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College Awards and Grants


Hatfield College awards bursaries, scholarships, prizes and other honours in recognition of academic achievement and of contributions to College life in fields such as music, drama and sport as well as service to our College community and beyond. Grants are also available to support aspirational student development activities, and bursaries and grants are provided to support students of lesser financial means and those who experience unexpected hardship. Awards and grants are funded thanks to the generosity of Hatfield alumni and friends, commonly through the Hatfield Trust.

Some of the awards and grants are awarded on the basis of entitlement, others by recommendation, by attainment, or by application. Each category is listed separately below. Details of application dates and requirements are circulated in advance of deadlines.

Most awards and grants are determined by College Officers, who may seek input from others such as representatives of the JCR and MCR. All awards and grants are subject to variation at the discretion of the Master.


Awards by Entitlement

Hatfield Bursaries: Full and part bursaries, covering some core College costs, are awarded without an application on the basis of household income to new undergraduate home students. Further information can be found on our Hatfield Bursaries page.


Awards and Grants by Application

Hatfield Chapel Choral Scholarships: Eight Choral scholarships to the value of £100 each, awarded annually after interviews/auditions by a panel chaired by the College Chaplain.

Hatfield Chapel Organ Scholarship: To the value of £200, awarded annually after interviews/auditions by a panel chaired by the College Chaplain.

Hatfield Chapel Director of Music: To the value of £400, awarded annually after interviews/auditions by a panel chaired by the College Chaplain.

Hatfield Trust Grants: The Hatfield Trust makes funds available to all Hatfield College students to support individual, group or College-wide activities of outstanding quality that fall within the Trust's four strategic aims:

  • Nurturing student development - funds are available for high quality, aspirational student development activities, including sports, arts, volunteering and career development
  • Developing College facilities and grounds - funds for equipment and facilities, and for the improvement of our environment
  • Supporting an inclusive community - funds to support the inclusion of minority or underrepresented groups, and of students of limited financial means, to enable participation in College and University activities outside of academic programmes
  • Hardship funds - funds available to support students in unexpected financial hardship (see Justin Browning Hardship Fund below)

For all applications for Hatfield Trust grants (except applications for Hardship funds), Hatfield students are requested to complete a Hatfield Trust Funding Application Form.

For queries, contact the Trust Office. To apply for Hatfield Trust Hardship funds, first contact the Assistant Master, who will advise on both University and Trust hardship funds.

Howard Phelps Award: A travel bursary to the value of £400 awarded annually to a student embarking on an adventurous journey that encompasses humanitarian, educational, charitable and personally challenging activities.

Internships: Provide full funding (at minimum wage), for a student(s) to undertake a 4-6 week internship. Specific opportunities will be advertised. Academic internships are available for students to source the opportunity to join the research project of a Durham academic.

Justin Browning Hardship Fund: Grants awarded at the discretion of College Officers to students of Hatfield College who meet unexpected financial difficulties or expenses affecting their ability to undertake or continue with their studies, either in the UK or abroad (including under exchange programmes), and which cannot be met by University hardship funds. To apply, students should first contact the Assistant Master who will advise on both University and Trust hardship funds.

Ramsay-Burn Music Scholarship: A scholarship to the value of approximately £1200 awarded annually for a student to undertake a significant and aspirational musical development activity.  Hatfield students are requested to complete a Ramsay-Burn Application Form.


Awards by Attainment

Baxter Award: To the value of £100, awarded annually to Hatfield undergraduate students who have achieved excellent results in their first-, second- or (for those on a four-year course) third-year examinations. Two Baxter Prizes for students from each Faculty are awarded to those with the best marks from the previous year, excluding any student who is awarded a higher-value named award (e.g. Wing Commander Oakey Scholarship).

College Scholar: The title "College Scholar", to be held for one year, is awarded annually at the start of the Michaelmas Term, to all continuing undergraduate Hatfield students who achieved an overall first-class result at the end of the previous year.

Wing Commander Trevor Oakey Scholarship: To the value of £500, awarded annually to a first-year home undergraduate at Hatfield College studying a science subject who achieves the best examination results at the end of the first year.


Awards by Recommendation

Barrie Wetton Prize: To the value of £100, awarded annually to a student who has made a significant "behind-the-scenes" contribution to College life throughout his/her time in Hatfield.

Brileen Award: To the value of £350, awarded annually to a first-year female student who is studying Honours Music to enable the student to extend her music activities and to support academic work in the Music Honours programme (for example, through additional music lessons).

Cynthia Connolly Prize: To the value of £100, awarded annually to a student who has made the most sustained commitment to College sport throughout his/her time in Hatfield.

Gilbert Larwood Prize: To the value of £100, awarded annually to a student who has made a significant contribution to the performing arts in College throughout his/her time in Hatfield.

Hatfield Trust Trophy: Awarded annually to a student who has made an outstanding contribution to College rowing throughout his/her time in Hatfield.

Michael Crossley Shield: The shield and £100, awarded annually to a final-year undergraduate who has made an outstanding contribution to College life throughout his/her time in Hatfield.

Mott Fieldwork Prize: To the value of £300, awarded annually following a recommendation by the Boards of Examiners in Earth Sciences and Geography, to Hatfield undergraduate students with potential for outstanding fieldwork in earth sciences or geography.

Rik Coldwell Prize: To the value of £100, awarded annually to a student who has made a significant contribution to outreach throughout his/her time in Hatfield.

Spencer-Regan Award: To the value of £100, awarded annually to a student who has made a significant contribution to championing inclusivity in the College community throughout his/her time in Hatfield.

Whitworth Trophy: Awarded annually to a student who has made an outstanding contribution to College rugby throughout his/her time at Hatfield.