Staff profile

Affiliation | Telephone |
Honorary Professor in the School of Education | |
Fellow of the Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing |
Affiliate of the Durham University Evidence Centre for Education
Beng Huat See joined Durham University School of Education in October 2013. Before that she was a research associate at the University of York and the University of Birmingham. Beng Huat’s career began as a secondary school teacher in Singapore where she taught geography, English and social studies for 16 years. She spent three years teaching GCSE and A-level geography at an FE college in South Wales. Her extensive experience as a secondary school teacher provided a solid foundation for her subsequent work in academia and research.
She is a nominateed fellow of a number of professional organisations, including the Academy of Social Sciences, the Royal Society of Arts and the UK Higher Education Academy in recognition for her work in education and social science. Beng Huat has a number advisory roles in government and practitioner bodies, e.g. as adviser to the Cabinet Office Trials Advice panel, DfE Open Innovation, Chartered College. She serves on a number of national and internationa grant assessment panels (e.g. ESRC Grant Assessment Panel B, Defra/ESRC food systems grant panel, the Medical Research Council, the National Centre for Science & Technology Evaluation (NCSTE) of Kazakhstan, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Singapore Ministry of Education.
She has a wide range of research interests, ranging from teacher recruitment and retention to overcoming educational disadvantages. She currently leads a substantial ESRC project comparing teacher education policies in OECD and partner countries to identify key political, cultural, institutional and economic drivers of teacher shortage. Her recently completed ESRC-funded project aimed to clarify the important determinants of teacher shortages in England, and to identify promising approaches to attract and retain teachers. She co-leads two other ESRC-funded projects to improve the selection and recruitment of STEM teachers and looking at ways to improve the ethnic diversity of the teacher workforce in England. She has also led a number of evaluations of education programmes,
Her expertise is in the use of multiple designs: rigorous reviews and syntheses of evidence in education, evaluation via large-scale RCTs and re-analysis of secondary data and in-depth case studies. Her current interests involve teacher wellbeing, professional development of teachers and school leaders, and improving diversity of the teaching workforce. Her research draws upon the disciplines of education, economics, psychology, sociology, educational technology and music to provide insights across disciplines to address contemporary challenges faced by schools.
She is also interested in areas relating to critical thinking, parental involvement, teacher effectiveness, school leadership, teacher wellbeing and improving the learning and wider outcomes of children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Her work is widely published. She has over 200 publications, including 10 books, 11 book chapters, over 70 peer-reviewed articles, several research reports and other media contributions. Her work also appears regularly in the media.
Beng Huat is keen to develop the next generation of social scientists. She has successfully supported a number of PhD students through to completion and many are now active researchers in government or higher education institutions.
Completed Supervisions
The Effectiveness and Equity of Grammar Schools in England.
Information for Potential Doctoral Students
Looking for potential doctoral students interested in investigating teacher supply, teacher development, evaluation of education programmes and practices and pupil attainment.
