Publications and Resources on Receptive Ecumenism
- Balabanski, V. & Hawkes, G. (eds.), Receptive Ecumenism: Listening, Learning, and Loving in the Way of Christ (Adelaide: ATF, 2018).
Ford, D. F., Clemson. F. (eds.), Interreligious Reading after Vatican II: Scriptural Reasoning, Comparative Theology and Receptive Ecumenism (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013).
- Gehlin, S., Pathways for Theology in Peacebuilding: Ecumenical Approaches to Just Peace (Brill, 2020).
- Jakobsson, P., Jukko, R., & Kristenson, O. (eds.), Sharing and Learning: Bible, Mission, and Receptive Ecumenism (World Council of Churches, 2021).
- Murray, P. D. (ed.), Receptive Ecumenism and the Call to Catholic Learning (Oxford University Press, 2008).
Murray, P. D., Reason, Truth and Theology in Pragmatist Perspective (Louvain: Peeters, 2004).
- Murray, P. D., Ryan, G., & Lakeland, P. (eds.), Receptive Ecumenism as Transformative Ecclesial Learning: Walking the Way to a Church Re-formed (Oxford University Press, 2022).
Pizzey, A., Receptive Ecumenism and the Renewal of the Ecumenical Movement: The Path of Ecclesial Conversion (Leiden: Brill, 2019).
- Ryan, G. A., Hermeneutics of Doctrine in a Learning Church: The Dynamics of Receptive Integrity (Leiden: Brill, 2020).
Slipper, C., Enriched by the Other: A Spiritual Guide to Receptive Ecumenism. Grove Spirituality, S139. (Cambridge: Grove Books Ltd, 2016).
- Thomas, G., For the Good of the Church: Unity, Theology, and Women (SCM Press, 2021).
Chapters in Books
- Coman, V., ‘Learning Ecumenically from Each Other: “Open Sobornicity” and “Receptive Ecumenism”’. In Perspectief: The 19th Academic Consultation of the Societas Oecumenica, 34:35–43 (Helsinki, 2016).
Denaux, A., ‘Ecclesial Repentance and Conversion: Receptive Ecumenism and the Mandate and Method of ARCIC III’, in Stephan van Erp and Karim Schelkens (eds.), Conversion and Church: The Challenge of Ecclesial Renewal (Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2016), pp. 304-25.
Fahey, M. A., ‘A Promising New Thrust in Ecumenical Theology’. In A Church with Open Doors: Catholic Ecclesiology for the Third Millennium, edited by Richard R. Gaillardetz and Edward P. Hahnenberg, 181–96. (Collegeville, Minnesota: Michael Glazier, 2015).
- Gehlin, S., 'Receptiv Ekumenik – Källa till Pedagogisk Kreativitet'. In Sven-Erik Fjellström & Olle Kristenson (eds.) Berörd – Samtal om Mission i en Föränderlig Tid (Stockholm: Bilda/Sensus, 2019).
- Gehlin, S., 'Receptiv Ekumenik – om Hopp och Tillit i Ekumeniska Relationer'. In Sven-Erik Fjellström & Olle Kristenson (eds.) Berörd – Samtal om Mission i en Föränderlig Tid (Stockholm: Bilda/Sensus, 2019).
Gehlin, S., 'Receptive Ecumenism – A Pedagogical Process'. In Vicky Balabanski & Geraldine Hawkes G. (eds.) Receptive Ecumenism: Listening, Learning, and Loving in the Way of Christ, Adelaide: ATF Press, 2018, pp. 111-122.
- Gehlin, S., 'Receptiv Ekumenik - Om Hope Och Tillit i Ekumeniska Relationer'. In Dag Tuvelius (ed.) Dag Var Inte Rädd - En Bok Om Hopp, pp. 89-98. (Förbundet Kriten Humanism, 2017).
Guidero, K. L., ‘In the Unity of the Holy Spirit: A Third-Article Theology of Receptive Ecumenism’. In Myk Habets (ed) Third Article Theology: A Pneumatological Dogmatics, pp.463–78. (Fortress Press, 2016).
