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Theatre meets the cosmos in an immersive collaboration between the Physics Department and the Assembly Rooms Theatre

From Monday 16th until Friday 20th May, the Assembly Rooms theatre is hosting an exciting new project from their in-house Technical Theatre Team in collaboration with the Durham University Physics Department. 'The Final Frontier' is an immersive, experiential and theatrical journey into space that is designed to calm the mind and may help to relieve exam stress.
The Final Frontier: Exploring Space poster

Acclaimed University of Colorado physicist and researcher Prof. Heather Lewandowski to deliver the 2022 Rochester Lecture

Prof. Heather Lewandowski is this year's invited speaker to deliver the 2022 Rochester Lecture, which will be held in the Ph8 Lecture Theatre, Wednesday 18 May 2022 at 4.30pm. This year's lecture is titled 'Watching chemical reactions happen one molecule at a time'.
Image of Prof. Heather Lewandowski and the JILA and Colorado University logos

Physics Department Development Talent scheme awards four early career researchers

The Physics Department Development Talent Award promotes, enhances and encourages the possibility of early career researchers developing their research careers within the Department by providing support in the form of up to £10,000 in flexible funding. The four successful applicants in the 2022 round of this scheme are announced below. Congratulations and best of luck with your research!
Dani Pizzey Telescope

First images from new space telescope part-developed in Durham

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) – which Durham helped to develop and engineer – has captured its first images.
James Webb first deep field image

Building Europe’s largest solar telescope

We’re part of a project to build Europe’s largest solar telescope.
A montage image of the EST telescope on a hillside (left and right) with a close up image of a solar flare in the centre

The annual Gareth Roberts lecture returned on Wednesday 9 March with Dame Sue Ion - watch online

The Honorary President of the National Skills Academy for Nuclear (NSAN) and member of the ONR Independent Advisory Panel, Dame Sue Ion, delivered this year's annual Gareth Roberts Lecture on Wednesday 9 March at 4.30pm.
Gareth Roberts Lecture 2022 (image montage of Sue Ion with power station cooling towers and wind turbines)

Prestigious fellowship to investigate building blocks of the Universe

Congratulations to particle physicist Dr Stefan Schacht who has been awarded a prestigious Ernest Rutherford Fellowship to investigate the most basic building blocks of our Universe.
Dr Stefan Schacht smiling straight ahead and wearing glasses

Scientists unveil most accurate virtual representation of the Universe

An international team of researchers, including Professor Carlos Frenk, Professor Adrian Jenkins and Dr. John Helly from our Department of Physics, has produced the largest and most accurate computer simulation to date of our local patch of the Universe.
Virtual Universe

Professor Carlos Frenk elected to Royal Society Council

Congratulations to Professor Carlos Frenk who has been elected to the Council of the Royal Society.
Professor Carlos Frenk in light blue shirt and dark blue jacket smiles at the camera

Prof Simon Cornish to lead International Collaboration on “Developing Molecular Quantum Technologies”

Ultracold molecules hold great promise for a variety of quantum technologies, including a new generation of quantum computers and quantum simulators. Prof Simon Cornish will lead a new £1.6 million International Collaboration funded by EPSRC that aims to deliver this vision.
Simon Cornish

Durham scientists part of team behind stunning new images of the Universe

Our scientists are involved in a major international space mission that has released five unprecedented new images of the Universe.
A vibrant nursery of star formation enveloped in a shroud of interstellar dust or purple, red and white

I'm a quasar get me out of here - growing supermassive black holes buried in galaxies

Quasars are extremely bright objects with massive black holes at their centres. Usually, quasars are obscured by donut-shaped rings of dust surrounding them.
Picture of hidden quasars in thick cloud of dust and gas
Cosmic Ray Cosmo Simulation

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