Durham Musicologists bring Japanese Songs and Parisian Vaudeville to Being Human Festival

Durham Music Department has two events in this year’s Being Human Festival (7–16 November 2024).
Dr Katherine Hambridge, together with our former PhD student Dr Sophie Horrocks, Newcastle’s Dr Hannah Scott, hosts “Before the Musical: Parisian Vaudeville comes to Newcastle” on Thursday 7 November, 19:30 - 21:00 at Newcastle Arts Centre, in which attendees will begin to construct their own vaudeville.
Dr Amanda Hsieh is hosting a drop-in listening booth called ‘Song Travels, with “Our Tenor” Yoshie Fujiwara’ on Monday 11 November at 2–6 pm at the Durham Clayport Library. There’ll be historical recordings by the famed 20C Japanese singer Yoshie Fujiwara, postcards drawn by local artist Rachael Sligo inspired by the music, and more besides…
For those of you who want to listen to even more songs from Japan, there’s also a special MUSICON concert in the same week, on Wednesday 13 November at 7.30 pm in the Concert Room.
Image 1:
Artwork inspired by the song ‘Kōjō no Tsuki’ (Moon over the Ruined Castle), by Rachael Sligo
Image 2:
Scene from the vaudeville Carlo et Carlin (1844), source: gallica.bnf.fr/Bibliothèque nationale de France