- Harmon, S. ‘Baptist Identity and Receptive Ecumenism’. In Baptist Identity and the Ecumenical Future, ch. 6-7. (Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press, 2016).
- Kelly, G., ‘What is Receptive Ecumenism?’ in Gideon Goosen (ed.), The Gift of Each Other: Learning from Other Christians (Sydney: The New South Wales Ecumenical Council, 2013), 5-7.
- Murray, P. D., 'Foreword: Serving the Spirit of Receptive Ecumenism’, in Antonia Pizzey, Receptive Ecumenism and the Renewal of the Ecumenical Movement: The Path of Ecclesial Conversion, (Leiden: Brill, 2019).
- Murray, P. D. 'Foreword: Receptive Ecumenism as a Leaning-in to the Spirit of Loving Transformation', in Vicky Balabanski & Geraldine Hawkes (eds.), Receptive Ecumenism: Listening, Learning, and Loving in the Way of Christ (Adelaide: ATF, 2018), xv-xxiii.
Murray, P. D., 'Afterword: Receiving of Christ in the Spirit: The Pneumatic-Christic Depths of Receptive Ecumenism', in Vicky Balabanski & Geraldine Hawkes (eds.), Receptive Ecumenism: Listening, Learning, and Loving in the Way of Christ (Adelaide: ATF, 2018), pp.157-70.
Murray, P. D., ‘Formal Ecumenism, Receptive Ecumenism, and the Diverse Local Churches of the Global Catholic Communion’, in William Cavanaugh (ed.), Gathered in My Name: Ecumenism in the World Church. Studies in World Catholicism Series (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, Cascade, 2020), pp. 155-73, in press.
- Murray, P. D., ‘Roman Catholicism and Ecumenism’, in Lewis Ayres and Medi Ann Volpe (eds.), The Oxford Companion to Catholicism (Oxford: OUP), 2018.
Murray, P. D., 'In Search of a Way', in Geoffrey Wainwright and Paul McPartlan (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Ecumenical Studies (Oxford: OUP), 2018.
Murray, P.D., 'Engaging with the Contemporary Church’, in Mike Higton & James Fodor (eds.), The Routledge Companion to the Practice of Christian Theology (Routledge, 2015), pp. 278-93.
- Murray, P. D., 'Ecumenism, Evangelization and Conflicting Narratives of Vatican II: Reading Unitatis Redintegratio with His Holiness Benedict XVI Roman Pontiff Emeritus’, in Kisteen Kim and Paul Grogan (eds.), The New Evangelization: Faith, People, Context and Practice (Bloomsbury, 2015), pp. 99-120.
Murray, P.D., ‘On Celebrating Vatican II as Catholic and Ecumenical’, in Gavin D'Costa and Emma Harris (es.), The Second Vatican Council - Celebrating Its Achievements and the Future (London & New York: T & T Clark Bloomsbury, 2013), 85-103.
Murray, P. D., ‘Discerning the Dynamics of Doctrinal Development in Postfoundationalist Perspective’, in Simon Oliver, Karen Kilby & Thomas O’Loughlin (eds.), Faithful Reading: New Essays in Honour of Fergus Kerr, OP (London & New York: T & T Clark, 2012), pp. 193-220.
- Murray, P. D., ‘Expanding Catholicity through Ecumenicity in the Work of Yves Congar: Ressourcement, Receptive Ecumenism and Catholic Reform’, in Gabriel Flynn & Paul D. Murray (eds.), Ressourcement: A Movement for Renewal in Twentieth-Century Catholic Theology, (Oxford: OUP, 2012), 457-481.
- Murray, P. D., ‘Receptive Ecumenism and Catholic Learning: Establishing the Agenda’, in Paul D. Murray (ed.), Receptive Ecumenism and the Call to Catholic Learning: Exploring a Way for Contemporary Ecumenism (Oxford: OUP, 2008), 5-25.
Murray, P. D., & Murray, A. L., 'The Roots, Range, and Reach of Receptive Ecumenism', in Clive Barrett (ed.), Unity in Process: Reflections on Receptive Ecumenism (London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 2012), 79-94.
