'Christian Wisdom of Reconciliation' research project launch

The 'Christian Wisdom of Reconciliation' is a research project, held in collaboration with the Rose Castle Foundation, the Centre for Catholic Studies, and The Michael Ramsey Centre for Anglican Studies.
The Rose Castle Foundation (RCF) is delighted to announce the launch of our 'Christian Wisdom of Reconciliation' research project in collaboration with the Centre for Catholic Studies (CCS) and The Michael Ramsey Centre for Anglican Studies (MRCAS) at Durham University, made possible with a generous grant from the McDonald Agape Foundation.
Commencing in November 2023, the project will gather leading Durham theologians from a wide range of ecclesial traditions and academic disciplines to develop a practical theology of ecumenical reconciliation.
The scholars will examine how shared study of Christian Scriptures, across theological and cultural boundaries, can cultivate and embed the habits of reconciliation.
Focussing on the habits of lament, forgiveness and hope, this project will produce academic and practical resources for the promotion of intra-Christian dialogue in settings of social division.