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Contact Us

Prospective students 

Get in touch using our enquiry form. 

Have you seen our helpful FAQs? 

Postgraduate Research Admissions 

Postgraduate Research admission queries: 

Or contact a member of staff directly through our staff list. 

Opening times 

Normal opening hours for Michaelmas Term will be Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm.

Accessibility information

The AccessAble site provides accessibility information for our department. Please note in addition that a movable ramp is available on request for the small step at the main entrance - please get in touch if you have any queries about this or any other accessibility information.


Get in touch

To find out more about our department and courses, contact us using the information below.

Department of Classics and Ancient History 
38 North Bailey


Tel: +44 (0)191 33 41670