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Issue 7 of the IAS Newsletter, Transformations, out now

The current edition of the IAS termly newsletter, Transformations, is now published.
IAS newsletter

An exciting term ahead for visiting IAS Fellows

The IAS welcomes its Michaelmas Fellows to Durham to work with colleagues until the end of this term. We are pleased to welcome:
External shot of Institute of Advanced study at Cosins Hall

IAS announces a further call for development projects (2022/23)

The IAS remains keen to support research conversations, workshops, and network building which have the potential to develop into major projects in the future. Colleagues are invited to apply for small scale funding to help the early stage development of ambitious interdisciplinary projects.
exterior image of Cosin's Hall with St Cuthbert crosses

Extension to 2023/24 Small and Major Project Application Deadline

The IAS has extended its application deadline for small and major projects from midday 24 March 2022 to midday 31 March 2022.
The ornate arch above Cosin's Hall entrance

Issue 5 of IAS newsletter published

The spring edition of Transformations is now available. This edition features interviews with two former Fellows, renowned sound recordist Chris Watson and mathematical biologist, Stephanie Portet.
IAS newsletter

Call for postgraduate funding

The Institute of Advanced Study has a small fund available to support research postgraduates organising Durham based events of a multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary nature for this academic year.
Teaching and Learning Centre

IAS - 2023/24 Call for Small Projects, Major Projects and Research Developments

The Institute of Advanced Study is an incubator of novel, ground-breaking, interdisciplinary research. Its call for 2023/24 projects (Small and Major, including Fellowship nomination) is now open, as well as our new call for early stage development projects to run in 2022/23. Durham colleagues are warmly invited to submit proposals to all three schemes.
External shot of Institute of Advanced study at Cosin's Hall

IAS welcomes its 2021/22 Michaelmas Fellows and the start of projects

The Institute of Advanced Study is delighted to welcome its first cohort of 2021/22 Fellows to Durham. The IAS Fellowship plays a major role in the life of the IAS, and we encourage your engagement with our Fellows. Fellows’ lectures and seminars are scheduled across the term, and collaborators will develop programmes of work during the term (see IAS events for further information).
External shot of Institute of Advanced study at Cosins Hall

The IAS welcomes its Epiphany Term Fellows

The Institute's second cohort of visiting Fellows has begun to arrive in Durham. This term we welcome a number of Fellows to the Institute and wider University, as well as our virtual Fellows.
View of Durham Cathedral and river

Royal Society honours for recent IAS fellow

Congratulations to recent IAS Fellow, Professor Donald Dingwell from the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich, who has been elected as Fellow of the Royal Society.
Prof Donald Dingwell, Ludwig-Maximilians University

Topic for potential thematic cluster of research developments

The IAS is keen to develop long-term clusters of research developments on key topics, in particular those addressing major global issues. A topic that has generated enthusiasm this year is that of Pollution. Colleagues are welcome to suggest others.
Industrial Pollution emitting from chimneys

Call for Research Development Projects - 2024/25

From today we welcome applications for IAS Research Development Projects (RDPs) to run in 2024/25. RDPs are aimed to help and support the early-stage development of ambitious interdisciplinary ideas and projects. Funding of up to £1500 is available and can be used to support, for example, research conversations, workshops, and network building which have the potential to develop into major projects in the future.
Exterior building Cosin's Hall