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Student Records

TEIs use Moodle as their student records system; however, Durham University also needs to create and maintain student records in the University student records system (known as Banner) for those studying a Common Awards programme because: 

  • we need to gather basic student information and assessment information (e.g. module marks) so that we can classify awards and produce academic transcripts and parchments at the end of the programmes; 
  • we need to gather basic student information in order to provide access to facilities (such as permitting access to the library and creating campus cards);  
  • we need to know how many students are registered on Common Awards programmes at each Theological Education Institution (TEI) so that we can generate invoices for per capita fees and publish information in line with our external requirements.  

More information is available in our Statement on the Use of Personal Data relating to Common Awards Students. 

The following pages contain further information on all matters relating to student records:

Durham works with TEIs throughout the academic year to ensure that accurate student and assessment data is held in Banner. TEIs securely share this information with the Common Awards Team and access to Banner is restricted to authorised personnel only. Please see the Common Awards Calendar for further information on the deadlines for new data collection, and existing data verification points.