Staff profile
Professor Stewart Jamieson
Affiliation | Telephone |
Professor in the Department of Geography | +44 (0) 191 33 41990 |
My research focuses on understanding controls on ice sheet behaviour, long-term landscape evolution, topographic reconstruction and glacial geomorphology. In particular, I am interested in understanding and quantifying the impact that interactions between these large-scale processes have upon ice sheet behaviour. Geographically, my work centres upon Antarctica although I also have interests in Greenland, Norway, Canada, Patagonia and the Himalayas.
I use an approach that links numerical models of ice sheets, ice streams, tectonics and rivers to geological and geomorphological evidence for past system behaviour. A significant component of my model-based research is carried out using synthetic systems to understand the responses of ice sheets and ice streams to perturbations in bed conditions produced under conditions of glacial erosion and deposition.
My current project investigates the importance of glacial erosion and deposition for controlling the advance and retreat of marine-terminating ice streams. This builds upon a major component of my previous work which focused on determining how patterns of glacial landscape evolution under terrestrial ice sheets can perturb ice dynamics on timescales of hundreds to millions of years.
Long-term landscape evolution of Antarctica
Much of my work has focussed on understanding patterns of long-term landscape evolution in Antarctica. By making links between numerical models of ice behaviour and our knowledge of landsystems that were produced under ice in the Northern Hemisphere, I have been able to predict how Antarctica has been modified by its long-lived ice sheet. This has led to better understanding of long-term interactions between ice and the landscape in Antarctica. Read more.
I am also working on using our understanding of glacial erosion processes and patterns to reconstruct the former landscape of Antarctica. This work forms part of theANTscape project to generate a range of palaeotopographic maps of Antarctica over the past 130 Million Years ( This work is sponsored by Past Antarctic Ice Sheets (PAIS) group of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR).
Research interests
- Ice Sheet Modelling
- Glaciology
- Landscape Evolution
Chapter in book
- Colleoni, F., De Santis, L., Naish, T., DeConto, R., Escutia, C., Stocchi, P., Uenzelmann-Neben, G., Hochmuth, K., Hillenbrand, C.-D., van de Flierdt, T., Perex, L., Leitchenkov, G., Sangiorgi, F., Jamieson, S., Bentley, M., & Wilson, D. (2021). Past Antarctic ice sheet dynamics (PAIS) and implications for future sea-level change. In F. Florindo, M. Siegert, L. De Santis, & L. Naish (Eds.), Antarctic Climate Evolution (689-766). (2nd Ed.). Elsevier
- Siegert, M., Jamieson, S., & White, D. (2018). Exploration of subsurface Antarctica: uncovering past changes and modern processes. In M. Siegert, S. Jamieson, & D. White (Eds.), Exploration of subsurface Antarctica : uncovering past changes and modern processes (1-6). The Geological Society.
- Marchant, D., Jamieson, S., & Sugden, D. (2011). The geomorphic signature of massive subglacial floods in Victoria Land, Antarctica. In M. Siegert, M. Kennicutt, & R. Bindschadler (Eds.), Antarctic subglacial aquatic environments (111-127). American Geophysical Union.
- Jamieson, S., & Sugden, D. (2008). Landscape evolution of Antarctica. In A. Cooper, P. Barrett, H. Stagg, B. Storey, E. Stump, W. Wise, & T. 1. I. E. team (Eds.), Antarctica : a keystone in a changing world : Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences (39-54). National Academies Press
Journal Article
- Chen, J., Hodge, R. A., Jamieson, S. S., & Stokes, C. R. (online). Distribution and Morphometry of Large Supraglacial Channels on Five Antarctic Ice Shelves. Journal of Glaciology,
- Francis, J., Wakefield, E., Jamieson, S. S. R., Phillips, R. A., Hodgson, D. A., Southwell, C., Emmerson, L., Fretwell, P., Bentley, M. J., & McClymont, E. L. (2025). A circumpolar review of the breeding distribution and habitat use of the snow petrel (Pagodroma nivea), the world’s most southerly breeding vertebrate. Polar Biology, 48(1), Article 9.
- McCulloch, R. D., Bentley, M. J., Fabel, D., Fernández-Navarro, H., García, J.-L., Hein, A. S., Huynh, C., Jamieson, S. S., Lira, M.-P., Lüthgens, C., Nield, G. A., San Román, M., & Tisdall, E. W. (2024). Resolving the paradox of conflicting glacial chronologies: Reconstructing the pattern of deglaciation of the Magellan cordilleran ice dome (53–54°S) during the last glacial – interglacial transition. Quaternary Science Reviews, 344, Article 108866.
