Bioanalytics Facility
The Bioanalytics facility houses a range of state-of-the-art chromatography and mass spectrometry instrumentation. The facility is available for use by staff and students from across the university, as well as offering a consultancy service for external clients.
Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010 Plus
Location: Biosciences Room 2009
The Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010 Plus is equipped with a split/splitless liquid injector, coupled to a single quadrupole mass spectrometer with EI. The mass spectrometer has a mass range of 1.5 to 1090 Da, and can operate in Scan, SIM or simultaneous Scan/SIM modes.
GC-MS is good for: Volatile or semi-volatile analytes that are thermally stable and relatively low molecular weight, analytes can be derivatized to make them amenable to GC-MS e.g. FAME analysis

Specification Type | Specification |
Injection | Liquid |
Detection | Single quad mass spectrometer |
Mass Range | m/z 1.5 - 1090 |
Ionization Mode | EI |
Scan Modes |
Full Scan SIM Simultaneous scan / SIM |

Contact us
Contact Chikere Nkwonta, to find out more about research services and project collaborations available
Bioanalytics Facility
Department of Biosciences
Stockton Road
Tel: +44 (0)191 334 1375 / 1301