Research interests
- Evaluation and dissemination of education research evidence
- Evaluation of education programmes and policies
- Understanding teacher supply, teacher development and teacher effectiveness
- Critical thinking skills
- Parental involvement
- Interventions to overcome education disadvantage
- Attainment and participation in STEM subjects
Esteem Indicators
- 2021: Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences:
- 2020: Cabinet Office What Works Trial Advice panel:
- 2020: Invited member of the EEF consultative advisory group on teacher professional development:
- 2020: Invited member of the ESRC consultative group on research priority on “Education – Improving Outcomes”:
- 2019: Invited guest lecture for the MA International Education programme at Leicester University (18 February 2019):
- 2019: Presented on how to attract and retain teachers in challenging schools: What works in getting teachers to teach in hard-to-staff schools/areas in the Evidence Week held in parliament, 25 June 2019 held in parliament:
- 2018: Invited speaker for the School of Education Teaching and Learning Conference (8 March 2018):
- 2000: Invited to participate in a public debate at York Theatre Royal on Creativity in Schools: Should it be a requirement to teach arts and music in schools?:
- 2000: Invited speaker for Campaign for State Education Birmingham City University, October 2013 on overcoming disadvantage in education:
- 2000: Invited presenter to the Castle Vale Education Trust and the Sutton Trust on engagement with local community to improve the outcomes of children in the Castle Vale area:
- 2000: Peer reviewer for: Oxford Review of Education, Educational Review, Journal of Education for Teaching, BERJ, Higher Education:
- 2000: Routledge Author of the Month:
- 2000: Member of the panel of evaluators for the Education Endowment Foundation:
- 2000: Member of the panel of evaluators for the Youth Endowment Fund:
- 2000: Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts:
- 2000: Grants reviewer for the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research:
- 2000: Panel peer reviewer of trials for the Education Endowment Foundation:
- 2000: Editorial Board member of the British Educational Research Journal:
- 2000: Quarterly, Studies in Higher Education and Global Education Review, Journal of Adolescence Educational Review, Educational Psych:
- 2000: Fellow of the Higher Education Academy:
- 2000: Member of the ESRC Grant Assessment Panel B:
- 2000: Grants reviewer for the National Centre for Science and Technology Evaluation (NCSTE) of Kazakhstan:
- 2000: Member of the British Education Research Association:
- 2000: Editor of Review of Education:
- 2000: Editorial Board member of Educational Research and Evaluation:
Authored book
- Gorard, S., See, B., & Siddiqui, N. (2022). Making schools better for disadvantaged students. Routledge.
- Gorard, S., Griffin, N., See, B., & Siddiqui, N. (2019). How can we get educators to use research evidence?. Lulu Press
- Gorard, S., See, B., & Siddiqui, N. (2017). The trials of evidence-based education. Routledge
- Gorard, S., See, B., & Morris, R. (2016). The most effective approaches to teaching in primary schools: Rigorous evidence on effective teaching. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
- Gorard, S., & See, B. (2013). Overcoming disadvantage in education. Routledge
- See, B. (2011). Understanding teacher supply in England and Wales. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
- Gorard, S., See, B., & Davies, P. (2011). Do attitudes and aspirations matter in education?: A review of the research evidence. Lambert Academic Publishing
Chapter in book
- Dong, L., Cairns, J., Huat See, B., & Gorard, S. (2024). Evaluation of the impact of Glasses-in-Classes on infant's educational outcomes. In S. Gorard, & N. Siddiqui (Eds.), An International Approach to Developing Early Career Researchers: A Pipeline to Robust Education Research. Routledge.
- Siddiqui, N., Gorard, S., Dixon, P., See, B., Bulsari, S., Saeed, S., Sarfaraz, H., & Pandya, K. (2024). What matters in early childhood education? A natural experiment assessing children’s cognitive and social-emotional learning?. In S. Gorard, & N. Siddiqui (Eds.), An International Approach to Developing Early Career Researchers: A Pipeline to Robust Education Research. Routledge.
- See, B. H., Gorard, S., & Morris, R. (2023). Tackling teacher shortages: doing the right thing at the right time and with the right evidence. In R. Tierney, F. Rizvi, & K. Erkican (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (Fourth Edition) (655-670). Elsevier.
- See, B., Gorard, S., Morris, R., & Ventista, O. (2022). Rethinking the Complex Determinants of Teacher Shortages. In I. Menter (Ed.), Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Mon-Williams, M., Ayadurai, C., Bond, C., Ellison, A., Elshehaly, M., Murphy, E., Papen, U., Qualter, P., See, B., & Waterman, A. (2021). Schools and education. In K. Pickett, & D. Taylor-Robinson (Eds.), The Child of the North: Building a fairer future after COVID-19 (37-41). The Northern Health Science Alliance and N8 Research Partnership
- See, B., Gorard, S., Morris, R., & el-Soufi, N. (2020). How to recruit and retain teachers in hard-to-staff areas: A systematic review of the empirical evidence. In T. Ovenden-Hope, & R. Passy (Eds.), Exploring teacher recruitment and retention (148-162). Taylor and Francis.
