Export Performance, Journal of Management, 39(1): 27-47.