We offer two Masters by Research degrees in Anthropology. The MA in Sociocultural Anthropology by Research and the MSc in Evolutionary Anthropology by Research are one year full-time courses of supervised research. You can also register to study for these qualifications part-time. In this case the length of your course will be at least twice the length for full-time study.
Research students work closely with a supervisory team to undertake a substantial piece of research which must be written up in the form of a thesis. In addition, research students are required to undertake research training, provided by both the university and the department.
For the MSc in Evolutionary/Biological Anthropology read the MSc Prospectus 2023 for suggested projects for this coming year and research interests of potential supervisors.
To be accepted for a research degree you must show that you have appropriate training to work independently (with academic guidance from your supervisor) at this level. This will normally involve both an undergraduate degree at upper second or first class level and supportive references. The department will also need to be satisfied that your proposed research is viable and that we are able to provide appropriate supervision and resources.
Time is TikToking: People’s perception of primate videos on one of the fastest growing social media platforms
Principles of Evolutionary Medicine in Programmes against Malaria
A Physiological and Social Enquiry into the Swaddling of Infants with Regard to Sleep
“I Forgot the Talking Horse!”: A Transmission Chain Study of the Effects of Minimally Counterintuitive Elements on Faithful Transmission of Fairy Tales
Re-assessing the Meat Acquisition Strategies of Plio-Pleistocene Hominins: An Actualistic Study
Sustaining Energy-Saving Behaviour: A Case Study of an Employee Energy Conservation Campaign
Living in the Shadow of Fragmented Identity: A Case Study of Chinese Overseas Homosexual Students in the UK Universities
An Examination of the UK Fracking Debate and the Tactics and Methodologies Used in Influencing Government Policy
Advocating for Children and Adolescents Living with HIV in Harare, Zimbabwe
The Construction of Local Identity in the Heritage Industry