We are delighted to offer two scholarships specifically designed to support applicants from the North East and Cumbria who are planning to undertake an undergraduate degree at Durham University.
£4,000.00 per academic year of which:
£2,500.00 is to be used for tuition/residential costs
£1,500.00 is to be used for internships/international experience/Wider Student Experience.
Have a household income below £42,875.00 as determined by Student Finance
Permanently resident in one of the following postcode regions; CA, DH, DL, LA, NE, SR, TS.
Not sure if you're eligible? Contact us for advice.
Submit an academic application to Durham University via UCAS by 29 January 2025
Ensure the following documents are submitted by the scholarship deadline - 25 March 2025
1. a completed scholarship application form
2. a reference from one of your teachers or employer in support of your scholarship application to be sent directly by the referee to scholarship.application@durham.ac.uk. Please ensure your referee submits the reference on letter headed paper which contains their name, position (e.g. teacher or employer), contact details along with your full name and the name of the scholarship you are applying for.
3. a copy of your Student Finance England assessment letter detailing your maintenance loan entitlement to be sent by email to scholarship.application@durham.ac.uk. (If you are waiting for confirmation of your entitlement please submit your scholarship application, let us know there may be a delay and forward a copy of your assessment letter as soon as you can)
Application deadline
25 March 2025
When candidates will hear the outcome of their application
End of May 2025
Durham University makes every effort to ensure that the information published or contained on its website is accurate. However, the University cannot guarantee the information may not subsequently be altered owing to circumstances beyond the University's reasonable control. Such circumstances include (but are not limited to) changes in Government policy or change of law. Whilst any changes will be incorporated into the University's website any person wishing to clarify the details of a particular scholarship/s should contact the University at scholarships.advice@durham.ac.uk.
If you have any questions about whether you are eligible for a scholarship or the application process, get in touch with our Scholarships and Student Funding Office:
Durham University
Palatine Centre
Stockton Road
Telephone: 0191 3348997