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Judge Hilary Charlesworth of the International Court of Justice delivers the Durham Law School Distinguished Lecture in Law and Global Justice

On March 17, Judge Hilary Charlesworth delivered her public lecture “Human Rights and the International Court of Justice”. In her lecture, she charted the growing openness of the ICJ to human rights-based arguments in its jurisprudence.
International Court of Justice

Dr. Mark Amakoromo Submits Input to UN Special Rapporteur on Climate Change in Response to Call on the Fossil Fuel-based Economy and Human Rights

Dr Mark Amakoromo, a postdoctoral researcher at Durham Law School, has recently submitted input to the UN Special Rapporteur on Climate Change for a thematic report on human rights in the context of climate change, focusing on the Fossil Fuel-based Economy and Human Rights.
United Nations flag

Lord Sales delivers The Institute for Commercial and Corporate Law Annual Lecture 2025

On 7 March 2025, Durham Law School’s Institute for Commercial and Corporate Law held its Annual Lecture. The lecture promotes, amongst other things, the Institute’s international reputation for world class research on topics that fall within its broad remit; it also frequently stimulates conversations that lead to new lines of inquiry.
Lord Sales

March 2025 DLSAA Newsletter

The Association was launched on 17 September 2024 with 40 alumni Founder Members but, since then, has grown to over 350 members from all over the world. In addition to a significant number of Durham alumni working in barristers' chambers, and as in-house counsel, we now have Association members from over 60 law firms from around the world.
Law School Hall

PhD Candidate Miranda Wang Submits Evidence to Nuffield Council on Bioethics on the Ethics of Neurotechnology in Healthcare

In February 2025, Durham Law School PhD candidate Miranda Wang submitted evidence to the Nuffield Council on Bioethics as part of its inquiry into the ethics of neurotechnology in healthcare. The inquiry focuses on developments since the Council’s last report on the topic in 2013.
Nuffield Council on Bioethics

Durham University appoints three additional Professors In Practice in Durham Law School

Durham Law School is pleased to announce the appointment, by Durham University with effect from 1st March, 2025, of three additional Professors in Practice in the Law School: Mark Baldwin, Mark Grant, and Nigel Swycher.
Durham University Law School logo

Professor Richard Goldberg interviewed by Daily Telegraph on COVID-19 vaccine claims assessments carried out under Vaccine Damage Payments Scheme

On Monday 17 March 2025, the Daily Telegraph published an article on the Vaccine Damage Payments Scheme (VDPS), featuring Professor Richard Goldberg.
Covid event picture

Durham Expertise on Vaccine Damage Scheme Reform Referred to at COVID-19 Inquiry

On 31 January 2025, Counsel to the COVID 19 Inquiry in their closing statement referred to Durham Law School expertise - which is centred on Professor Goldberg's research into the Vaccine Damage Payments Scheme.
Woman touching screen with image of world

Richard Goldberg Addresses APPG on Reform of Vaccine Damage Payments Scheme

On Monday 20th January 2025, Professor Richard Goldberg addressed the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Pandemic Response and Recovery (APPG) on 'The UK Vaccine Damage Payments Scheme: Reappraisal and Reform Within a Revised National Vaccine Policy'.
Two men shaking hands

Thom Brooks was invited to provide commentary on Prime Minister Keir Starmer's recent visit with US President Donald Trump

A professor of law and government and former Dean (2016-21), Brooks was featured on Capital FM, Heart FM and LBC radio throughout the day.
Close-up of open law book

Why incest porn is more common and harmful than you think

Law professor Clare McGlynn explains why it matters that incest porn has become so popular online, and what can be done about it.
A man sits in the dark in front of a computer with a glass of wine

New Principal for Collingwood College

Professor Thom Brooks has been appointed as our new Principal of Collingwood College.
Professor Thom Brooks sitting at a desk, wearing a suit and tie. He is smiling at the camera