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Our podcasts and radio interviews

A series of podcasts and radio interviews from energy researchers in the DEI and our associates in academia, industry and policy sectors

DEI work on mine water heat featured in BBC Radio 4 You and Yours

Mine water heat initiatives were featured in BBC Radio 4 You and Yours Programme. featured interviews with Professor Jon Gluyas as well as our key partners in this work
Visual schematic of how a Geothermal Minewater system works

Jon Gluyas interviewed about Gas and CO2 shortages on BBC Radio 4 You and Yours

In September 2021, Professor Jon Gluyas, was asked to comment on a variety of media outlets including BBC, Reuters, the Chronicle, and Science Media Centre.
Jon Gluyas

DEI Diaries episode 9 Interview with Andrew Price, Clean Power Research

Dr Joanna Berry talking with DUBS Alumnus, Andrew Price about EVs and clean power.
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Podcast: Making it fair - what would a just transition to net zero look like?

Professor Simone Abram and Dr Rebecca Ford discuss a socially inclusive approach to a decarbonised economy
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DEI Diaries episode 8 Interview with Durham University Electric Motorsports (DUEM) Team

Dr Joanna Berry interviews members of the Durham University Electric Motorsports (DUEM) Team
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DEI Diaries episode 7 Professor Douglas Halliday speaks with Dr Chris Groves

Prof Douglas Halliday speaks with Dr Chris Groves about organic semiconductors, solar cells, materials and training the next generation of energy researchers
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DEI Diaries Episode 6 Professor Simone Abram speaks with Dr John Bothwell on biofuels and seaweed

Professor Simone Abram and Dr John Bothwell discuss John's work in biofuels, seaweed, the challenges of climate change and why seaweed can help move towards Netzero
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DEI Diaries Episode 5 Dr Andrew Crossland speaks with Dr Britta Turner about MyGridGB and much more

Dr Andrew Crossland talks to Dr Britta Turner about their shared time in the DEI Centre for Doctoral Training in Energy and the importance of multidisciplinary education
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DEI Diaries Episode 4 Professor Sandra Bell talks to Dr Charlotte Adams about heat

A talking heads discussion between Dr Charlotte Adams and Professor Sandra Bell about geothermal heat and the low carbon transition
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DEI Diaries Episode 3 Professor Jon Gluyas talking with Professor Simon Hogg

Professor Jon Gluyas talking with Professor Simon Hogg on Geothermal, Helium and the history of the DEI
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