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Precisely measuring our expanding Universe

Our physicists are part of an international team that has made the largest 3D map of the Universe, measuring its expansion over 11 billion years.
A map of the Universe showing a web of blue, green and white against a black backdrop

How Sir Charles Villiers Stanford’s legacy lives on 100 years after his death

Professor Jeremy Dibble, from our Department of Music, has devoted much of his academic career to researching and writing about Sir Charles Villiers Stanford. Friday 29 March 2024 will mark 100 years since the composer’s death so we sat down with Jeremy to understand how Stanford’s legacy is very much alive.
Professor Jeremy Dibble standing in front of a bookcase and a blackboard with musical notes written on it

Julian Assange: how British extradition law works

As Julian Assange waits to learn whether he can appeal his extradition to the US, Gemma Davies, from Durham Law School, explains how the extradition law is applied in Britain.
Protestors wearing masks in support of Julian Assange in 2012

Professor Helen Ball talks 'normal' infant sleep on BBC Radio 4

Infant sleep is an emotive topic, and at times a controversial one. On this episode of 'Child', a BBC Radio 4 Podcast, Professor Helen Ball and India Rakusen discuss what 'normal' means when it comes to infant sleep, why people are so anxious about it, and the topic of bed sharing.
Close up of parent holding a newborn baby's hand

How a balloon-borne experiment can do the job of the Hubble space telescope

Results have shown that balloon-borne experiments to explore space can be just as useful as those launched by rockets, while costing a fraction of the price. Dr Fionagh Thomson and Professor Richard Massey, from our Physics Department, explain how they are also ideal training for the next generation of technology leaders.
SuperBIT waiting for launch while its giant helium balloon is inflated

The mystery of consciousness shows there may be a limit to what science alone can achieve

Science is rightly celebrated, but as the problem of consciousness is revealing, there may be a limit to what we can learn through science alone, argues Professor Philip Goff in our Department of Philosophy.
A picture of a head with colourful tiles inside

Ukraine war: Pope Francis should learn from his WWII predecessor’s mistakes in appeasing fascism

Following recent comments made by Pope Francis, South College Principal, Professor Tim Luckhurst, takes a look back at the actions of Pope Pius XII during World War Two.
Pope Francis on board some transport while a crowd watches

The global team on Neglected Tropical Diseases Wins the Durham Global SDG Award 2023

We are pleased to announce that the global consortium on Neglected Tropical Diseases led by Durham University  won the inaugural Durham Global SDG award. 
The image shows four scientist holding an award certificate

Safer Sleep Week: SIDS, SUDI, and Applied Anthropology

Three of our PhD Students have been blogging about what we do at DISC, and their own work too.
Hilton Cottage Infancy and Sleep Centre

Global Frontiers in Research and Education

As part of Global Week, colleagues within the Department of Sociology delivered the below webinar:
Globe with hand

Decision-making at home hinders women in the workplace

Decision-making styles within the family can be a significant barrier to achieving gender parity not only at home but in the workplace too, new research from Durham University Business School reveals.
Woman in white shirt and blue jeans working on laptop and cooking at the same time

SuperBIT makes Nature Astronomy front cover

An international project involving Durham University which flew a gigantic balloon-borne telescope to the edge of space has made the front cover of the prestigious journal Nature Astronomy.
A silver clad telescope sits on the runway at dawn with a truck and giant helium balloon in the background