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Professor Jonathan Darling has given evidence before the Home Affairs Committee as part of an inquiry into asylum accommodation in Britain.

Professor Jonny Darling has given oral evidence before the Home Affairs Committee as part of an inquiry into asylum accommodation in Britain. The committee of MPs are looking into the state of accommodation, how the system is failing, and what reforms might be possible. Based on over 15 years of experience of researching the UK asylum system, Jonny presented evidence on how the current model of asylum accommodation is failing on multiple levels, offering poor value for money to the taxpayer, inadequate shelter to those in need, and a lack of considered and sustained engagement with communities. He provided evidence of paths forward for systematic reform, drawing on international examples, and argued that more sustainable accommodation provisioning requires long-term strategy and focus to replace a pattern of short-term priorities and profiteering.

Details of the session and the recording are available here: 

The written evidence Jonny gave in advance of the session is available here: