Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences

Welcome to the Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences
The Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences submitted twelve members of staff, comprising twelve Full Time Equivalent (FTE), to the REF Sport and Exercise Sciences, Leisure and Tourism UoA. The submission included an Early Career Researcher.
- 10th in the UK overall.
- 100% of our submission was world-leading or internationally excellent.
Tackling global childhood obesity with ground-breaking research
Research by Sport and Exercise Sciences has made a positive impact on policy and practice addressing the global problem of childhood obesity.
About the Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences
Congratulations to all sport and exercise science departments across the UK for the stellar work we have produced. Collectively departments have advanced our field. The results across universities bear testimony to the incredible work the UK is doing to advance knowledge on sport and exercise.
The Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences at Durham University is proud to have played a significant role in this regard. Our cutting edge research has played a key role by focusing on helping to reduce inequalities, promoting social justice and ensuring better health and wellbeing within and through sport, exercise and physical activity. We will continue to build on our unique strengths by developing early career scholars and working even more closely with regional, national, and international organisations to ensure our research makes a difference.
Sport and Exercise Sciences REF Impact Case Studies
We submitted 2 impact case studies, about UN Sustainable Development Goals and childhood obesity.
Click below to read more about our case studies
Establishing new global and national sport policy approaches towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
Changing global policy and practice to promote the reach and effectiveness of interventions to prevent childhood obesity.
Research Themes
Our academic, research staff, and PhD students are psychologists, physiologists, sociologists, nutritionists and political scientists. The department has thematic research groups providing intellectual stimulation and transdisciplinary discussion, which are sporting lives and healthy communities.
Like to Know More?
Our research is designed to make a positive impact on people’s lives. All our research is led in a way to address inequalities, promote social justice, and ensure better health and wellbeing through sport, exercise and physical activity.