- Ryan, G. A., ‘Receiving with Dynamic Integrity: Ecumenical Commitments and Reception Hermeneutics’, in Vicky Balabanski & Geraldine Hawkes (eds.), Receptive Ecumenism: Listening, Learning, and Loving in the Way of Christ (Adelaide: ATF, 2018).
- Ryan, T., 'Spiritual and Receptive Ecumenism’, in T. Ryan, Christian Unity: How You Can Make a Difference (Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2015), 144-65.
Thomas, G., 'Receiving Women’s Gifts: An Exploration of the Role of Hospitality in the Practice of Receptive Ecumenism’, in Vicky Balabanski & Geraldine Hawkes (eds.), Receptive Ecumenism: Listening, Learning, and Loving in the Way of Christ (Adelaide: ATF, 2018).
Wood, S. ‘“Return to Your Baptism Daily”: Baptism and Christian Life’. In Piotr J. Malysz & Derek R. Nelseon (eds.), Luther Refracted: The Reformer’s Ecumenical Legacy, pp.193–214. (Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress, 2015).
Journal Articles
Adams, N., ‘Long-Term Disagreement: Philosophical Models in Scriptural Reasoning and Receptive Ecumenism’. Modern Theology 29, no. 4 (2013): 154–71.
Avis, P., ‘Are we Receiving Receptive Ecumenism?’ in Ecclesiology 8:2 (2012), 223-234.
- Bolen, D., 'Receptive Ecumenism: Open Possibilities for Christian Renewal', Touchstone 32:2 (2014) 9-17.
- Budde, Mitzi J., ‘Lived Witness’, Journal of Ecumenical Studies 50(3) (2015) 391–416.
Carter, D., 'A Tale of Two Dialogues', One in Christ 52:2 (2018): 259-285.
Chia, E., ‘Receptive Ecumenism Through Asia’s Triple Dialogue Theology’. Pacifica, 28(2), (2015) 126–136.
Clifford, C. E., Lakeland, P. F., Murray, P. D., Colberg, K., ‘Ecclesial Conversion and the Path to Christian Unity’, Catholic Theological Society of AmericaProceedings 68 (2013).
- Clifford, C. E., 'Kenosis and the Church: Putting on the Mind of Christ’, One in Christ, 43(2) (2009), 2-5.
- Durheim, B. & Farina Turnbloom, D., ‘Tactical Ecumenism’, Theological Studies 76(2) (2015): 311–29.
- Edwards, D., ‘Receptive Ecumenism and the Charism of a Partner Church: The Example of Justification’, Australasian Catholic Record, 86(4) (2009): 457-67.
Edwards, D. ‘Synodality and Primacy: Reflections from the Australian Lutheran/Roman Catholic Dialogue’, Pacifica 28(2) (2015), 137-148.
Fahey, M. A., ‘The Search for Christian Unity: Past, Present, and Beyond’. Toronto Journal of Theology 32, no. 2 (Fall 2016): 315–28.
Fiddes, P., ‘Learning from Others: Baptists and Receptive Ecumenism’, Louvain Studies 33/1-2 (2008), 54-73.
- Flynn, G., ‘Vatican II and the World Council of Churches:A Vision for Receptive Ecumenism or a Clash of Paradigms?’, Louvain Studies 33/1-2 (2008), 6-29.
Gehlin, S., ‘Receptive Ecumenism and Nathan Söderblom’s Ecumenical Vision’, One in Christ, 52(1) (2018), 78–92.
Gehlin, S., 'Lärande och Tillit – Perspektiv på Receptiv Ekumenik', Judisk-Kristen Dialog, 2 (2018), 4-5.
- Goosen, G. ‘Receptive Ecumenism: What Have I Learnt from Other Churches?’ Compass 47, no. 4 (Summer 2013): 12–16.
Hall, C. & Rowell, G., Receptive Ecumenism, Anglican, Protestant and Evangelical Ecclesiologies, Christianity and Secularisation, International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church 7:4 (2007), 248–249.
Hendricks, P., ‘Interchurch Families and Receptive Ecumenism.’ One in Christ 46, no. 1 (2012).
