Congratulations to Matthew Fair, Winner of the 2023 Geography Undergraduate Photographic Competition!

Each year, undergraduate geography students submit photographs from dissertation research and fieldtrips to the annual photo competition. This years results are in and Matthew Fair has won!
Congratulations to Matthew Fair, winner of the 2023 undergraduate photographic competition in Durham Geography. Matthew's entry, "Peaks and Prayer Flags" gained the most votes in the department-wide process of selecting a winner from among 29 excellent entries!
Sophie Jones and Rachel Fry tied for second place for their respective entries of "A green turtle coming up to breathe in Abu Dabbab, Egypt" and "A beautiful Skye," respectively.
Descriptions of the winning entries can be viewed here, along with a slideshow of all the great photos submitted from across all levels of human and phyical geography. Full descriptions of all of the photos can be found here.
Congratulations again to the winners, and with thanks to the Department of Geography for sponsoring prizes for the winning entries.