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What is Natural Sciences?

The key characteristics of the Natural Sciences degree are choice, flexibility and depth.

Undergraduate inter- and multi-disciplinary degrees that include at least one science discipline are managed by the Department of Natural Sciences. The available programs include Joint Honours and self-designed degrees. These degrees offer flexibility, allowing students to choose from a wide range of disciplines and a variety of modules within each subject.
About the Degree
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Undergraduate study 

Why study Natural Sciences at Durham?

With most subjects, you can delay choosing your subjects until you get to Durham FAQs on Choice of Subjects
It is possible to change the shape of your degree at the end of the first year FAQs on the Shape of your Degree
There may be the option of a transfer into a single subject programme at the end of Year 1 Course Structure
All students have the opportunity of taking a year abroad FAQs on Year Abroad
All BSc students have the opportunity of taking a year-long industrial placement in their penultimate year FAQs on Placements
In the final year, credits are taken that are students driven and involve independent thought Subjects within the Natural Sciences Programme

I chose to study physics and philosophy for two reasons. First, I wanted to keep my future career options as broad as possible. It is difficult to think of a degree that achieves this goal better than physics and philosophy. Second, I wanted to gain a deeper understanding of how the world works. Both subjects are focused towards this goal.

Daniel Fox
BSc Natural Sciences (Philosophy and Physics)

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Find out more about Natural Sciences at Durham

Natural Sciences

Faculty of Science Office
Level 3 Chemistry Building
Durham University
United Kingdom