- Hietamäki, Minna. ‘Finding Warmth in the Ecumenical Winter: A Nordic Viewpoint’. The Ecumenical Review 65, no. 3 (October 2013): 368–75.
- Hughson, T., ‘Beyond Ecumenical Dialogue’. One in Christ, 2012.
Hunt, A. ‘Interfaith Dialogue: Lessons from the Ecumenical Movement’. Compass 43, no. 4 (Summer 2009): 8–13.
Kasper, W., ‘Credo Unam Sanctam Ecclesiam: The Relationship Between the Catholic and the Protestant Principles in Fundamental Ecclesiology’, International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church, 7:4, (2007) 250-260.
Leahy, Brendan. ‘Where Is Ecumenism at Today?’ The Furrow 60, no. 1 (2009): 25–31.
- Liersch, D., ‘The Promise of Receptive Ecumenism: A New Way of Ecumenical Encounter’. Lutheran Theological Journal 48, no. 1 (2014): 52.
- Lord, A., ‘Transforming Renewal through a Charismatic-Catholic Encounter: An Experiment in Receptive Ecumenism’. PentecoStudies: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Research on the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements 13, no. 2 (2014): 239–61.
- Murray, P. D. 'Receptive Ecumenism and the Quincentennial Anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation'. Centro Pro Unione: Semi-Annual Bulletin92(Fall 2017): 8-17.
- Murray, P.D., 'Receptive Ecumenism; Eine Einführung', Theologische Quartalschrift 196 (2016), 193-194.
- Murray, P.D., 'The Reception of ARCIC I and II in Europe and Discerning the Strategy and Agenda for ARCIC III', Ecclesiology 11(2) (2015), 199-218
- Murray, P. D., 'Introducing Receptive Ecumenism', The Ecumenist; A Journal of Theology, Culture, and Society 51(2) (2014), 1-7.
- Murray, P. D., 'Searching the Living Truth of the Church in Practice: On the Transformative Task of Systematic Ecclesiology'. Modern Theology 30 (2013), 251-281.
- Murray, P. D., 'Families of Receptive Theological Learning: Scriptural Reasoning, Comparative Theology and Receptive Ecumenism'. Modern Theology 29:4 (2013), 76-92.
- Murray, P. D., 'ARCIC III: Recognising the Need for an Ecumenical Gear-Change’, One in Christ, 45 (2011), 200-211.
- Murray, P. D., 'St. Paul and Ecumenism: Justification and All That’, New Blackfriars (March 2010), 142-70.
- Murray, P. D., ‘Receptive Ecumenism and Faith and Order’, One in Christ, 43 (2009), 189-94.
- Murray, P. D., 'Recent Developments in Receptive Ecumenism at Durham University’, One in Christ 42 (2008), pp. 207-11.
- Murray, P. D., ‘Receptive Ecumenism and Ecclesial Learning: Receiving Gifts for Our Needs’, Louvain Studies, 33 (2008), pp. 30-45.
- Murray, P. D., ‘Receptive Ecumenism and Catholic Learning: Establishing the Agenda’, International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church 7:4 (2007), 279-301.
- Murray, P. D., ‘On Valuing Truth in Practice: Rome’s Postmodern Challenge’ International Journal of Systematic Theology 8 (2006), 163-83.
- Myers, B., ‘Keeping Warm: Reception in the Ecumenical Winter’. The Ecumenical Review 65, no. 3 (October 2013): 376–87.
- Ormerod, N., ‘Global Pentecostal consultations – Receptive Ecumenism in Practice or, “Any Friend of Jesus is a Friend of Mine’”, Pacifica, 28(2) (2015), 149–159.
- Pizzey, A., 'On the Maturation of Receptive Ecumenism. The Connection Between Receptive Ecumenism and Spiritual Ecumenism', Pacifica: Australasian Theological Studies, 28(2) (2015), 108-25.
- Plaatjies van Huffel, M.-A., 'From Conciliar Ecumenism to Transformative Receptive Ecumenism', HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 73/3 (2017): 1-13.
- Pratt, D., ‘Unintentional Receptive Ecumenism: From Ecclesial Margins to Ecumenical Exemplar – A New Zealand Case Study’. Review of Ecumenical Studies Sibiu 8, no. 2 (1 January 2016).
