IAS announces a further call for development projects (2022/23)
The IAS remains keen to support research conversations, workshops, and network building which have the potential to develop into major projects in the future. Colleagues are invited to apply for small scale funding to help the early stage development of ambitious interdisciplinary projects.
Full details of the call and application process are available at: www.durham.ac.uk/research/institutes-and-centres/advanced-study/projects/open-calls-for-research-funding/.
The application deadline is midday Friday 15 July 2022.
Durham colleagues interested in developing proposals are welcome to contact (alexander.easton@durham.ac.uk) or the IAS Co-Directors, Professor Nayanika Mookherjee (Co-Director, Anthropology) and Professor Patrick Zuk (Co-Director, Modern Languages and Cultures), or the IAS Manager, Linda Crowe (ias.manager@durham.ac.uk).