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How the first year at school can boost earnings in later life

Children who start school in the most effective classes can expect to earn more than their peers in later life, according to a new study by Durham University and the Department for Education.
Reception teachers

Never Give Up

On the 5th of February 2023 local musicians and Durham University students will stand united against suicide at the Never Give Up concert.
Students from the group Foot Notes singing at Never Give Up

Reach Society Corporate Champion Award

We are pleased to announce that the University has been presented with the Reach Society’s Corporate Champion award for ‘Contribution as an Outstanding Collaboration Partner’.
A student in a red dress with a member of staff wearing black, receiving the Reach Society Award

DULOG Presents Hello Dolly

Durham University’s Light Opera Group, better known as DULOG, are excited to bring you Durham University Student Theatre’s largest Musical Theatre event of the calendar, ‘Hello Dolly!’ from 8th-12th February at the Gala Durham.
Hello Dolly Logo

Get active with Durham's university

Our Vice-Chancellor Professor Karen O'Brien looks into the what the New Year has to offer.
Profile picture of Professor Karen OBrien Vice Chancellor of Durham University

Researchers propose compulsory climate change teaching in core law curriculum

New research by our top-rated Law School is urging that climate change education should be made compulsory across the core law curriculum.
Climate change law

Joining the SafePod Network

Approved researchers at Durham University will now be able to securely access Government Administration data to better understand our society and economy, as the University joins the national SafePod Network.
Safepod in Bill Bryson Library

Research inspires podcast drama about tobacco addiction

Research by our Anthropology department has provided the inspiration for a podcast drama looking at the history of smoking and tobacco addiction.
A man smoking a cigarette

Three new College heads appointed

New heads have been appointed at Grey College, Josephine Butler College and John Snow College.
Headshots of three new College Heads

Traded species have distinctive life histories with extended reproductive lifecycles

A new study has revealed that vertebrate species involved in the live wildlife trade have distinctive life history traits that determine the frequency and timing of reproduction.

Year of the Rabbit

We would like to wish all those preparing for and celebrating the arrival of the Year of the Rabbit a very happy and healthy New Year. A range of exciting celebrations will be taking place across the University and City to mark the special occasion.
Image showing Chinese lanterns and a rabbit on a red and purple background

Report calls on men’s professional football clubs to tackle sexism

A new report is calling on men’s professional football clubs to tackle pervasive sexism and misogyny in the sport.
England football fans cheering