- Roberts, D. H., Lane, T. P., Jones, R. S., Bentley, M. J., Darvill, C. M., Rodes, A., Smith, J. A., Jamieson, S. S., Rea, B. R., Fabel, D., Gheorghiu, D., Davidson, A., Cofaigh, C. Ó., Lloyd, J. M., Callard, S. L., & Humbert, A. (2024). The deglacial history of 79N glacier and the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream. Quaternary Science Reviews, 336, Article 108770.
- Carter, C. M., Bentley, M. J., Jamieson, S. S. R., Paxman, G. J. G., Jordan, T. A., Bodart, J. A., Ross, N., & Napoleoni, F. (2024). Extensive palaeo-surfaces beneath the Evans–Rutford region of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet control modern and past ice flow. The Cryosphere, 18(5), 2277-2296.
- Colleoni, F., Naish, T., Gasson, E., Jamieson, S., Johnson, J., Klemann, V., Levy, R., Lloyd, A., Nowicki, S., Priestley, R., Silvano, A., Simms, A., Thomas, E., Van de Wal, R., & SCAR INSTANT Conference Organizing Committee. (2024). Instabilities and Thresholds in Antarctica. PAGES Magazine, 32(1), 53-53.
- Lea, E. J., Jamieson, S. S. R., & Bentley, M. J. (2024). Alpine topography of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, Antarctica, mapped from ice sheet surface morphology. The Cryosphere, 18(4), 1733-1751.
- Paxman, G. J. G., Jamieson, S. S. R., Dolan, A. M., & Bentley, M. J. (2024). Subglacial valleys preserved in the highlands of south and east Greenland record restricted ice extent during past warmer climates. The Cryosphere, 18(3), 1467-1493.
- Balaban, C., Roberts, D., Evans, D., & Jamieson, S. (2024). Past glaciation of temperate‐continental mountains: A model for a debris‐charged plateau icefield/cirque glacier landsystem in the Southern Carpathians, Romania. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49(2), 601-621.
- Picton, H. J., Stokes, C. R., Jamieson, S. S. R., Floricioiu, D., & Krieger, L. (2023). Extensive and anomalous grounding line retreat at Vanderford Glacier, Vincennes Bay, Wilkes Land, East Antarctica. The Cryosphere, 17(8), 3593–3616.
- Lane, T., Darvill, C., Rea, B., Bentley, M., Smith, J., Jamieson, S., Ó Cofaigh, C., & Roberts, D. (2023). The geomorphological record of an ice stream to ice shelf transition in Northeast Greenland. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 48(7), 1321-1341.
- Miles, B. W., Stokes, C. R., Jenkins, A., Jordan, J. R., Jamieson, S. S., & Gudmundsson, G. H. (2023). Slowdown of Shirase Glacier, East Antarctica, caused by strengthening alongshore winds. The Cryosphere, 17(1), 445-456.
- Jamieson, S. S. R., Ross, N., Paxman, G. J. G., Clubb, F. J., Young, D. A., Yan, S., Greenbaum, J., Blankenship, D. D., & Siegert, M. J. (2023). An ancient river landscape preserved beneath the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. Nature Communications, 14(1), Article 6507.
- Bentley, M. J., Smith, J. A., Jamieson, S. S., Lindeman, M. R., Rea, B. R., Humbert, A., Lane, T. P., Darvill, C. M., Lloyd, J. M., Straneo, F., Helm, V., & Roberts, D. H. (2023). Direct measurement of warm Atlantic Intermediate Water close to the grounding line of Nioghalvfjerdsfjorden (79° N) Glacier, northeast Greenland. The Cryosphere, 17(5), 1821-1837.
- Smith, J. A., Callard, L., Bentley, M. J., Jamieson, S. S., Sánchez-Montes, M. L., Lane, T. P., Lloyd, J. M., McClymont, E. L., Darvill, C. M., Rea, B. R., O'Cofaigh, C., Gulliver, P., Ehrmann, W., Jones, R. S., & Roberts, D. H. (2023). Holocene history of the 79° N ice shelf reconstructed from epishelf lake and uplifted glaciomarine sediments. The Cryosphere, 17(3),
- Jordan, J. R., Miles, B., Gudmundsson, G., Jamieson, S., Jenkins, A., & Stokes, C. (2023). Increased warm water intrusions could cause mass loss in East Antarctica during the next 200 years. Nature Communications, 14(1), Article 1825.
