Staff profile
Michael Byram
Emeritus Professor
Affiliation |
Emeritus Professor in the School of Education |
Research interests
- foreign language teaching
- intercultural communication
- doctoral education
Esteem Indicators
- 2024: Guest public lecture “Sprachunterricht im Wandel. From instrumentalism to humanistic education”. Augsburg Technical University of Applied Sciences, 11 April 2024. :
- 2023: Chercheur invité at Chaire Interculturalités, Université de Haute Alsace, Mulhouse France:
- 2023: Academic advisor to College of International Culture, Education and Foreign Affairs, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, Taiwan.:
- 2023: Plenary lecture online: ‘Interculturality and education: implications for curriculum, identity, training and instruction’ at The Hybrid International Conference on TECOEDU , University of Freres Mentouri Constantine, Algeria. 14/15 March 2023:
- 2023: Transform 4 Europe exchange professor University of Saarland, Germany, 24 April-16 May 2023:
- 2023: - Plenary lecture “From Instrumentalism to Humanistic Education. The changing purposes of language teaching” at Thammasat University international conference Diversities and Voices in Language Education and Thai Studies, Bangkok 12-13 September 2023.:
- 2022: Keynote lecture on ‘Internationalisation through internationalism’ at a conference ‘International Service Learning and Intercultural Competence’, University of Bologna, Italy, 23 June 2022.:
- 2022: Plenary lecture on ‘Teachers’ responsibilities in intercultural citizenship education’ at a conference ‘Intercultural Citizenship Education with Picturebooks in Early Language Learning’, at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, 1 July 2022.:
- 2022: Bualuang ASEAN Chair Professor, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand:
- 2022: Plenary lecture on ‘An Educationist Response to the Challenges of Internationalisation’ at Thammasat University Bangkok Thailand, conference Liberal Arts of the Future: Changes and Challenges in Research and Pedagogy 26 July 2022.:
- 2022: -Plenary lecture ‘Should we teach values in intercultural language teaching’ at conference at University of Bremen on “Making plurilingual/pluricultural education accessible: international perspectives” organised by 14 September 2022.:
- 2022: -Plenary lecture on “Intercultural (Communicative) Competence and Student Mobility” at workshop on Bæredygtighed og global dannelse / Sustainability and global education, organised by Danmarks Efterskoler in Riga, Latvia, 4 October 2022.:
- 2022: Lecture on ‘Assessment and Measurement of Intercultural Communicative Competence’ for doctoral seminar on Models of Intercultural Assessment in Language Education for Beatriz Peña Dix at Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia: 21 January 2022
- 2022: Commentator ‘grand témoin’ on the conference on ‘Des histoires de réceptions des politiques didactico-linguistiques du Conseil de l’Europe’ University of Tours (France): 3 June 2022
- 2021: Lecture and seminar online ‘Intercultural Citizenship - Origins and Futures’ for the British Association of Teachers of Japanese: 11 September 2021
- 2021: Lecture on ‘Interculturality in Language Teaching and Education’ for Dept of Languages Rhode Island University USA: 14 December 2021
- 2021: Lecture Citoyenneté interculturelle – origines et futurs, and workshop Retombées de l’enseignement de la citoyenneté interculturelle pour l’enseignant, Université de Haute Alsace France, ‘Journées Novatri: 18 June 2021
- 2021: Webinar on ‘Intercultural Citizenship and the Language Teacher’ for LEND, Italian teachers of languages: 21 September 2021
- 2021: Seminar for Language and Education Network on Ethical Issues in Teaching Intercultural Citizenship in Foreign Language Education, University of Exeter, UK: 25 January 2021
- 2021: Public lecture online: ‘When does/should intercultural communication include being critical?’ Københavns Universitet, Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk: 26 April 2021
- 2021: Plenary lecture on ‘Global Citizenship - Concepts. Models and Applications’ and workshop, at the conference on ‘Global Citizenship Education – intercultural understanding and democratic dannelse’ of Danmarks Efterskoler: 6th October 2021
- 2020: Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria Guest Research Professor:
- 2020: Lecture (by internet) for research laboratory L’interculturel dans la formation des enseignants de langues étrangères, Université de Batna 2: 15 November 2020
- 2020: Lecture on ‘Teaching Intercultural Competence in the Foreign and Second Language Classroom’ Dalian University, China (by internet connection): 22 May 2020
