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Durham University physicists play key part in UK’s quantum future

We’re playing a key part in the UK’s drive to develop quantum technology to benefit a wide range of areas including healthcare, computing and security.
A laser beam being directed through mirrors in a laboratory

Dr Alex Guttridge awarded prestigious Royal Society University Research Fellowship

Dr Alex Guttridge has been awarded a prestigious Royal Society University Research Fellowship. The Fellowship enables Dr Guttridge to research the topic of programmable assembly of ultracold molecules in optical lattices.
Photo of Dr Alex Guttridge smiling at camera next to an optics bench

Breaking barriers: embracing neurodiversity in neutron and muon science

“Diversity of thought benefits everyone, but when the focus is on the short-term costs of making changes, disabled people are often deterred from asking for what they need.”
Photo courtesy: Science and Technology Facilities Council)

International Masterclass on Particle Physics

On March 22, Durham University's Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology (IPPP) hosted the International Masterclass on Particle Physics—a hands-on event where high school students analysed real data from the Minerva neutrino detector. Over one hundred students from six local high schools—Durham Johnston, Durham Sixth Form, Newcastle High School for Girls, Thirsk School and Sixth Form, Wellfield Academy, and Sunderland Sixth Form—participated in the event.
International Masterclass on Particle Physics

How medieval chroniclers interpreted solar eclipses and other celestial events

The evolution of technology has allowed scientists to analyse celestial events in much greater detail. Medieval chroniclers didn’t have that luxury but Giles Gasper in our History department and Brian Tanner in our Physics department say that doesn’t mean there isn’t lots we can learn from the ways in which they talked about these events and understood the universe.
Stars in the solar system depicting a celestial event

Durham Physicists receive funding for EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fusion Power, making fusion energy commerical and meeting net zero goals

Researchers in the Physics Department at Durham University will receive funding for the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Fusion Power from the UK’s biggest-ever investment in engineering and physical sciences doctoral skills.
3D Render fusion reactor nuclear fusion, tokamak inside heated plasma, toroidal shape, clean energy

Precisely measuring our expanding Universe

Our physicists are part of an international team that has made the largest 3D map of the Universe, measuring its expansion over 11 billion years.
A map of the Universe showing a web of blue, green and white against a black backdrop

SuperBIT makes Nature Astronomy front cover

An international project involving Durham University which flew a gigantic balloon-borne telescope to the edge of space has made the front cover of the prestigious journal Nature Astronomy.
The SuperBIT space telescope being hoisted by a yellow crane against a black and pink dusk sky

New research opens avenues for more efficient and stable blue OLED displays

Researchers in our top-rated Physics department are world-leading experts in their field. In a surprising discovery, our scientists have found that certain molecules long considered poor emitters are actually ideal for boosting efficiency and stability in next-generation blue OLED displays. The study published in the journal Nature Photonics, reveal an overlooked molecular ‘blind spot’ that could enable major advances in energy-saving display technologies.
OLED displays in the lab

Physics Department Developing Talent Awards: 2023-2024 Winners

The Physics Developing Talent Awards scheme was established in 2021 to promote and enhance the careers of early career researchers within the Physics Department. Each year, early career researchers can apply for up to £10,000 to fund a project that will allow them to develop research independence. The scheme is coordinated by the Research Staff Consultative Committee (RSCC).
laser cooled sample

AI-VISION project secures Innovate UK funding to advance precision medicine

A collaborative project between Durham, The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), The Royal Marsden Hospital, and techbio company Concr, has been awarded a prestigious Innovate UK grant. The AI-VISION project, which will play a pivotal role in advancing precision (genetically tailored) medicine, has secured a grant of £1million.
An image of cancer cells alongside The EAGLE simiulated universe from Durham’s Institute for Computational Cosmology and the Virgo Consortium

A new record set for quantum coherence in ultracold molecules

Scientists in the quantum light & matter group at Durham University have set a new world-record for quantum coherence in ultracold molecules, in a collaboration with theorists at Temple University and Rice University.
Absorption image and  RbCs experiment
Cosmic Ray Cosmo Simulation

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