- See, B. (2020). Why is it difficult to get evidence into use?. In S. Gorard (Ed.), Getting evidence into education : evaluating the routes into policy and practice (84-99). Routledge.
- Gorard, S., Wardle, L., Siddiqui, N., & See, B. (2020). Engagement and impact in addressing and overcoming educational disadvantage. In S. Gorard (Ed.), Getting evidence into education: Evaluating the routes into policy and practice. Routledge
- Gorard, S., & See, B. (2020). What we know already about the best ways to get evidence into use in education. In S. Gorard (Ed.), Getting Evidence into Education: Evaluating the Routes to Policy and Practice. Routledge
- See, B. (2020). Engagment and impact in addressing and overcoming educational disadvantage. In S. Gorard (Ed.), Getting evidence into education: Evaluating the routes into policy and practice. Routledge
- Andrews, R., Torgerson, C., & See, B. (2009). Discipline-specific skills in argumentation. In R. Andrews (Ed.), Argumentation in Higher Education: Improving Practice through Research. RoutledgeFalmer
- Gorard, S., See, B., & Smith, E. (2008). The impact of SES on participation and attainment in science - an analysis of available data. In Exploring the relationship between socio-economic status and participation and attainment in science education (10-21). The Royal Society
- Gorard, S., & See, B. (2008). The impact of SES on participation and attainment in science - a review of existing literature. In Exploring the relationship between socio-economic status and participation and attainment in science education (22-29). The Royal Society
- Prior, L., Pang, L., & See, B. (2002). Beliefs and accounts of illness: views from two Cantonese-speaking communities in England. In S. Nettleton, & U. Gustafsson (Eds.), The sociology of health and illness reader. Polity Press
Journal Article
- Nguyen, D., See, B. H., Brown, C., & Kokotsaki, D. (online). Leadership for teacher retention: exploring the evidence base on why and how to support teacher autonomy, development, and voice. Oxford Review of Education, 1-21.
- See, B. (online). Challenges in using research evidence in improving teacher quality
- See, B. H., Gorard, S., El Soufi, N., Ledger, M., Morris, R., Maude, K., & Ivarsson-Keng, N. (online). A structured review of the potential role of school leaders in making teaching more attractive. Educational Review,
- Gorard, S., Tereshchenko, A., Gao, Y., See, B., Siddiqui, N., & Demie, F. (in press). The impact of student:teacher ethnic congruence on student treatment and relationships at school: an international review of evidence. Review of Education Studies,
- Morris, R., See, B., & Gorard, S. (online). Teacher shortage in England – new evidence for understanding and addressing current challenges
- Gorard, S., Ledger, M., See, B. H., & Morris, R. (online). What are the key predictors of international teacher shortages?. Research Papers in Education,
- Lu, B., Dai, B., See, B. H., Shao, X., & Hu, X. (online). Do academically selective school systems strengthen the link between students’ family backgrounds and the likelihood of higher education participation?. Educational Review, 1-21.
- See, B., Gorard, S., Gao, Y., Hitt, L., Demie, F., Tereshchenko, A., Siddiqui, N., & el Soufi, N. (in press). Improving the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers: What is the evidence on the best approach?. Review of Education,
- Gorard, S., Siddiqui, N., See, B. H., & Gao, Y. (2025). Do school exclusions and attainment outcomes disproportionately impact minority ethnic pupils? Analysis of pupil characteristics, segregation, and outcomes in England. Education Sciences, 15(1), Article 6.
- See, B. H., Gorard, S., Gao, Y., Hitt, L., Siddiqui, N., Demie, F., Tereshchenko, A., & El Soufi, N. (2024). Factors related to the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers: What are the barriers and facilitators?. Review of Education, 12(3), Article e70005.
- See, B., Gorard, S., Siddiqui, N., Hitt, L., el-Soufi, N., & Lu, B. (2024). How finance-based interventions can improve attainment at school for disadvantaged students: A review of international evidence. Educational Research and Evaluation, 28(7-8),
- See, B. H. (2024). Insights into UK Teachers’ Wellbeing and Workload during the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown: Testimonies from the Silent Voices and Lessons Learnt. Education Sciences, 14(4), 344.
- Morris, R., Gorard, S., See, B., & Siddiqui, N. (2024). Can a code-based approach to marking and feedback reduce teachers’ workload? An evaluation of the FLASH marking intervention. Oxford Review of Education, 50(4), 552-569 .
- Gorard, S., Ventista, O. M., Morris, R., & See, B. H. (2023). Who wants to be a teacher? Findings from a survey of undergraduates in England. Educational Studies, 49(6),
- Demie, F., & See, B. H. (2023). Ethnic disproportionality in the school teaching workforce in England. Equity in education & society, 2(1), 3-27.
- See, B. H., Gorard, S., Siddiqui, N., El Soufi, N., Hitt, L., & Lu, B. (2023). Improving Attendance and Enrolment at School for Children Living in Poverty. Nordic Journal of Systematic Reviews in Education, 1(1), 1-29
- Morris, R., See, B., Gorard, S., & Siddiqui, N. (2023). Literacy for Life: Evaluating the National Literacy Trust’s bespoke programme for schools. Educational Studies, 49(2), 369-387.
- Gorard, S., Siddiqui, N., & See, B. H. (2023). Lessons for addressing educational disadvantage from a range of studies. Cogent Education, 10(2), 1-14.
- Gorard, S., Chen, W., Tan, Y., Gazmuri, C., See, B., Tereshchenko, A., Demie, F., & Siddiqui, N. (2023). The disproportionality of ethnic minority teachers in England: trends, patterns, and problems. Routledge Open Research, 2(13),
- Fan, K., & See, B. (2022). How do Chinese students’ critical thinking compare with other students?: a structured review of the existing evidence. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 46, Article 101145.
- Gorard, S., See, B., & Morris, R. (2022). How to get more people into teaching?: Comparing undergraduates’ and teacher trainees’ motivation and perceptions of a teaching career. Education Sciences, 12(11), Article 767.
- Mashtaler, L., & Gorard, S. (2022). The development of education in ex-Soviet states. Review of Education, 10(1), Article e3329.
- Siddiqui, N., Gorard, S., & See, B. (2022). Can We Teach Non-Cognitive Outcomes? A Quasi-experimental Study of Philosophy for Children. Education Sciences, 12(5), Article 322.
- See, B. H., Gorard, S., Lu, B., Dong, L., & Siddiqui, N. (2022). Is technology always helpful?: A critical review of the impact on learning outcomes of education technology in supporting formative assessment in schools. Research Papers in Education, 37(6), 1064-1096.
- See, B., Morris, R., Gorard., S., Siddiqui, N., Easterbrook, M., Nieuwenhuis, M., Fox, K., Harris, P., & Banerjee, R. (2022). A conceptual replication study of a self-affirmation intervention to improve the academic achievement of low-income pupils in England. Educational Research and Evaluation, 27(1-2), 83-116 .
- See, B. H., Munthe, E., Ross, S. A., Hitt, L., & El Soufi, N. (2022). Who becomes a teacher and why?. Review of Education, 10(3),
- Gorard, S., Siddiqui, N., & See, H. (2022). Assessing the impact of Pupil Premium funding on primary school segregation and attainment. Research Papers in Education, 37(6), 992-1019.
- See, B., Gorard, S., El Soufi, B., Lu, B., Siddiqui, N., & Dong, L. (2021). A systematic review of the impact of technology-mediated parental engagement on student outcomes. Educational Research and Evaluation, 26(3-4), 150-181.
- See, B., Morris, R., Gorard, S., & El Soufi, N. (2021). Recruiting and retaining teachers: what works?. Researching Education, 1(2),
- Ibbotson, L., & See, B. (2021). Delivering music education training for non-specialist teachers through effective partnership: a Kodály-inspired intervention to improve young children’s development outcomes. Education Sciences, 11(8), Article 433.