- 2020: Lecture (internet) for Interart - Higher Arts Education in Denmark on “Language is not enough - intercultural competence in internationalisation': 26 October 2020
- 2020: Lecture on ‘Multilingualism and plurilingualism in the EU’ Eurasia Online Dissemination Conference May 28th - 29th 2020, Sofia University (by internet): 28 May 2020
- 2019: Lectures to students and staff on ‘intercultural competence’ at Wenzao Ursuline University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan: 15-18 October 2019
- 2019: Lecture and seminar on intercultural competence on the Erasmus Mundus masters course ‘Play, education, toys and languages’, University of Cordoba, Spain: 2-25 September 2019
- 2019: Plenary lecture ‘Some Questions in International(ist) Foreign Language Education’ at conference ‘Educating the Global Citizen - International Perspectives on Foreign Language Teaching in the Digital Age’, University of Munich: 25-28 March 2019
- 2019: Plenary lecture ‘Mediation, the Intercultural Speaker and Education’ for the Fachverband Chinesisch annual conference, Munich: 5-8 September 2019
- 2002: Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences (UK) (FAcSS):
- 1995: Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques (France) :
Authored book
- Wagner, M., Cardetti, F., & Byram, M. (2019). Teaching Intercultural Citizenship Across the Curriculum. ACTFL American Council on the Teaching of Fereign Languages
- Jia, Y., Byram, M., Xuerni, S., & Xualai, J. (2019). Experiencing Global Intercultural Communication. Preparing for a Community of Shared Future for Mankind and Global Citizenship. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
- Porto, M., & Byram, M. (2017). New Perspectives on Intercultural Language Research and Teaching: Exploring Learners’ Understandings of Texts from Other Cultures. Routledge
- Byram, M. (2017). Intercultural Communicative Language Teaching and TCSOL. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
- Lai, P., & Byram, M. (2012). Re-Shaping Education for Citizenship: Democratic National Citizenship in Hong Kong. Cambridge Scholars Publishing
- Byram, M. (2008). From Foreign Language Education to Education for Intercultural Citizenship. Essays and Reflection. Multilingual Matters
Book review
Chapter in book
- Byram, M. (2022). Learning to Belong: School, Language, and Identity in North Schleswig in the 1980s. In P. Thaler (Ed.), Like Snow in the Sun? (133-154). De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
- Byram, M. (2020). Assessment of Intercultural Competence and Intercultural Communicative Competence. In M. Dypedahl, & R. Lund (Eds.), Teaching and learning English interculturally (164-185). Cappelen Damm Akademisk
- Byram, M. (2018). Internationalism and Education in the 1920s and the Case of Foreign-Language Teaching Policy in Britain. In N. McLelland, & R. Smith (Eds.), The History of Language Learning and Teaching III. Across Cultures (22-36). Legenda
- Wagner, M., Cardetti, F., & Byram, M. (2018). The humble linguist: interdisciplinary perspectives on teaching and assessing intercultural citizenship. In E. Luef, & M. Marin (Eds.), The talking species: Perspectives on the evolutionary, neuronal and cultural foundations of language (419-443). Unipress Graz Verlag
- Boye, S., & Byram, M. (2017). Language awareness and the acquisition of intercultural communicative competence. In J. Cots, & P. Garrett (Eds.), Handbook of Language Awareness (435-449). Routledge
- Wagner, M., & Byram, M. (2017). Intercultural Citizenship. In M. Wagner, & M. Byram (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication. Wiley.
- Hua, Z., Holmes, P., Young, T., & Angouri, J. (2016). How to identify research questions. In Z. Hua (Ed.), Research methods in intercultural communication: a practical guide (73-87). Wiley
- Byram, M. (2013). Cultural awareness in multilingual education. In C. Chapelle (Ed.), Wiley Online Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics
- Byram, M., & Masuhara, H. (2013). Intercultural competence. In B. Tomlinson (Ed.), Applied linguistics and materials development (143-160). Bloomsbury
- Byram, M. (2013). Citizenship Education. In C. Chapelle (Ed.), Wiley Online encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Wiley
- Byram, M. (2013). Sprachenpolitik zwischen Theorie und Praxis. In G. Gombos (Ed.), Mehrsprachigkeit grenzuberschreitend. Modelle, Konzepte, Erfahrungen (35-45). Drava Verlag
- Byram, M. (2013). Intercultural Competence. In C. Chapelle (Ed.), Wiley Online Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Wiley.
