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The poster release for the film Elso. A woman with long black plaits stands with her arms raised

Dr Dušan Radunović has recently given talks at University College London and Södertörn University, Stockholm, on various aspects of Soviet cinema.

The first of the talks was held on 20 May, and was titled 'Beyond the Sovereign Gaze: Nativism, Factography, and Decolonisation in Nikoloz Shengelaia’s Eliso'. In his paper, Dr Radunović argued that that Eliso fundamentally challenged the reigning mode of representing the Caucasus by questioning the inherited “sovereignty” of the colonial gaze, to inaugurate a different, vernacular vision.

Learn more about this talk

The remaining two talks were held at Södertörn University on 27 May and 29 May. The first of these talks was an advanced seminar at the Centre for Baltic and Eastern European Studies, and was titled 'Nativism, Avant-garde, Decolonisation: Towards the vernacular aesthetics of early-Soviet Georgian cinema'. The second of these talks was an introduction to Želimir Žilnik’s film Early Works [Rani radovi], followed by a post-screening conversation with the author.

Learn more about Dr Radunović's research