- Gorard, S., Siddiqui, N., & See, B. (2021). The difficulties of judging what difference the Pupil Premium has made to school intakes and outcomes in England. Research Papers in Education, 36(3), 355-379.
- See, B. H., Morris, R., Gorard, S., & El Soufi, N. (2020). What works in attracting and retaining teachers in challenging schools and areas?. Oxford Review of Education, 46(6), 678-697.
- See, B., Morris, R., Gorard, S., Kokotsaki, D., & Abdi, S. (2020). Teacher recruitment and retention: A critical review of international evidence of most promising interventions. Education Sciences, 10(10), Article 262.
- Gorard, S., See, B., & Siddiqui, N. (2020). Context and implications document for: what is the evidence on the best way to get evidence into use in education?. Review of Education, 8(2), 611-613.
- Gorard, S., Siddiqui, N,, B., & See, B. (2020). What is the evidence on the best way to get evidence into use in education?. Review of Education, 8(2), 570-610.
- Gorard, S. (2020). Commentary on “Diving in where angels fear to tread”. Psychology of Education Review, 44(1), 18-21
- Gorard, S., See, B., & Siddiqui, N. (2020). Can we help improve wider school outcomes through youth social action?. Impact: The Journal of the Chartered College of Teaching,
- See, B., & Gorard, S. (2020). Effective classroom instructions for primary literacy? A critical review of causal evidence. International Journal of Educational Research, 102, Article 101577.
- See, B., & Gorard, S. (2020). Why don’t we have enough teachers?: A reconsideration of the available evidence. Research Papers in Education, 35(4), 416-442.
- Siddiqui, N., Gorard, S., & See, B. (2019). Can learning beyond the classroom impact on social responsibility and academic attainment? An evaluation of the Children’s University youth social action programme. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 61, 74-82.
- El Soufi, N., & See, B. (2019). Does explicit teaching of critical thinking improve critical thinking skills of English language learners in higher education? A critical review of causal evidence. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 60, 140-162.
- Gorard, S., Siddiqui, N., See, B., Boliver, V., & Wardle, L. (2019). Let's make education fairer. Research intelligence, Autumn 2019(140), 12-13
- See, B. H., Morris, R., Gorard, S., & Siddiqui, N. (2019). Evaluation of the impact of Maths Counts delivered by teaching assistants on primary school pupils' attainment in maths. Educational Research and Evaluation, 25(3-4), 203-224.
- See, B. (2018). Evaluating the evidence in evidence-based policy and practice: Examples from systematic reviews of literature. Review of Research in Education, 102(1), 37-61.
- See, B. (2018). Understanding the moral values of young people and the key influences on their character development. Interdisciplinary education and psychology, 2(2), Article 1
- Siddiqui, N., Gorard, S., & See, B. (2018). The importance of process evaluation for randomised control trials in education. Educational Research, 60(3), 357-370.
- See, B., & Gorard, S. (2018). Some basic observations on conducting a systematic review: A brief reply to Goldstein, Vatalaro and Yair. Journal of Children's Services, 13(2), 57-63.
- See, B., & Ibbotson, L. (2018). A feasibility study of the impact of the Kodály-inspired music programme on the developmental outcomes of four to five year olds in England. International Journal of Educational Research, 89, 10-21.
- Gorard, S., Siddiqui, N., & See, B. (2017). What works and what fails? Evidence from seven popular literacy ‘catch-up’ schemes for the transition to secondary school in England. Research Papers in Education, 32(5), 626-648.
- See, B., Gorard, S., & Siddiqui, N. (2017). Does participation in uniformed group activities in school improve young people’s non-cognitive outcomes?. International Journal of Educational Research, 85, 109-120.
- See, B., Gorard, S., & Siddiqui, N. (2017). Can explicit teaching of knowledge improve reading attainment? An evaluation of the core knowledge curriculum. British Educational Research Journal, 43(2), 372-393.