- Byram, M. (2013). De la formation en langues étrangères à l'éducation à la citoyenneté interculturelle. In J.-C. Beacco (Ed.), Éthique et politique en didactigue des langues (1-26). Paris: Didier
- Byram, M. (2013). Identifications through languages. In R. Machart, C. Lim, S. Lim, & E. Yamato (Eds.), Intersecting Identities and Interculturality: Discourse and Practice (45-56). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
- Byram, M. (2012). Reflecting on teaching 'culture' in foreign language education. In D. Newby (Ed.), Insights into the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages (EPOSTL). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
- Byram, M. (2012). Characteristics and competences of the plurilingual and intercultural citizen. In C. Facke, H. Martinez, & F.-J. Meissner (Eds.), Mehrsprachigkeit. Bildung - Kommunikation - Standards (15-25). Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Verlag
- Byram, M. (2011). Language teaching (and learning) in a European perspective. In J. Appel, S. Doff, J. Rymarczyk, & E. Thaler (Eds.), Foreign language teaching - history, theory, methods (11-18). Langenscheidt
- Byram, M. (2011). A research agenda for 'intercultural competence'. In A. Witte, & T. Harden (Eds.), Intercultural competence. Concepts, challenges and evaluations (19-36). Peter Lang
- Byram, M. (2011). Conceptualizing intercultural (communicative) competence and intercultural citizenship. In J. Jackson (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Language and Intercultural Communication (85-97). Routledge
- Byram, M. (2011). Recherche et prise de position. In P. Blanchet, & P. chardent (Eds.), Guide pur la recherche en didactique des langues et des cultures (41-44). Editions des Archives Contemporaines
- Byram, M. (2011). La competence interculturelle. In P. Blanchet, & P. Chardent (Eds.), guide pur la recherche en didactique des langues et des cultures (253-260). Editions des Archives Contemporaines
- Byram, M. (2011). Intercultural citizenship - an education perspective. In M. Barrett, C. Flood, & J. Eade (Eds.), Nationalism, Ethnicity, Citizenship (163-180). Cambridge Scholars Publishing
- Byram, M., Lapkin, S., LoBianco, J., Met, M., & Scott, A. (2010). Fremds[prachen] didaktik in englischsprachigen Landern. In W. Hallet, & F. Konigs (Eds.), Handbuch Fremdsprachendidaktik. Klett/Kallmeyer
- Byram, M., & Parmenter, L. (2010). An overview of the international influences oon the CEFR. In M. Schmidt, N. Naganuma, F. O'Dwyer, A. Imig, & K. Sakai (Eds.), Statements in language education in Japan and beyond - Applications of the CEFR. Asahi Press
- Byram, M., & Guilherme, M. (2010). Intercultural education and intercultural communication: tracing the relationship. In Y. Tsai, & S. Houghton (Eds.), Becoming intercultural: inside and outside the classroom (2-22). Cambridge Scholars Publishing
- Byram, M. (2010). Intercomprehension; intercultural competence and foreign language teaching. In P. Doye, & F.-J. Meissner (Eds.), Lernerautonouire durch Interkomprehension. Narr Verlag
- Byram, M. (2008). Researching residence and study abroad. In S. Ehrenreich, G. Woodman, & M. Perrefort (Eds.), Auslandsaufenthalte in Schule und Studium. Bestanbdsaufnahme aus Forschung und Praxis (19-28). Waxman
- Byram, M. (2008). Education for intercultural citizenship: language teaching and education for citizenship - in Europe and beyond. In S. Doff, W. Hullen, & F. (. Klippel (Eds.), Visions of Language in Education. Visionen der Bildung durch Sprachen (65-75). Langenscheidt
Conference Paper
- Wagner, M., Cardetti, F., & Byram, M. (2016, December). Exploring Collaborative Work for the Creation of Interdisciplinary Units Centered on Intercultural Citizenship. Presented at New Levels, No Limits. Southern Conference on Language Teaching., Charlotte, NC
- Byram, M. (2010, June). Global communities, cosmopolitan and intercultural citizenship. Presented at International Association for Intercultural Studies Conference., Guangzhou, China
Edited book
- Byram, M., & Stoicheva, M. (Eds.). (2023). The Experience of Examining the PhD: An International Comparative Study of Processes and Standards of Doctoral Examination. Routledge.
