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MA Social Research Methods

The MA Social Research Methods offers a one year training programme in social  research.  Durham University is recognised for its training  pathways in Social Policy and Social Work as part of the Northern Ireland and North East Doctoral Training Partnership (NINEDTP) and completion of this programme provides the necessary training for students to progress onto funded Doctoral study for which places are available via an annual competitive process. 

This programme offers a core training in quantitative and qualitative methods combined with a range of options which explore core theories of Social Policy, Social Work, Sociology and Criminology and other specialist modules covering in greater depth specific aspects of social research.


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MA Social Research Methods

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MA Research Methods programmes

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Social Research Methods offers the option to focus on research approaches used in the field of social policy, criminology, sociology or social work.
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Department of Sociology

Durham University
32 Old Elvet

+44 (0)191 33 41400