- Rowe, G., L. M., 'Diaconates in Transition: Enriching the Roman Catholic Permanent Diaconate from the Experience of the Church of England and British Methodism', Ecclesiology 18/1 (2022), 99-117.
- Rush, O. 'Receptive Ecumenism and Discerning the Sensus Fidelium. Expanding the Categories for a Catholic Reception of Revelation', Theological Studies 70/3 (2017): 559-72.
- Ryan, G. 'The Reception of Receptive Ecumenism'. Ecclesiology, 17/1 (2021): 7-28.
Saines, D., ‘Learning to Be the Church: The Value of Learning Theory for Discipleship and Mission’. Pacifica 28, no. 3 (2015): 290–307.
Siboulet, J.-B., ‘Le Receptive Ecumenism selon Paul D. Murray’, Istina, 65 (2020), 249-270.
- Smith, N, 'Reception or Consumption in the Age of Hybrid Church'. The Other Journal, 33 (2022).
Thomas, G.,‘"Mutual Flourishing” in the Church of England: Learning Receptively from Saint Thomas Aquinas’. Ecclesiology: The Journal of Ministry, Mission and Unity, 15(3) (2019), 302-321.
Thomas, G., 'A Call for Hospitality; Learning from a Particular Example of Women's Grass Roots Practice of Receptive Ecumenism in the UK'. Exchange 47/4, 335-349.
Ware, K., ‘Receptive Ecumenism: An Orthodox Perspective’, Louvain Studies 33/1-2 (2008), 46-53.
Ágústsdóttir, M., Receiving the Other: The Lived Experience of Oikoumene as a Practical, Relational, and Spiritual Reality. Doctor of Theology thesis (University of Iceland, 2016).
Cullen, M. J., Looking to the Future: The Development of a New Partnership Between Priests and People in the Catholic Church in Scotland. PhD thesis (University of Glasgow, 2017), pp.175-233.
Dart, E. S., Anglican-Roman Catholic Ecumenical Dialogue: A Case for a Rahnerian Logic of Symbol. PhD thesis (Duquesne University, 2016), pp.247-283.
Hagan, M. J., Receptive Ecumenism: The Body of the Ecumenical Movement. MA Thesis (Villanova University, 2015).
James, N., Jane Gardam: Religious Writer. PhD thesis (University of Glasgow, 2016).
Pizzey, A., Heart and Soul: Receptive Ecumenism as a Dynamic Development of Spiritual Ecumenism. PhD Thesis (Australian Catholic University, 2015).
Ryan, G. A., Receptive Integrity and the Dynamics of Doctrine: A Study in the Hermeneutics of Catholic Ecclesial Learning. PhD thesis (Durham University, 2018).
- Siboulet, J., Le «Receptive Ecumenism» de Paul Murray: Une nouvelle approche oecuménique au service de la croissance du mystère de l’Eglise dans les Communions chrétiennes. MA Thesis (Compagnie de Jesus a Bruxelles, 2018).
Timmer, S., Receptive Ecumenism and Justification: Roman Catholic and Reformed Doctrine in Contemporary Context. PhD thesis (Marquette University, 2014).
Reviews of Receptive Ecumenism and the Call to Catholic Learning (OUP 2008)
- Nigel Zimmermann in The Heythrop Journal, 55:3 (2014), 525-526.
- Nicholas M. Healy in International Journal of Systematic Theology 13:4 (2011), 480-482.
- John T. Ford in The Catholic Historical Review 97:2 (2011)
- K. Schelkens in Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 86:4 (2010), 506-507.
- Peter Bexell in Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift 86:1 (2010), 46-47.
- Adam DeVille in Logos 51:1-2 (2010), 200-202.
- Michael A. Fahey in Theological Studies 71:1 (2010), 238-240.
Practical Resources
- South Australian Council of Churches resources
- Healing Gifts for Wounded Hands: Booklet published by the South Australian Council of Churches
- Gideon Goosen, The Gift of Each Other: Learning from Other Christians
- The NSW Ecumenical Council developed some resources to assist parishes in reflecting Receptive Ecumenism, and to help them come up with some practical suggestions of their own to encourage Christians from different denominations to seek advice and learn from each other.
Anglicans and Roman Catholics 'Walking Together on the Way': Unpacking the latest report from ARCIC. Materials for a one-day course on ARCIC III's first statement - developed by Paula Gooder, Paul D. Murray, John O'Toole, Callan Slipper, & Jeremy Worthen, 2019. Brief explanation | Powerpoint slides | Receptive learning exercise.
Conference Papers, Lectures, and Speeches
- Carnall, M., ‘Ecumenical Reception, the Roman Catholic Church, and Receptive Ecumenism’, Conference paper, Global Ecumenical Theological Institute, 2014.
Hawkes, G., ‘Receptive Ecumenism: Encounter with Beauty, Truth and Love’, South Australian Council of Churches Annual Ecumenical Lecture, Adelaide College of Divinity, Australia, 2013.
Kelly, G., ‘Receptive Ecumenism: A New Ecumenical Wave’, Public Lecture at the National Council of Churches Forum, Canberra, Australia, 2010.
- Murray, P. D., 'Receptive Ecumenism as a Catholic Calling: Catholic Teaching on Ecumenism from Blessed Pope John Paul II to His Holiness Pope Francis', 2014 ITI (International Theological Institute, Austria) lecture. Audio | Text | Handout.
- Welby, J., 'Ecumenical Spring': Archbishop Justin Welby's speech at World Council of Churches 70th Anniversary celebration, Geneva, Switzerland, 2018.
Talks from the 2021 online study day Heeding the Spirit: New Horizons in Receptive Ecumenism
- Paul D. Murray: 'Receptive Ecumenism's Distinctive Contribution' Video | Text (opens pdf)
- Antonia Pizzey: 'Deepening the Spiritual in the Ecumenical' Video | Text (opens pdf)
- Gregory Ryan: 'The Reception of Receptive Ecumenism' Video | Text (opens pdf)
- Mathew Chandrankunnel: 'Wider Ecumenism: A Pilgrimage Towards Cosmic Christ Consciousness' Video | Slides (opens pdf)
- Sara Gehlin: 'Receptive Ecumenism and Cosmopolitan Conflict Resolution' Video
- Gabrielle Thomas: 'Qualitative Research and Receptive Ecumenism: Contributions from Fieldwork' Video
- Cyril Hovorun: 'Byzantine Ecumenism' Video | Notes (opens pdf)
ARCIC III (Anglican - Roman Catholic International Commission Phase III)
Agreed statement and responses
- First Agreed Statement by ARCIC III: Walking Together on the Way: Learning to Be the Church – Local, Regional, Universal (Erfurt, 2017, published 2018).
- Rush, O., A Catholic Commentary on "Walking Together on the Way: Learning to Be the Church—Local, Regional, Universal" of the Anglican–Roman Catholic International Commission (2018).
- Hawkey, J., An Anglican Commentary on "Walking Together on the Way: Learning to Be the Church—Local, Regional, Universal" of the Anglican–Roman Catholic International Commission (2018).
The agreed statement in the press
Anglican Communion News Service, 'Groundbreaking Document Released on How Anglicans and Roman Catholics Can Learn from Each Other'. 4 Jul 2018.
Simon Caldwell for the Catholic News Service, ‘ARCIC Document Hailed as “Groundbreaking” by Catholics and Anglicans’, 4 Jul 2018.
Simon Caldwell, ‘ARCIC III: Anglicans and Roman Catholics Can Learn Much from Each Other, Says New Agreed Statement’, Church Times, 4 Jul 2018.
Simon Caldwell and Carol Glatz for Catholic News Service, 'Humble Companions: Catholic-Anglican Document Sees Healing in Difference', 2 Jul 2018.
Carol Glatz, ‘Catholics, Anglicans Complete Work on Structures of Authority, Communion’, Catholic News Service, 3 Jul 2018.
Nicholas Jesson, ‘Agreed Statement on Ecclesiology: Walking Together on the Way’, International Anglican – Roman Catholic Commission on Mission and Unity, 3 Jul 2018.