- Stokes, C. R., Abram, N. J., Bentley, M. J., Edwards, T. L., England, M. H., Foppert, A., Jamieson, S. S., Jones, R. S., King, M. A., Lenaerts, J. T., Medley, B., Miles, B. W., Paxman, G. J., Ritz, C., van de Flierdt, T., & Whitehouse, P. (2022). Response of the East Antarctic Sheet to Past and Future Climate Change. Nature, 608, 275-286.
- Jordan, J., Gudmundsson, G., Jenkins, A., Stokes, C., Miles, B., & Jamieson, S. (2022). The sensitivity of Cook Glacier, East Antarctica, to changes in ice-shelf extent and grounding-line position. Journal of Glaciology, 68(269), 473-485.
- McClymont, E. L., Bentley, M. J., Hodgson, D. A., Spencer-Jones, C. L., Wardley, T., West, M. D., Croudace, I. W., Berg, S., Gröcke, D. R., Kuhn, G., Jamieson, S. S., Sime, L., & Phillips, R. A. (2022). Summer sea-ice variability on the Antarctic margin during the last glacial period reconstructed from snow petrel (Pagodroma nivea) stomach-oil deposits. Climate of the Past, 18(2), 381-403.
- Inglis, G., Toney, J., Zhu, J., Poulsen, C., Rohl, U., Jamieson, S., Pross, J., Cramwinckel, M., Krishnan, S., Pagani, M., Bijl, P., & Bendle, J. (2022). Enhanced terrestrial carbon export from East Antarctica during the early Eocene. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 37(2), Article e2021PA004348.
- Miles, B., Stokes, C., Jamieson, S., Jordan, J., Gudmundsson, G., & Jenkins, A. (2022). High spatial and temporal variability in Antarctic ice discharge linked to ice shelf buttressing and bed geometry. Scientific Reports, 12, Article 10968.
- Lee, E., Ross, N., Henderson, A., Russell, A., Jamieson, S., & Fabel, D. (2022). Palaeoglaciation in the low latitude, low elevation tropical Andes, northern Peru. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, Article 838826.
- McClymont, E. L., Bentley, M. J., Hodgson, D. A., Spencer-Jones, C. L., Wardley, T., West, M. D., Croudace, I. W., Berg, S., Gröcke, D. R., Kuhn, G., Jamieson, S. S. R., Sime, L. C., & Phillips, R. A. (2022). Snow petrel stomach-oil deposits as a new biological archive of Antarctic sea ice. PAGES Magazine, 30(2), 82-83.
- Lira, M.-P., García, J.-L., Bentley, M. J., Jamieson, S. S., Darvill, C. M., Hein, A. S., Fernández, H., Rodés, Á., Fabel, D., Smedley, R. K., & Binnie, S. A. (2022). The Last Glacial Maximum and Deglacial History of the Seno Skyring Ice Lobe (52°S), Southern Patagonia. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10,
- Arthur, J. F., Stokes, C. R., Jamieson, S. S., Rachel Carr, J., Leeson, A. A., & Verjans, V. (2022). Large interannual variability in supraglacial lakes around East Antarctica. Nature Communications, 13(1),
- Arthur, J. F., Stokes, C. R., Jamieson, S. S., Miles, B. W., Carr, J. R., & Leeson, A. A. (2021). The triggers of the disaggregation of Voyeykov Ice Shelf (2007), Wilkes Land, East Antarctica, and its subsequent evolution. Journal of Glaciology, 67(265), 933-951.
- Stutz, J., Mackintosh, A., Norton, K., Whitmore, R., Baroni4, C., Jamieson, S. S., Jones, R. S., Balco, G., Salvatore, M. C., Casale, S., Lee, J. I., Seong, Y. B., McKay, R., Vargo, L. J., Lowry, D., Spector, P., Christl, M., Ochs, S. I., Nicola, L. D., Iarossi, M., …Woodruff, T. (2021). Mid-Holocene thinning of David Glacier, Antarctica: chronology and controls. The Cryosphere, 15(12), 5447-5471.
- Miles, B., Jordan, J., Stokes, C., Jamieson, S., Hilmar Gudmundsson, G., & Jenkins, A. (2021). Recent acceleration of Denman Glacier (1972-2017), East Antarctica, driven by grounding line retreat and changes in ice tongue configuration. The Cryosphere, 15, 663-676.
