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Events Archive

Missed one of our events? Not to worry! Many of our sessions are recorded and can be accessed below. If you want to catch up on events from the Discovery Research Platform for Medical Humanities, please visit the Platform website.
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Global Medical Humanities: What next for the humanities in health research?

An online roundtable discussion with leading experts focusing on key trends in the medical and health humanities. Introduced and chaired by Angela Woods. Speakers were Kirsten Ostherr, Liping Guo, Elizabeth Stephens, Victoria Amma Osei-Bonsu, Jordan McCullough, and Evelyn Tehrani. We also launched our interactive map and database of global medical humanities research centres and networks. 

This event was part of Durham Global Week.

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Institute for Medical Humanities Hidden Experience Seminar Series 2023-24

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The subjective experience of remembering

Hybrid seminar delivered by Professor Jon Simons (University of Leeds) considering the latest evidence on remembering from functional neuroimaging and studies of patients with neurological and psychiatric conditions.