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Symeon - History Department Alumni Magazine

A person sitting by a window reading a book

Welcome to Symeon, a magazine for alumni and friends of the Durham University History Department!

We hope to offer you a chance to keep in touch with the departmental community, and conversely that the magazine will help to keep the department up to date with the lives and careers of its old members beyond graduation. But over and above this we would like to open a direct channel of communication between current research in Durham and our diverse alumni community, and to give historians at all levels within the department an opportunity to share the products of their research with an audience of historically-aware and interested people beyond our usual more inward-looking conversations.

Symeon is edited and produced by our postgraduate research students, and you will see that most of the articles are by students, too.  For those of you who are curious about our title, the magazine is named after the first known historian to work in Durham, about whom you can read in Charlie Rozier’s article in issue 1.

We hope you enjoy reading issues of Symeon.  We always welcome to include content about you, as alumni, in subsequent issues, so please do get in touch and let us know what you are doing now. Perhaps you are in a job in which you use on a daily basis the skills you learned studying history? Perhaps you are doing something entirely different? Either way, we’d love to hear from you.

Please get in touch using any of the following methods:


Postal address: Symeon Magazine, 43 North Bailey, Durham, DH1 3EX


Previous issues

Symeon issue 14 - Summer 2024 [PDF, 6.35MB]

Symeon issue 13 - Summer 2023 [PDF, 8.3MB]

Symeon issue 12 - Summer 2022 [PDF, 6.9MB]

Symeon issue 11 - Summer 2021 [PDF, 9.1MB]

Symeon issue 10 - Summer 2020 [PDF, 6.7MB]

Symeon issue 9 - Summer 2019 [PDF, 1.74MB]

Symeon issue 8 - Summer 2018 [PDF, 6.44MB]

Symeon issue 7 - Summer 2017 [PDF, 4.16MB]

Symeon issue 6 - Summer 2016 [PDF, 3.68MB]

Symeon issue 5 - Summer 2015 [PDF, 2.83MB]

Symeon issue 4 - Summer 2014 [PDF, 4.68MB]

Symeon issue 3 - Summer 2013 [PDF, 2.1MB]

Symeon issue 2 - Summer 2012 [PDF, 8.29MB]

Symeon issue 1 - Summer 2011 [PDF, 3.17MB]