- Gorard, S., Siddiqui, N., & See, B. (2017). Can ‘Philosophy for Children’ improve primary school attainment?. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 51(1), 5-22.
- See, B. (2016). An investigation into the teaching and learning of argumentation in first year undergraduate courses: A pilot study. British journal of education, society & behavioural science, 18(4), 1-25.
- See, B., & Kokotsaki, D. (2016). Context and Implications Document for: Impact of arts education on children's learning and wider outcomes. Review of Education, 4(3), 263-265.
- See, B., & Kokotsaki, D. (2016). Impact of arts education on children’s learning and wider outcomes. Review of Education, 4(3), 234-262.
- Gorard, S., Siddiqui, N., & See, B. (2016). An evaluation of Fresh Start as a catch-up intervention: A trial conducted by teachers. Educational Studies, 42(1), 98-113.
- See, B., Gorard, S., & Siddiqui, N. (2016). Teachers’ use of research evidence in practice: a pilot study of feedback to enhance learning. Educational Research, 58(1), 56-72.
- See, B., Gorard, S., & Siddiqui, N. (2015). Best practice in conducting RCTs: Lessons learnt from an independent evaluation of the Response-to-Intervention programme. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 47, 83-92.
- See, B., & Gorard, S. (2015). Does intervening to enhance parental involvement in education lead to better academic results for children? An extended review. Journal of Children's Services, 10(3), 252-264.
- Gorard, S., Siddiqui, N., & See, B. (2015). How effective is a summer school for catch-up attainment in English and maths?. International Journal of Educational Research, 73, 1-11.
- Gorard, S., Siddiqui, N., & See, B. (2015). An Evaluation of the ‘Switch-on Reading’ Literacy Catch-up Programme. British Educational Research Journal, 41(4), 596-612.
- See, B., & Gorard, S. (2015). The role of parents in young people’s education — a critical review of the causal evidence. Oxford Review of Education, 41(3), 346-366.
- Siddiqui, N., Gorard, S., & See, B. (2015). Accelerated Reader as a literacy catch-up intervention during primary to secondary school transition phase. Educational Review, 68(2), 139-154.
- Siddiqui, N., Gorard, S., & See, B. (2014). Is a summer school programme a promising intervention in preparation for transition from primary to secondary school?. International Education Studies, 7(7), 125-135.
- See, B., & Gorard, S. (2014). Improving Literacy in the Transition Period: A Review of the Existing Evidence on What Works. British journal of education, society & behavioural science, 4(6), 739-754.
- Gorard, S., Hordosy, R., & See, B. (2013). Narrowing down the determinants of between-school segregation : an analysis of the intake to all schools in England, 1989–2011. Journal of School Choice, 7(2), 182-195.
- See, B., Gorard, S., & Torgerson, C. (2012). Promoting post-16 participation of ethnic minority students from disadvantaged backgrounds: a systematic review of the most promising interventions. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 17(4), 409-422.
- Gorard, S., & See, B. (2011). How can we enhance enjoyment of secondary school? The student view. British Educational Research Journal, 37(4), 671-690.
- See, B., Torgerson, C., Gorard, S., Ainsworth, H., Low, G., & Wright, K. (2011). Factors that promote high post-16 participation of some minority ethnic groups in England: A systematic review of the UK-based literature. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 16(1), 85-99
- See, B., & Arthur, J. (2011). The potential role of schools and teachers in the character development of young people in England: perspectives from pupils and teachers. Evaluation and research in education, 24(2), 143-157
- Gorard, S., & See, B. (2009). The early impact of SES on participation and attainment in science. Studies in Science Education, 45(1), 93-129
- Gorard, S., See, B., & Shaheen, R. (2009). Educating for citizenship: some lessons from England 2008
- Gorard, S., & See, B. (2008). Is science a middle-class phenomenon? The SES determinants of 16-19 participation. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 13(2), 217-226
- Mitchell, S., Prior, P., Bilbro, R., Peake, K., See, B., & Andrews, R. (2008). A reflexive approach to interview data in an investigation of argument. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 31(3), 229-241
- Gorard, S., See, B., Smith, E., & White, P. (2007). What can we do to strengthen the teaching workforce?. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 16(4), 419-437
- White, P., Gorard, S., & See, B. (2006). What are the problems with teacher supply?. Teaching and Teacher Education, 22(3), 315-326
- See, B. (2004). Determinants of teaching as a career. Evaluation and research in education, 18(4), 213-242
- See, B., Gorard, S., & White, P. (2004). Teacher demand: Crisis, what crisis?. The Cambridge Quarterly, 34(1), 103-123.
