Durham Law School visit to Universidad Externado de Colombia
Further to an earlier visit to Colombia by Bruce Wardhaugh and Gemma Davies, and to continue to deepen the relationship between Durham University and our partner Universidad Externado de Colombia, Dr Smith Azubuike and Dr Adebola Adeyemi visited Colombia from 14-16 August to promote a joint academic event and shared views on the UK critical minerals strategy and the likely impact for the UK and the global South.
During their visit at Universidad Externado de Colombia, Dr Azubuike and Dr Adeyemi recorded a podcast and shared their views on the UK critical minerals strategy and the likely impact for the UK and the global South.
They also held a 3 hour workshop during which they delivered a paper titled ‘the UK’s Critical Minerals Strategy and Security of Supply’ to students and staff. The paper focused on the UK’s critical minerals strategy and strategy refresh, highlighting that it aims to promote a continued supply of critical minerals to the UK by promoting domestic capacity, collaboration with international partners and strengthening international markets. Overarching these objectives is the importance of delivering the energy transition. There was great engagement from participants as they also considered the likely impact of the UK strategy for countries with critical minerals reserves.
Future events between Durham Law School and Universidad Externado de Colombia were also discussed, and a joint conference in Energy Law might be arranged in the future.
Learn More
- Visit Dr Adeyemi's staff profile
- Visit Dr Azubuike's staff profile
- Learn more about Durham Law School