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Welcome to the Centre for Catholic Studies

Founded in 2007, the Centre for Catholic Studies (CCS) at Durham University represents a creative partnership between academy and church: a centre within the pluralist, public academy for critically constructive Catholic studies of the highest academic standing.

See Our Research
The UK's 1st permanent centre devoted to world-class research and teaching in Catholic theology in the public academy
Partnerships with the Catholic Church and other organisations
A distinctive forum for the creative analysis of key issues in Catholic thought, culture, and practice
A vibrant, inclusive community of scholars of Catholicism and practitioners of Catholic theology
laptop coffee

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About us

The CCS is the UK’s first permanent centre devoted to pioneering world-class research and teaching in Catholic theology in the public academy. We operate within the UK’s premier research Department of Theology and Religion (as assessed by the last two research assessment exercises: RAE 2008 and REF 2014), and work in close partnership with the Catholic Church and other organisations, in multiple ways, to produce future leaders, foster talent, and foment Catholic scholarship locally and globally.
Find out more
A male and female student walking through campus
Close up of XMoment ribbons

The Boundary Breaking Project

The CCS's Boundary Breaking research project explored the ecclesial and cultural implications of the child abuse crisis in the Catholic Church in England and Wales. This led to the publication of "The Cross of the Moment" and a follow-up quantitative report.

Find out more and download the reports
A rosary with a cross hanging with light in the background.

New MA in Catholic Theology (Distance Learning)

This is an exciting new programme which is led by Durham University's Centre for Catholic Studies and the Department of Theology and Religion.

Find out more

What's new?


The Centre for Catholic Studies' Newsletter, Epiphany term 2025

CCS Newsletter 50 is now available online.
Jpeg of Durham Franciscan Conference

Announcement of the Duns Scotus Chair in Franciscan Studies

The CCS is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr William Crozier as the Duns Scotus Chair in Franciscan Studies.
Headshot of Billy Crozier 2024

Applications for CCS Scholarships for 2025-26 now open

Durham University’s Centre for Catholic Studies opens applications for Scholarships and Bursaries for 2025-26
A group of students sat on a wall in front of the cathedral

Abuse crisis in Catholic Church has led to drop in Mass attendance

A third of Catholics who previously went to Mass have reduced their attendance or stopped going altogether as a result of the child sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church.
A rosary on a bible

Listening Practices in Global Catholicism

Listening Practices in Global Catholicism Conference: March 2024, Venue: The Pontifical University of St Thomas, Rome Deepening our understanding of listening in the Church.
Anna Rowlands Listening Practices in Global Catholicism Conference

The Centre for Catholic Studies' Newsletter, Michaelmas term 2024

CCS Newsletter 49 is now available online.
sr moira installation

Abuse crisis in Catholic Church has led to drop in Mass attendance

A third of Catholics who previously went to Mass have reduced their attendance or stopped going altogether as a result of the child sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church.
A rosary on a bible


Prayer for Peace in Ukraine

God of peace, your prophet Isaiah promised swords would be turned into ploughshares,
and your Son’s mother, Mary, proclaimed the mighty would be put down and the humble exalted:
visit the people of Ukraine; deliver them from fear, violence, attack, injury, destruction, death;
and give them courage, solidarity and allies in their hour of vulnerability and sorrow.
Turn the hearts of those bent on war and invasion.
Strengthen the hand of all seeking to halt conflict, restore order, and pursue justice.
And make this moment of peril an occasion for your Holy Spirit to show your world the cost of conflict and our dependence on one another.
In Christ our Lord, who went to his death because of our hatred, and rose again because our hatred is never stronger than your indomitable love.
(Bishop Kenneth Nowakowski of the Ukrainian Catholic Church)

Get in touch

For general enquiries for the Centre for Catholic Studies, please click on the "email us" button below.

Centre for Catholic Studies

Department of Theology and Religion

Durham University 

Abbey House 

Palace Green 


DH1 3RS 

Tel: +44 (0) 191 33 41656