- Paul Lakeland, ‘Give and Take: What the Catholic and Anglican Churches Can Learn from Each Other’, The Tablet, 272/9259 (14 Jul 2018), pp. 7-8.
Christopher Lamb, ‘New ARCIC Text Charts a Way Forward’, The Tablet, 3 July 2018.
Joshua J. McElwee for the National Catholic Reporter, ‘Catholic-Anglican Dialogue Document Suggests both Churches Can Learn from Other’, 2Jul 2018.
L'Osservatore Romano: 'Vaticano.Dalle Differenze S’Impara. Documento Della Commissione Internazionale Anglicano-Cattolica'. Posted on Il Sismografo, 4 Jul 2018.
Editorial Leader: 'ARCIC III Report: A Stride Down the Hard Road to Unity'. The Tablet, vol. 272, no. 9258, p. 2. 7 Jul 2018.
Mladin, N., Fidler, R., & Ryan, B., That They All May Be One: Insights into Churches Together in England and Contemporary Ecumenism. Theos: 2017.
Faith and Order Commission of the Church of England, Mission and Ministry in Covenant: Areas for further reflection identified by the General Synod of the Church of England and the Methodist Conference, June 2019.
Articles in Newspapers and Periodicals
- The Methodist Recorder
- Thomas, G. The Gift of Methodist Women. 8 March 2019.
- The Tablet
- Clague, J., 'Long Road to Unity', The Tablet, 31 January 2009, 10-11.
- Farrell, B. Are We on the Brink of a New Ecumenical Spring? 'The dialogue of "life and love" has produced extraordinary results', The Tablet, 24 January 2019.
- Murray, P. D., 'Hands Across the Tiber: Ecumenism in the Wake of Anglicanorum Coetibus’, The Tablet (1 Jan 2011), 14-15.
- Ecumenism
- Ray Temmerman, ‘Receptive Ecumenism. A Workshop at the Canadian Council of Churches’ Canadian Forum on Inter-Church Dialogues: Dialogue on the Edges/Dialogue à la fine pointe’, Ecumenism/ŒCUMÉNISME, 54/207-8 (2020), 16-23.
- First Things
Dulles, A. C., ‘Saving Ecumenism From Itself’ in First Things 11 (2007).
Leithart, P. J., 'Receptive Ecumenism' in First Things 2.27.15.
Leithart, P. J., ‘Staying Put in the Presbyterian Church’ in First Things, 5.23.14
Leithart, P. J., ‘Fresh Logic’First Things, 5.23.14.
Leithart, P. J., ‘Receptive Ecumenism in Practice’First Things, 5.23.14.
- Vatican Radio
- “I think the next step for Anglican-Roman Catholic relations on the ground is what's called Receptive Ecumenism” – Archbishop David Moxon
- Receptive Ecumenism Conference ends with signing of covenant
- Anglican-Catholic talks make progress in South Africa
- Anglicans, Catholics in Erfurt: 'Walking together on the way'
- Anglicans, Catholics to publish first ARCIC III volume
- Cardinal Walter Kasper and the launch of Receptive Ecumenism
- Anglican Communion News Service
- National Catholic Register
- “In the ordinariate, the Pope is showing, if in a small way, that the Church of Christ can be diverse, providing there is a common faith and all members are in full communion. I think it is a small experiment in receptive ecumenism” – Msgr Keith Newton
- “The establishment of personal ordinariates is a great move forward in the understanding of each tradition — Anglican and Catholic — within the undivided Tradition of the Catholic Church," he told the Register. "It is an embodiment of the idea of receptive ecumenism. Our hope is that the ordinariate in the U.K. will enable a greater understanding of Anglicanism within the Catholic Church and a greater sense of the need for full communion with the universal Church within the life of the Church of England” – Father James Bradley
- Roman Catholic Diocese of Shrewsbury
Webpage articles
- Duke Divinity Interview with Geoff Moore (2010)
- Reflections from an inter-church family perspective, Catholic Learning: Explorations in Receptive Ecumenism, Ushaw College, Durham, 12-17 January 2006.
- Society for Ecumenical Studies report
- Churches Together in England report