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Welcome to the Centre for Social Justice and Community Action

The Centre for Social Justice and Community Action is a research centre at Durham University, made up of academic researchers from different departments and disciplines and community partners. Our aim is to promote and develop research, teaching, public/community engagement and staff development (both within and outside the university) around the broad theme of social justice in local and international settings, with a specific focus on participatory action research. 

Meet Our People
An international reputation for training and development in participatory action research (PAR)
Over 100 training events, seminars and conferences in the last 10 years
Our guidance on ethical practice in PAR is used around the world
Over 500 researchers and community organisations involved in our network


Working together to improve health and social care in North East England

As a university rooted in North East England, we’re always looking for ways to work with local partners to help our region thrive.
People looking at research stalls and talking to each other in a large event space

Annual Report 2023

The annual report for 2023 is now available.
CSJCA event, people in room

Our research

Research areas:

  • Ethics in community-based participatory research
  • Impact in participatory research
  • Community action and development
  • Health and social well-being
  • Young people’s rights

Collaborations between community organisations and academics lead to research that:

  • is more democratic;
  • focuses on topics of importance for community partners;
  • has the potential to change policy and practice.

Join us in the Centre for Social Justice and Community Action to develop new ideas together for participatory action research that is ethically-informed and inspires change.

Watch our videos

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Upcoming events

Get in Touch

Enquiries about the Centre for Social Justice and Community Action should be sent via the email below.

Centre for Social Justice and Community Action

Department of Sociology
Durham University
29 Old Elvet
Durham City

Tel: +44 (0)191 334 1497