Personal Paradise with the Live Sketcher
27 January 2024 - 27 January 2024
10:00AM - 12:00PM
Palace Green Library, Learning Centre Palace Green Durham DH1 3RN
An exploration of private utopias using collage.
Personal Paradise, Collage workshop.
A workshop exploring the idea of what it means to create a ‘personal paradise’. We’re living in an age of widespread political turmoil, war, financial hardship and growing threat from climate change. When our world seems to be spiralling further and further from utopia, how do we create it for ourselves. For some it may mean a warm fire, blankets and books, for others it could be a packed nightclub on a Saturday night. In fact our personal utopias may on occasion be incompatible with one another - if I dream of peace, quiet and meditation but my neighbour craves a heavy bass how can the two be reconciled? Can you experience paradise without having experienced hardship? How do we create a buffer around our personal paradise? These are all discussion points to be raised and considered throughout the session.
To find out more about accessibility of the Palace Green Library you can visit the webpage below:
Please do get in touch if you have any requirements or need any assistance.
To accompany the Student Art Prize 2023/24 we are running an Art Prize Art School between November 2023 and February 2024. Offering a free programme of talks, workshops and resources to further investigate the prizes theme of PARADISE. The Art Prize Art School is open to all, you don't need to be a student to get involved in our talks and workshops!