Other (Digital/Visual Media)
- Siddiqui, N., Huo, G., Gorard, S., Dixon, P., See, B., Bulsari, S., & Pandya, K. (2023). A Comparative Study Data on Early-Years Education of Children in India and Pakistan, 2020-2021. [Data]
- Gorard, S., See, B., & Siddiqui, N. (2013). A Randomised Controlled Trial (or ‘Fair Test’): Evaluating an Educational Innovation
- Siddiqui, N., Gorard, S., See, B. H., & Gazmuri, C. (2024). An evaluation of Code Club. Durham University Evidence Centre for Education
- Balmer, S., Black, N. M., Brown, C., Cookson, R., Crossley, S., Eddy, L., Fairbrother, H., James, M., Kapree, M., Laing, K., Larbi, R., Munford, L., O’Donovan, L., Papen, U., See, B., Simpson, A., Sinha, I., Mazzoli Smith, L., & Taylor-Robinson, D. (2024). An evidence-based plan for addressing poverty with and through education settings. N8 Research Partnership
- Nguyen, D., See, B. H., Brown, C., & Kokotsaki, D. (2023). Reviewing the evidence base on school leadership, culture, climate and structure for teacher retention. Education Edowment Foundation
- Munthe, E., & See, B. (2022). Recruiting and retaining teachers in kindergarten and schools - a knowledge base Appendix. Knowledge Center for Education, University of Stavanger
- Munthe, E., & See, B. (2022). Recruiting and retaining teachers in kindergarten and schools - a knowledge base. Knowledge Center for Education, University of Stavanger
- Siddiqui, N., Gorard, S., Bulsari, S., Saeed, S., Sarfaraz, H., See, B. H., Dixon, P., & Pandya, K. (2022). Does school matter for early childhood education? Assessing cognitive and wider development of children in the Province of Punjab, Pakistan and State of Gujarat, India. Durham University Evidence Centre for Education
- Pickett, K., & Taylor-Robinson, D. (2021). The Child of the North: Building a fairer future after COVID-19. London: Northern Health Science Alliance and N8 Research Partnership
- Gorard, S., Ventista, O., Morris, R., & See, B. H. (2020). Who wants to be a teacher? Findings from a survey of undergraduates in England. [No known commissioning body]
- See, B., Gorard, S., Morris, R., & Siddiqui, N. (2019). Evaluation of the National Literacy Trust's Literacy for Life programme. [No known commissioning body]
- See, B., Morris, R., Gorard, S., & Siddiqui, N. (2018). Writing About Values: Evaluation report and executive summary November 2018. [No known commissioning body]
- See, B., Morris, R., Gorard, S., & Siddiqui, N. (2018). Maths Counts intervention: Evaluation report and executive summary. [No known commissioning body]
- Siddiqui, N., Gorard, S., & See, B. (2017). Children's University and Youth Social Action, Evaluation Report and Executive Summary. Education Endowment Foundation
- See, B., Morris, R., Gorard, S., & Griffin, N. (2017). UK Space Agency Principia Education Programme Report: The reach and spread of its projects. UK Space Agency
- Siddiqui, N., Gorard, S., & See, B. (2017). Non-cognitive impacts of Philosophy for Children. [No known commissioning body]
- Gorard, S., & See, B. (2016). Review of effective teaching approaches in primary schools – Overview, conclusions and implications. Department for Education
- Gorard, S., See, B., & Morris, R. (2016). Teacher Review of effective teaching approaches in primary schools. Department for Education
- Gorard, S., See, B., & Morris, R. (2016). Literacy for Life - An interim evaluation report. [No known commissioning body]
- Evaluation report and executive summary. [No known commissioning body]
