A Post-COP26 Roundtable: Reflections and Looking Ahead.
A Post-COP26 Roundtable: Reflections and Looking Ahead
Durham Cathedral, River Wear
A roundtable discussion of the outcomes of COP26 and the road ahead to COP27 and the Global Stocktake.
Please join us for a final session with the lecturers of our "On the Road to COP26 / CMA3 Preparatory Lecture Series".
These interactive sessions will be held as zoom meetings rather than webinars and provide a brief overview of experiences and progress made during the Glasgow Climate Summit, and they will address the question of "where next" in terms of further developing the international legal regime. We are looking forward to a lively Q & A session!
For further details including the speakers see the After COP, before COP flyer. Please note that some speakers will join only one of the sessions, depending on the time zones.
The lecture series was offered in the run up to COP26 by the Centre for International Law-NUS, Durham Law School and the IUCN WCEL and provided expert insights from leading experts in climate change law. It provided an expert overview of the key issues that are important for the outcome of COP 26/CMA 3, in the context of past COPs and the UNFCCC/Paris Agreement legal framework. The lecture series attracted a wide audience of government officials, academics, NGOs, students and others are attending or are interested in COP 26/CMA 3. Recordings are available here.
The aim of this roundtable is to provide the audience with a reflection on the outcome of COP26 and CMA3, in the light of the previous discussions of the different issues during the lecture series. The speakers open the sessions by providing short presentations on the key issues and this will be followed by an extended Q&A session and interaction with the audience. The focus will be on the outcomes of the Glasgow climate summit, and to discuss the way ahead to COP27 and the first Global Stocktake.
The event will be held in two sessions - click on the links to register with Eventbrite.