- Byram, M., Fleming, M., & Sheils, J. (Eds.). (2023). Quality and Equity in Education: A Practical Guide to the Council of Europe Vision of Education for Plurilingual, Intercultural and Democratic Citizenship. Multilingual Matters
- Byram, M., & Stoicheva, M. (Eds.). (2019). The Doctorate as Experience in Europe and Beyond: Supervision, Languages, Identities. CRC PRess, Taylir & Francis Online
- Wagner, M., Perugini, D., & Byram, M. (Eds.). (2017). Teaching Intercultural Competence Across the Age Range: From Theory to Practice. Multilingual Matters.
- Byram, M., Golubeva, I., Hui, H., & Wagner, M. (Eds.). (2016). From Principles to Practice in Education for Intercultural Citizenship. Multilingual Matters
- Wen-Chuan, L., & Byram, M. (Eds.). (2016). New Approaches to English Language and Education in Taiwan: Cultural and Intercultural Perspectives. Donghua
- Byram, M., & Parmenter, L. (Eds.). (2012). The Common European Framework of Reference: The Globalisation of Language Education Policy. Multilingual Matters
- Byram, M., & Hu, A. (Eds.). (2012). Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning. Routledge
- Feng, A., Byram, M., & Fleming, M. (Eds.). (2009). Becoming Interculturally Competent through Education and Training. Multilingual Matters
- Byram, M., & Dervin, F. (Eds.). (2008). Echanges et Mobilités Académiques. Quel bilan?
- Alred, G., Byram, M., & Fleming, M. (Eds.). (2002). Intercultural Experience and Education. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters
- Byram, M., & Fleming, M. (Eds.). (2001). Perspectivas interculturales en el aprendizaje de idiomas: enfoques a través del teatro y la etnografiá. Cambridge University Press
- Fleming, M., & Byram, M. (Eds.). (1998). Language Learning in Intercultural Perspective: Approaches through Drama and Ethnography. Cambridge University Press
Journal Article
- Byram, M. (online). Plurilingvalnost u Evropi i njene implikacije
- Herrmann-Israel, A., & Byram, M. (online). Comparing and Contrasting Approaches to Education for Transition and Transformation. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education,
- Porto, M., Golubeva, I., & Byram, M. (2023). Channelling discomfort through the arts: A Covid-19 case study through an intercultural telecollaboration project. Language Teaching Research, 27(2), 276-298.
- Byram, M. (2023). Identity matters in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and its Companion Volume. The Language Learning Journal, 51(2), 253-262.
- Byram, M. (2023). Nationalism and Internationalism in Education in Europe in the 1920s through the Eyes of an American Observer. Paedagogica Historica, 59(2), 342-360.
- Byram, M. (2022). Politics, origins and futures of the CEFR. The Language Learning Journal, 50(5), 586-599.
- Porto, M., & Byram, M. (2022). Locus of enunciation: insights for intercultural language teaching. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 35(4), 404-420.
- Byram, M. (2022). The political and the ethical in language teaching. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 16(3), 394-402.
- Barili, A., & Byram, M. (2021). Teaching Intercultural Citizenship through Intercultural Service Learning in World Language Education. Foreign Language Annals, 54(3), 776-799.
- Porto, M., Byram, M., & Wagner, M. (2021). Ethical issues in teaching for intercultural citizenship in world/foreign language education. TESOL Quarterly, 55(1), 308-321.
- Byram, M. (2021). Stanley Leathes and his influence on ‘The Leathes Report’. Language & History, 64(2), 113-128.
- Barrett, M., & Byram, M. (2020). Errors by Simpson and Dervin (2019) in their description of the Council of Europe’s Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture. Intercultural Communication Education, 3(2), 75-95.
- Byram, M. (2020). The Responsibilities of Language Teachers when Teaching Intercultural Competence and Citizenship - An Essay. China media research, 16(2), 77-84
- Byram, M. (2020). Applied Linguist, Ethnographer, International(ist) Citizen - Perspectives on the Language Learner. Status quaestionis (Roma), 19, 95-108.
- Lourenço, M., Andrade, A. I., & Byram, M. (2020). Representations of internationalisation at a Portuguese Higher Education Institution: From institutional discourse to stakeholders’ voices. Revista lusófona de educação (Em linha), 47(47), 53-68.
- Díez-Bedmar, M. B., & Byram, M. (2019). The current influence of the CEFR in secondary education: teachers’ perceptions. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 32(1), 1-15.
- Byram, M., Hu, A., & Rahman, M. (2019). Are researchers in Europe European researchers? A study of doctoral researchers at the University of Luxembourg. Studies in Higher Education, 44(3), 486-498.