- Napoleoni, F., Jamieson, S., Ross, N., Bentley, M., Rivera, A., Smith, A., Siegert, M., Paxman, G., Gacitua, G., Uribe, J., Zamora, R., Brisbourne, A., & Vaughan, D. (2020). Subglacial lakes and hydrology across the Ellsworth Subglacial Highlands, West Antarctica. The Cryosphere, 14, 4507-4524.
- Arthur, J., Stokes, C., Jamieson, S., Carr, J., & Leeson, A. (2020). Recent understanding of Antarctic supraglacial lakes using satellite remote sensing. Progress in Physical Geography, 44(6), 837-869.
- Paxman, G., Gasson, E., Jamieson, S., Bentley, M., & Ferraccioli, F. (2020). Long-term increase in Antarctic Ice Sheet vulnerability driven by bed topography evolution. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(20), Article e2020GL090003.
- Miles, B., Stokes, C., Jenkins, A., Jordan, J., Jamieson, S., & Gudmundsson, G. (2020). Intermittent structural weakening and acceleration of the Thwaites Glacier Tongue between 2000 and 2018. Journal of Glaciology, 66(257), 485-495.
- Arthur, J., Stokes, C., Jamieson, S., Carr, J., & Leeson, A. (2020). Distribution and seasonal evolution of supraglacial lakes on Shackleton Ice Shelf, East Antarctica. The Cryosphere, 14(11), 4103-4120.
- Siegert, M. J., Kingslake, J., Ross, N., Whitehouse, P. L., Woodward, J., Jamieson, S. S., Bentley, M. J., Winter, K., Wearing, M., Hein, A. S., Jeofry, H., & Sugden, D. E. (2019). Major ice‐sheet change in the Weddell Sector of West Antarctica over the last 5000 years. Reviews of Geophysics, 57(4), 1197-1223.
- Paxman, G., Jamieson, S., Hochmuth, K., Gohl, K., Bentley, M., Leitchenkov, G., & Ferraccioli, F. (2019). Reconstructions of Antarctic topography since the Eocene–Oligocene boundary. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 535, Article 109346.
- Stokes, C., Sanderson, J., Miles, B., Jamieson, S., & Leeson, A. (2019). Widespread distribution of supraglacial lakes around the margin of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. Scientific Reports, 9, Article 13823.
- Paxman, G., Jamieson, S., Ferraccioli, F., Jordan, T., Bentley, M., Ross, N., Forsberg, R., Matsuoka, K., Steinhage, D., Eagles, G., & Casal, T. (2019). Subglacial geology and geomorphology of the Pensacola-Pole Basin, East Antarctica. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20(6), 2786-2807.
- Haywood, A., Valdes, P., Aze, T., Barlow, N., Burke, A., Dolan, A., von der Heydt, A., Hill, D., Jamieson, S., Otto-Bliesner, B., Salzmann, U., Saupe, E., & Voss, J. (2019). What can palaeoclimate modelling do for you?. Earth Systems and Environment, 3(1), 1-18.
- Paxman, G., Jamieson, S., Ferraccioli, F., Bentley, M., Ross, N., Watts, A., Leitchenkov, G., Armadillo, E., & Young, D. (2019). The role of lithospheric flexure in the landscape evolution of the Wilkes Subglacial Basin and Transantarctic Mountains, East Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 124(3), 812-829.
- Sugden, D., & Jamieson, S. (2018). The pre-glacial landscape of Antarctica. Scottish Geographical Journal, 134(3-4), 203-223.
- Miles, B., Stokes, C., & Jamieson, S. (2018). Velocity increases at Cook Glacier, East Antarctica linked to ice shelf loss and a subglacial flood event. The Cryosphere, 12(10), 3123-3136.
- Barlow, N., McClymont, E., Whitehouse, P., Stokes, C., Jamieson, S., Woodroffe, S., Bentley, M., Callard, S., Ó Cofaigh, C., Evans, D., Horrocks, J., Lloyd, J., Long, A., Margold, M., Roberts, D., & Sanchez-Montes, M. (2018). Lack of evidence for a substantial sea-level fluctuation within the Last Interglacial. Nature Geoscience, 11, 627-634.
- Paxman, G., Jamieson, S., Ferraccioli, F., Bentley, M., Ross, N., Armadillo, E., Gasson, E., Leitchenkov, G., & DeConto, R. (2018). Bedrock erosion surfaces record former East Antarctic Ice Sheet extent. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(9), 4114-4123.
