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The Weldon - le Huray Sport Scholarships

We're Sports University of the Year in The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2023.

Few universities are so successful at providing the right environment for both the academic and sporting potential of its undergraduate students to flourish. To help reinforce our commitment to providing the best possible access to this environment, Durham University is pleased to promote the Weldon - le Huray Scholarships programme. The programme provides opportunities for home students from lower-income households to:

  • Represent Durham at the highest levels of University sport, including being able to undertake leadership development opportunities

3 scholarships are available for applicants planning to commence their undergraduate studies at Durham and who are able to demonstrate exceptional potential in the field of Sport. Each scholarship is worth £4000 per academic year.

These scholarships are kindly supported by Guy and Sarah Weldon.


£4,000 per academic year to help support tuition fees, living costs, all other costs of study and career/leadership development opportunities

Year of Entry Applicants for programmes commencing in October 2025
Number of awards available


Level of study Undergraduate
Mode of study Full-time

All undergraduate programmes 

Duration Each year of undergraduate programme (up to a maximum of four years)


Household Income

Applicants must have a household income below £42,875 based on an assessment carried out by Student Finance.

Please submit your assessment letter as soon as you can to

Successful applicants will be able to demonstrate an exceptional level of potential and excellence in Sport for example participation in sporting events at a regional or national level.

Not sure if you're eligible? Contact us for advice.

How to apply

  1. Apply for a course

    Submit an academic application to Durham University via UCAS by 29 January 2025

    Apply to UCAS
  2. Complete a scholarship application

    Submit a scholarship application form for the Weldon le Huray Sport Scholarship by the 13 March 2025 ensuring you provide

    A Personal Statement explaining:


    1.   what difference a Weldon - le Huray Scholarship would make to you


    2.   how you demonstrate exceptional potential in Sport, including information on any recent performance levels


    3.   how you would use this scholarship to progress your career aspirations, particularly in the area of Leadership


    4.  Evidence of your student maintenance loan value as confirmed by Student Finance England to  If you do not have this by the scholarship deadline please provide this as soon as possibly can.


    5.   An independent reference of no more than 800 words from a suitable adult (e.g. a member of sixth-form staff or a coach) explaining why you are a suitable candidate to be awarded a Weldon - le Huray Scholarship for Sport. The reference should outline relevant indicators of exceptional sporting achievement or potential e.g. involvement in relevant regional/national squads, or any other relevant indicators of exceptional achievement.


    References should be sent directly from the referee to Your referee should submit the reference on letter headed paper to contain the referee’s name, position, contact details and your full name.



    Application deadline


    13 March 2025


    When applicants will be notified of the outcome


    2  May 2025

  3. Selection process

    Your performance level in Sport, personal statement and reference will be considered by a panel of University colleagues with expertise in Sport.


Durham University makes every effort to ensure that the information published or contained on its website is accurate. However, the University cannot guarantee the information may not subsequently be altered owing to circumstances beyond the University's reasonable control. Such circumstances include (but are not limited to) changes in Government policy or change of law. Whilst any changes will be incorporated into the University's website any person wishing to clarify the details of a particular scholarship/s should contact the University at


Get in touch

If you have any questions about whether you are eligible for a scholarship or the application process, get in touch with our Scholarships and Student Funding Office:

Scholarships and Student Funding Office

Durham University

Palatine Centre

Stockton Road



Telephone: 0191 3348997