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Book tickets

12 November 2024 - 12 November 2024

7:30PM - 9:30PM

Elvet Methodist Church, 8 Old Elvet, Durham, DH1 3HL

  • £15 standard, £5 students, £1 under-18s.

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This fascinating programme explores the instrumental music that passed between these ports and countries in the 16th and 17th centuries, from dances to sonatas, including Pavans inspired by John Dowland’s famous Lachrimae to elaborate music by major figures such as the German/Danish organist Dietrich Buxtehude, a precursor of Bach. In the virtuosic hands of Gawain Glenton’s In Echo, these rarely-heard gems will sparkle as brightly as they did in centuries past.

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Gawain Glenton, cornett player and director of the group In Echo

The sea-faring nations of Northern Europe have always been connected, never more so than during the heyday of the Hanseatic League, that great trading community connecting London to Tallinn via Lübeck, Hamburg, and the ports of Holland, Denmark and Sweden in a network that cemented ties by trade in everything from iron, wool, books, salt and soldiers, to music and ideas - all dependent on the North and Baltic seas. 

In Echo

  • Gawain Glenton, cornett & director
  • Oliver Webber, violin
  • Rachel Byrt, viola
  • Emily White, sackbut
  • William Hunt, viol
  • Silas Wollston, organ



£15 standard, £5 students, £1 under-18s.