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Fair Access and Widening Participation

We recognise that going to university is a big decision. What kind of jobs can I expect to do with a geography degree? Which university will I feel comfortable in? Will I be able to make new friends? Will I meet students with similar interests and backgrounds? These sorts of questions can be especially important if your parents, caretakers, and friends have never been to university themselves. We are here to help you demystify the university and support you in your choice.

Durham Geography welcomes the brightest and best students to study with us regardless of class, race, ability, and gender. The diversity of our community is a vital component of our department’s environment and success. Our staff hails from all parts of the world and share different socio-economic backgrounds. We recognise that many stories make for a more interesting and richer world. Our promise is to support students with diverse economic, ethnic, and other backgrounds underrepresented at Durham University.

As part of Durham University’s commitment to access and participation, we organise and offer taster sessions to school students from year 8 to year 12, school visits, summer school programmes and many more activities to help towards equality of opportunity for underrepresented groups to access and thrive in our department. If you are teacher, parent, caretaker, or a student please write to us with any questions. We would love to hear from you.

Geography widening participation calendar (updated regularly)