- Lovell, A., Stokes, C., & Jamieson, S. (2017). Sub-decadal variations in outlet glacier terminus positions in Victoria Land, Oates Land and George V Land, East Antarctica (1972-2013). Antarctic Science, 29(5), 468-483.
- Paxman, G., Jamieson, S., Ferraccioli, F., Bentley, M., Forsberg, R., Ross, N., Watts, A., Corr, H., & Jordan, T. (2017). Uplift and tilting of the Shackleton Range in East Antarctica driven by glacial erosion and normal faulting. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, 122(3), 2390-2408.
- Miles, B., Stokes, C., & Jamieson, S. (2017). Simultaneous disintegration of outlet glaciers in Porpoise Bay (Wilkes Land), East Antarctica, driven by sea ice break-up. The Cryosphere, 11, 427-442.
- Whitehouse, P. L., Bentley, M. J., Vieli, A., Jamieson, S. S., Hein, A. S., & Sugden, D. E. (2017). Controls on Last Glacial Maximum ice extent in the Weddell Sea embayment, Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 122(1), 371-397.
- Clason, C., Greenwood, S., Selmes, N., Lea, J., Jamieson, S., Nick, F., & Holmlund, P. (2016). Controls on the Early Holocene Collapse of the Bothnian Sea Ice Stream. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 121(12), 2494-2513.
- Chang, M., Jamieson, S., Bentley, M., & Stokes, C. (2016). The surficial and subglacial geomorphology of western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Journal of Maps, 12(5), 892-903.
- Evans, D., Ewertowski, M., Jamieson, S., & Orton, C. (2016). Surficial geology and geomorphology of the Kumtor Gold Mine, Kyrgyzstan: human impacts on mountain glacier landsystems. Journal of Maps, 12(5), 757-769.
- Langley, E., Leeson, A., Stokes, C., & Jamieson, S. (2016). Seasonal evolution of supraglacial lakes on an East Antarctic outlet glacier. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(16), 8563-8571.
- Miles, B., Stokes, C., & Jamieson, S. (2016). Pan–ice-sheet glacier terminus change in East Antarctica reveals sensitivity of Wilkes Land to sea-ice changes. Science Advances, 2(5), Article e1501350.
- Jamieson, S., Stokes, C., Livingstone, S., Vieli, A., Ò Cofaigh, C., Hillenbrand, C.-D., & Spagnolo, M. (2016). Subglacial processes on an Antarctic ice stream bed. 2: Can modelled ice dynamics explain the morphology of mega-scale glacial lineations?. Journal of Glaciology, 62(232), 285-298.
- Livingstone, S., Stokes, C., O Cofaigh, C., Hillenbrand, C.-D., Vieli, A., Jamieson, S., Spagnolo, M., & Dowdeswell, J. (2016). Subglacial processes on an Antarctic ice stream bed. 1: Sediment transport and bedform genesis inferred from marine geophysical data. Journal of Glaciology, 62(232), 270-284.
- Jamieson, S., Ross, N., Greenbaum, J., Young, D., Aitken, A., Roberts, J., Blankenship, D., Sun, B., & Siegert, M. (2016). An extensive subglacial lake and canyon system in Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica. Geology, 44(2), 87-90.
- Jamieson, S., Ewertowski, M., & Evans, D. (2015). Rapid advance of two mountain glaciers in response to mine-related debris loading. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 120(7), 1418-1435.
- Carr, J., Vieli, A., Stokes, C., Jamieson, S., Palmer, S., Christoffersen, P., Dowdeswell, J., Nick, F., Blankenship, D., & Young, D. (2015). Basal topographic controls on rapid retreat of Humboldt Glacier, northern Greenland. Journal of Glaciology, 61(225), 137-150.
- Jamieson, S., Stokes, C., Ross, N., Rippin, D., Bingham, R., Wilson, D., Margold, M., & Bentley, M. (2014). The Glacial Geomorphology of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Bed. Antarctic Science, 26(6), 724-741.
- Bentley, M., Ó Cofaigh, C., Anderson, J., Conway, H., Davies, B., Graham, A., Hillenbrand, C.-D., Hodgson, D., Jamieson, S., Larter, R., Mackintosh, A., Smith, J., Verleyen, E., Ackert, R., Bart, P., Berg, S., Brunstein, D., Canals, M., Colhoun, E., Crosta, X., …Zwartz, D. (2014). A community-based geological reconstruction of Antarctic Ice Sheet deglaciation since the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews, 100, 1-9.
