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'Icelandia' – Is Iceland the tip of a vast, sunken continent?

A team of experts led by Professor Gillian Foulger from our Department of Earth Sciences, believes they have identified a remarkable geological secret; a sunken continent hidden under Iceland and the surrounding ocean, which they have dubbed ‘Icelandia’.
Waterfall in Iceland

Queen's Birthday Honours 2021

On the announcement of the Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2021, we would like to congratulate and celebrate the achievements of the following alumni who are honourees in this year’s list.
Mr Jack Stallworthy University College, Modern Languages, 2012

Music to our Ears: Durham University Orchestral Society perform with Chancellor Sir Thomas Allen

Durham University Orchestral Society (DUOS) will be performing with opera singer Sir Thomas Allen at the iconic venue, Sage Gateshead on Sunday 27 June, in an event which is selling out fast.
Sir Thomas Allen performing in the Cathedral with student orchestra

Protecting precious collections

Lots of us will have shelves full of things we love to keep, and it’s the same in museums, except our curators can’t just put the collections in a cardboard box in the garage like we might do with our old school books!
Piece of artwork on shelves in Oriental Museum

Masters in Finance top 50 globally

Durham’s Masters in Finance has been re-confirmed as a global top 50 programme by the Financial Times Masters in Finance Ranking 2021, with a rise of three places to 46th. This success continues with the School’s careers provision and employment outcomes.
Masters in Finance Ranking 2021, Global Top 50

Tackling the puzzle of dark matter

Our astronomers are part of an international team that has taken another step towards solving the puzzle of what dark matter might be made of.
The research compared the 'gravitational lensing', or bending of light rays by gravity, by galaxies of different types. Image credit: Bart Delsaert

Meet Nour Mouakke, From Syria to Durham

In 2009, two years before the civil war in Syria broke out, Nour Mouakke moved to the UK for the first time and to Durham to study his Masters in Marketing at the Business School. After graduating he went on to work for a company in the UK, but realised he wanted to be an entrepreneur.
Nour Mouakke

To boost vaccine uptake, socio-economic issues must be tackled

A new Business School study has found that to encourage greater uptake in Covid-19 vaccinations and adherence to self-isolation guidance amongst those reluctant in the North East of England, the Government must do more to address the socio-economic issues that influence people’s thinking.
Covid-19 vaccines

A Green and Tidy Move Out

We’re staying conscious of the planet and our local neighbourhoods as our students leave the City for the summer.
A Green and Tidy Move Out

Impact of lead in children of Roman Empire

Researchers from our Department of Archaeology have found for the first time that widespread use of lead in Roman culture was one of the main contributing factors to childhood death and illness throughout the Roman Empire.
Tooth enamel web news

Introducing the handheld sensors that can ‘smell’ Covid-19

Research involving Durham has found that electronic sensors can detect the distinct odour of Covid-19 with almost 100 per cent accuracy.
Introducing the handheld sensors that can smell Covid-19

Headaches: three tips from a neuroscientist on how to get rid of them

Professor Amanda Ellison from our Department of Psychology provides helpful tips on how to get rid of headaches.
Headaches and how to get rid of them