DEI work on mine water heat featured in BBC Radio 4 You and Yours
7 December 2021

Mine water heat initiatives were featured in BBC Radio 4 You and Yours Programme
Durham Energy Institute was delighted that mine water heat was one of the hot topics aired on the BBC Radio 4 You and Yours programme in November.
The programme featured interviews with DEI Executive Director Professor Jon Gluyas as well as our key partners in this work across the region including:
- Dr Charlotte Adams Principal Manager Mine Water Heat at the Coal Authority who showed BBC reporter Jon Douglas around The Coal Authority Dawdon treatment plant which has been protecting water supplies in South East Durham for over a decade and produces warm water that will be used to heat a new heat network of 1500 homes.
- Adam Black from Lanchester Wines who has been pioneering the mine water heat work and has invested heavily a range of renewables solutions to ensure the business is sustainable.
- Jim Gillon from Gateshead Council who are currently drilling to target utilisation of warm water from the extensive network of old mine workings 150m below the town with the aim to double the size of its existing heat network in Gateshead Town Centre.
If you missed the episode is still available to listen to, with the mine water heat piece starting at 15:59: You and Yours - BBC Sounds