- Wang, L., & Byram, M. (2019). International Doctoral Students’ Experience of Supervision: A case study in a Chinese University. Cambridge Journal of Education, 49(3), 255-274.
- Porto, M., Houghton, S., & Byram, M. (2018). Intercultural citizenship in the (foreign) language classroom. Language Teaching Research, 22(5), 484-498.
- Byram, M. (2018). An Essay on Internationalism in Foreign Language Education. Intercultural Communication Education, 1(2), 64-82.
- Byram, M. (2018). Internationalisation in higher education – an internationalist perspective. On the Horizon, 26(2), 148-156.
- Rauschert, P., & Byram, M. (2018). Service learning and intercultural citizenship in foreign-language education. Cambridge Journal of Education, 48(3), 353-369.
- Byram, M., & Wagner, M. (2018). Making a Difference: Language Teaching for Intercultural and International Dialogue. Foreign Language Annals, 51(1), 140-151.
- Byram, M. (2017). Realising the Educational Purposes of Foreign Language Teaching: “Broadening pupils’ horizons”. Lend. Lingua e nuova didattica, 46(3), 9-21
- Castro, P., Woodin, J., Lundgren, U., & Byram, M. (2016). Student mobility and internationalisation in higher education: perspectives from practitioners. Language and Intercultural Communication, 16(3), 418-436.
- Porto, M., & Byram, M. (2015). A curriculum for action in the community and intercultural citizenship in higher education. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 28(3), 226-242.
- Wagner, M., & Byram, M. (2015). Gaining Intercultural Communicative Competence. The language educator, 10(3), 28-30
- Byram, M., Holmes, P., & Savvides, N. (2015). Guest editorial. The Language Learning Journal, 43(2), 129-130.
- Byram, M. (2014). Twenty-five years on – from cultural studies to intercultural citizenship. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 27(3), 209-225.
- Byram, M., Holmes, P., & Savvides, N. (2013). Intercultural communicative competence in foreign language education: Questions of theory, practice and research. The Language Learning Journal, 41(3), 251-253.
- Byram, M. (2013). Teaching communicative and intercultural competence. Lend. Lingua e nuova didattica, 2, 34-43
- Porto, M., & Byram, M. (2013). Language and intercultural education: an interview with Michael Byram. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 8(2),
- Byram, M. (2013). Foreign language teaching and intercultural citizenship. Iranian journal of language teaching research, 1(3), 53-62
- Byram, M. (2013). Language teaching and its contexts. Iranian journal of language teaching research, 1(1), 1-26
- Byram, M., Perugini, D., & Wagner, M. (2013). The Development of Intercultural Citizenship in the Elementary School Spanish Classroom
- Byram, M. (2012). Language awareness and (critical) cultural awareness - relationships, comparisons and contrasts. Language Awareness, 21(1-2), 5-13
- Yamada, E., & Byram, M. (2011). Criticality and the purposes of teaching foreign languages in Higher Education. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 2, 171-188
- Byram, M. (2011). Teaching French and intercultural (communicative) competence
- Byram, M. (2011). The Common (European) CEFR of Reference - teaching foreign languages, mediation and intercultural competence
- In Chinese, translated by Han Hui Hellen
- Byram, M., & Wang, L. (2011). But when you are doing your exams it is the same as in China - Chinese students adjusting to western approaches to teaching and learning. Cambridge Journal of Education, 41(4), 407-424.
- Byram, M. (2011). Intercultural citizenship from an internationalist perspective
- Byram, M. (2011). From foreign language education to education for intercultural citizenship
- Hussein, A., Beverton, S., & Byram, M. (2010). Targets for the Reading Literacy Curriculum in the Egyptian Secondary School. The journal of reading, writing and literacy, 4(3),
- Byram, M. (2010). Identitast formalunk, vagy kompetenciakat fejlesztunk a tobbkulturaju allampolgarok kineveleseben?
- Byram, M. (2010). Linguistic and Cultural Education for Bildung and Citizenship. Modern Language Journal, 94(2), 317-321.
- De Korne, H., Byram, M., & Fleming, M. (2007). Familiarising the Stranger: Immigrant Perceptions of Cross-cultural interaction and Bicultural Identity. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 28(4), 290-307
- Byram, M., & Feng, A. (2004). Culture and language learning: teaching research and scholarship. Language Teaching: Surveys and Studies, 37(3), 149-168.
Other (Digital/Visual Media)