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Mathematics Tests

To help us select the candidates most likely to succeed on our BSc Mathematics and MMath Mathematics courses you’re strongly encouraged to sit one of the optional tests below. Achievement of a high enough score may also entitle you to a reduced offer.

For applicants with AS Further Mathematics only, a good pass in one of these tests is an essential requirement for the course.

The tests we consider include:




Other Evidence

Test of Mathematics for University Admission (TMUA) 

TMUA is designed to give you the opportunity to demonstrate you have the essential mathematical thinking and reasoning skills needed for a demanding undergraduate Mathematics or Mathematics-related course.

Register for this test:
You can choose whether you sit the test in October 2024 or January 2025 – though we strongly encourage you to register for test sitting 1, where possible.

  • Test sitting 1: 16 and 17 October 2024 (register for this test between Thursday 1 August and Monday 16 September 2024); or
  • Test sitting 2: 8 and 9 January 2025 (register for this test between Thursday 24 October and Monday 9 December 2024).

The test:

  • The TMUA lasts 2 hours 30 minutes in total and is divided into two parts.
  • You'll not be able to use a calculator or dictionary.
  • There is no pass or fail for TMUA. You should aim to do the best you can.
  • Your final scores are based on the number of correct answers you give. You won't lose marks for wrong answers, so it's worth attempting all questions.

What scores do Durham look for?

2023-4 admissions cycle:

If you achieve a score of 6.5 or above in TMUA you're automatically eligible to be considered for reduced offer i.e. one grade below our standard offer (A*AA with an A* in Maths or Further Maths instead of A*A*A – including A*A* in Maths and Further Maths).

For applicants with AS Further Maths, a TMUA of 6.5 of above would be required to be considered for an offer of A* in A level Maths + AA in two other A levels + a in AS Further Maths.

If your score is below 6.5 down to a certain threshold (determined each year but can be 4.5) then we still view this as positive evidence of your mathematical ability and you still have a good chance of receiving our standard offer. 

2024-5 admissions cycle:

We're currently reviewing our requirements for the next admissions cycle and will update here once we have finalised information.

Access Arrangements:
If you normally have access arrangements in your public exams, you can apply for the same arrangements for the TMUA. You'll need to submit an application to UAT-UK and may need to provide supporting evidence in advance. Find out more about the eligibility and apply online for access arrangements on the TMUA website.

  • Test sitting 1 (16/17 October 2024): Apply for access arrangements from 3 June 2024. You must also register to sit the test by Thursday 29 August 2024.
  • Test sitting 2 (8/9 January 2025): Apply for access arrangements from 23 September 2024. You must also register to sit the test by Thursday 21 November 2024.

TMUA Costs & Bursary Scheme

There is a fee for taking TMUA, however UK candidates in financial need can apply for a bursary to book the TMUA free of charge.

Find out more about the TMUA bursary scheme

  • Test sitting 1 (16/17 October 2024): Apply for a bursary voucher from 3 June 2024 until Monday 16 September 2024 at the latest.
  • Test sitting 2 (8/9 January 2025): Apply for a bursary voucher from 23 September 2024 until Monday 9 December 2024 at the latest. 

University of Oxford Maths Admissions Test (MAT)  

2023-2024 Admissions Cycle:
MAT is a paper-based test lasting 2 hours and 30 minutes set by the University of Oxford.  It aims to test the depth of your mathematical understanding.  If you are taking MAT then we will consider the score you achieve in this test in place of the TMUA. 

If you sit MAT instead of TMUA then we will contact you to ask for your MAT number.  We need this number to access your results and without it cannot make a decision on your application.

Find out more information about MAT, including costs and how to register

A score in MAT of 60% or higher would normally make you eligible to be considered for a reduced offer.

2024-2025 Admissions Cycle onwards:

From the 2024-25 admissions cycle we'll no longer be accepting the MAT test.

Sixth Term Examination Paper (STEP) 

STEP Mathematics is a well-established mathematics examination designed to test you on questions that are similar in style to undergraduate mathematics. 

We make alternative offers based on STEP so if you are sitting STEP then you should mention this on your UCAS application form, either listing it in the qualifications section, mentioning it in your personal statement or asking your referee to bring it up in your reference.   

Achieving a grade 2 in any STEP paper will also make you eligible to be considered for a reduced offer.

Other ways to evidence your ability 

We also consider favourably evidence of mathematical ability such as the Advanced Extension Award, Mathematics Challenges and Olympiades.