- See, B., & Kokotsaki, D. (2015). Impact of arts education on the cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes of school-aged children. A review of evidence. [No known commissioning body]
- See, B., Gorard, S., & Siddiqui, N. (2015). Evaluation of the Curriculum Centre Word and World Reading programme. [No known commissioning body]
- Gorard, S., Siddiqui, N., & See, B. (2015). Evaluation of the Fresh Start: an aggregated trial. [No known commissioning body]
- See, B., & Kokotsaki, D. (2015). Systematic review of the impact of arts education on the cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes of school-aged children. [No known commissioning body]
- Gorard, S., Siddiqui, N., & See, B. (2015). Philosophy for Children: SAPERE, Evaluation Report and Executive Summary, EEF. [No known commissioning body]
- Gorard, S., Siddiqui, N., & See, B. (2015). Evaluation of the Accelerated Reader: an aggregated trial. [No known commissioning body]
- Gorard, S., See, B., & Siddiqui, N. (2014). Process and summative evaluation of the Switch-On literacy transition programme. [No known commissioning body]
- See, B., Gorard, S., & Siddiqui, N. (2014). Evaluation of Anglican Schools Partnership Enhanced Feedback Pilot. [No known commissioning body]
- Siddiqui, N., Gorard, S., & See, B. (2014). Evaluation of Future Foundations Summer School Programme. [No known commissioning body]
- See, B., Gorard, S., & Siddiqui, N. (2014). Evaluation of CUREE/AfA Response to Intervention. [No known commissioning body]
- See, B., & Gorard, S. (2013). What do rigorous evaluations tell us about the most promising parental involvement interventions? A critical review of what works for disadvantaged children in different age groups. [No known commissioning body]
- Gorard, S., & See, B. (2013). Do parental involvement interventions increase attainment? A review of the evidence. [No known commissioning body]
- Gorard, S., See, B., & Siddiqui, N. (2013). Process and summative evaluation of the Switch-On literacy transition programme. [No known commissioning body]
- Gorard, S., & See, B. (2013). Living and learning in Castle Vale: the educational trajectories and outcomes of young poeple at school in one area of Birmingham. [No known commissioning body]
- See, B., Gorard, S., Cooke, S., & Siddiqui, N. (2012). Improving literacy in the transition period: What do we need to know about what works?. [No known commissioning body]
- Davidson, A., See, B., & Knowles, C. (2010). Character in transition – Consistency in values: the transition from primary to secondary school. [No known commissioning body]
Working Paper
- Nguyen, D., See, B. H., Do, H., Kirezi, J. C., Pieck, L., & Peeraer, J. (2024). Impact-evaluation study of a school leadership development programme in Rwanda - Inception Report, VVOB – Education for Development
- Siddiqui, N., Bulsari, S., Gorard, S., Saeed, S., Saeed, S., See, B. H., Dixon, P., & Pandya, K. (2020). Interim project report on ECE project in India and Pakistan
- See, B., Wardle, L., & Collie, P. (2020). Teachers’ responses to the school reopening strategy
- See, B., Wardle, L., & Collie, P. (2020). Teachers' wellbeing and workload during Covid-19 lockdown
- Siddiqui, N., Bulsari, S., Gorard, S., See, B. H., Dixon, P., Pandya, K., Saeed, S., & Saeed, S. (2020). Pilot study report 2020 : Assessing Early Years Schooling, Access and Student Outcomes (AESAS): Establishing routes for sustainable education in Pakistan and India
- Morris, R., See, B. H., Gorard, S., & Siddiqui, N. (2019). The ‘Write Across’ Project: Evaluation Report