- Jamieson, S., Vieli, A., Ó Cofaigh, C., Stokes, C., Livingstone, S., & Hillenbrand, C.-D. (2014). Understanding controls on rapid ice-stream retreat during the last deglaciation of Marguerite Bay, Antarctica, using a numerical model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 119(2), 247-263.
- Rose, K., Ferraccioli, F., Jamieson, S., Bell, R., Corr, H., Creyts, T., Fretwell, P., Jordan, T., Damaske, D., & Braaten, D. (2013). Early East Antarctic Ice Sheet growth recorded in the landscape of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 375, 1-12.
- Livingstone, S., O'Cofaigh, C., Stokes, C., Hillenbrand, C.-D., Vieli, A., & Jamieson, S. (2013). Glacial geomorphology of Marguerite Bay Palaeo-Ice stream, western Antarctic Peninsula. Journal of Maps, 9(4), 558-572.
- Wilson, D., Pollard, D., DeConto, R., Jamieson, S., & Luyendyk, B. (2013). Initiation of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and estimates of total Antarctic ice volume in the earliest Oligocene. Geophysical Research Letters, 40(16), 4305-4309.
- Jamieson, S., Vieli, A., Livingstone, S., Ó Cofaigh, C., Stokes, C., Hillenbrand, C.-D., & Dowdeswell, J. (2012). Ice-stream stability on a reverse bed slope. Nature Geoscience, 5(11), 799-802.
- Pross, J., Contreras, L., Bijl, P., Greenwood, D., Bohaty, S., Schouten, S., Bendle, J., Röhl, U., Tauxe, L., Raine, J., Huck, J., van de Flierdt, T., Jamieson, S., Stickley, C., van de Schootbrugge, B., Escutia, C., Brinkhuis, H., & Scientists, I. O. D. P. E. 3. (2012). Persistent near-tropical warmth on the Antarctic continent during the early Eocene epoch. Nature, 488(7409), 73-77.
- Livingstone, S., O'Cofaigh, C., Stokes, C., Hillenbrand, C.-D., Vieli, A., & Jamieson, S. (2012). Antarctic palaeo-ice streams. Earth-Science Reviews, 111(1-2), 90-128.
- Wilson, D., Jamieson, S., Barrett, P., Leitchenkov, G., Gohl, K., & Larter, R. (2012). Antarctic topography at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 335-336, 24-34.
- Jamieson, S., Sugden, D., & Hulton, N. (2010). The evolution of the subglacial landscape of Antarctica. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 293(1-2), 1-27.
- Hebeler, F., Purves, R., & Jamieson, S. (2008). The impact of parametric uncertainty and topographic error in ice-sheet modelling. Journal of Glaciology, 54(188), 889-919.
- Jamieson, S., Hulton, N., & Hagdorn, M. (2008). Modelling landscape evolution under ice sheets. Geomorphology, 97(1-2), 91-108.
- Jamieson, S., Hulton, N., Sugden, D., Payne, A., & Taylor, J. (2005). Cenozoic Landscape evolution of the Lambert basin, East Antarctica: the relative role of rivers and ice sheets. Global and Planetary Change, 45(1-3), 35-49.
- Jamieson, S., Sinclair, H., Kirstein, L., & Purves, R. (2004). Tectonic forcing of longitudinal valleys in the Himalaya: morphological analysis of the Ladakh Batholith, North India. Geomorphology, 58(1-4), 49-65.
- Paxman, G., Watts, A., Ferraccioli, F., Jordan, T., Bell, R., Jamieson, S., & Finn, C. (1999). Erosion-driven uplift in the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains of East Antarctica. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 452, 1-14.
Other (Digital/Visual Media)
- Hochmuth, K., Paxman, G., Gohl, K., Jamieson, S., Leitchenkov, G., Bentley, M., Ferraccioli, F., Sauermilch, I., Whittaker, J., Uenzelmann-Neben, G., Davy, B., & DeSantis, L. (2020). Combined palaeotopography and palaeobathymetry of the Antarctic continent and the Southern Ocean since 34 Ma. [Data]
- Napoleoni, F., Jamieson, S., Ross, N., Bentley, M., Rivera, A., Smith, A., Siegert, M., Paxman, G., Gacitúa, G., Uribe, J., Zamora, R., Brisbourne, A., & Vaughan, D. (2020). Subglacial lakes and hydrology across the Ellsworth Subglacial Highlands, West Antarctica, 1977-2017 (Version 1.0). [Data].
Other (Print)