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Collegiate Way Conference Returns to Durham - register your interest now

Collegiate Way International (CWI), is a world-wide association of university colleges, founded in 2014, in Durham, UK. CWI provides a network of support for university colleges, together promoting the collegiate way of supportive community-based living, learning, developing. The fifth CWI conference, ‘The Collegiate Way – Living and Learning for the Future’, returns to Durham, UK, 2-5 December 2025.
Booking details
Aerial shot of Durham peninsula

Durham is a beautiful old city in the North East of England, surrounding the World Heritage Site which encompasses the magnificent Norman cathedral and mediaeval castle now home to on of our colleges.

Delegates will all be affiliated with one of Durham’s 17 colleges. Each conference day will be based in a different college, from the older to younger. Together with presentations and panel discussions, there will be opportunities to meet students and staff in your college, and attend a Formal college dinner, plus experience the colleges sporting, volunteering and performing arts activities. 

Contributions in the form of presentations, panel discussions etc. are welcome. Themes may include the value of collegiate systems in the 21st century; supporting wider student development; student support and welfare; connecting and engaging alumni; freedom of speech and learning to disagree well; developing leaders and team players; meeting challenges in a fast-changing world; facilitating broad scholarship and reflective; and independent thinking; developing good citizens. Abstract submissions will open soon.

Opening Keynote Address
Professor David Wilkinson – astrophysicist, theologian, and Principal St John’s College, Durham (2006-23)

Gala Dinner

In the Great Hall, Durham Castle (University College, Durham)

Further programme details will follow shortly.


Conference rates
Early bird registration fee: £390 
Late bird registration fee: £450
Day rate: £160 for Wed and Thurs, £140 for Fri plus optional Gala Dinner charge
Gala dinner for additional guests (partners etc): £45

Student rates  
Full Conference: £200, plus Gala Dinner charge as an optional extra
Day rate: £80 for Wed, Thurs, £70 for Fri plus optional Gala Dinner charge


Please complete the Registration of Interest form to receive updates as they are posted. 

For any queries, please contact: 



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Our Colleges are at the heart of life at Durham. They are mixed communities of staff and students from all our subject areas. 

From day-to-day activities to special events, they offer so many ways to make friends and have fun, while building skills and experience.

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