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Explore March's Community Newsletter

Want to know more about how we interact with our local community? Our monthly Community Newsletter explores the news, events, and research both at Durham University and in the city itself.
A sign pointing to multiple locations in Durham City

SuperBIT makes Nature Astronomy front cover

An international project involving Durham University which flew a gigantic balloon-borne telescope to the edge of space has made the front cover of the prestigious journal Nature Astronomy.
A silver clad telescope sits on the runway at dawn with a truck and giant helium balloon in the background

Stepping into spring with Holi Festival at the Oriental Museum

Spring is on the way, and so too is the wonderful Holi Festival celebration at the Oriental Museum on Saturday 23 March, 12 noon – 5pm.
Students throwing coloured powder at Durham Global Week Holi Festival

Marie Curie 'Day of Reflection' at the Botanic Garden

The Marie Curie Field of Hope, in the Botanic Garden, will host a Day of Reflection, on Sunday 3 March, from 10:30am - 4:00pm.
Marie Curie 'Field of Hope' in the Botanic Garden

Alumnus Callum Elson to represent Great Britain & Northern Ireland

Athlete Callum Elson (History, Collingwood College, 2017-20) has been selected for Team GB & NI for the World Athletics Indoor Championships in Glasgow at the start of March.
Photo of Callum Elson, Durham alumnus

Report shows Durham’s major contribution to regional economy and job creation

Research-intensive universities, including Durham, generated almost £900million for the North East of England through research, innovation and the creation of new businesses, according to a new report.
A young female scientist in a lab coat looking through a stethoscope.

Durham Engineer named in the prestigious Northern Power Women – Future List

Dr Beth Barnes from our top-rated Engineering department has recently been named in the 2024 Northern Power Women – Future List.
Picture of Beth Barnes

Durham researchers’ partner with agricultural innovator to tackle pesticide resistance

Academics and researchers in our Biosciences department are renowned for their world-class research and expertise.
Picture pesticide control

Discover our students' performances across the North East this March

In March, our talented students will bring music to North East audiences, performing at iconic venues and working alongside accomplished professional ensembles.

Investing in our Students

Supporting our students is always a priority at Durham. We’ve listened to student feedback on key issues, invested heavily in our services for students and increased the amount of support available for many different areas of university life.
A group of students laughing together

Durham philosopher explores the mystery of existence with his second book

A researcher in our Philosophy department has released his second book, which aims to explore the mysteries behind how everything came to exist.
Dr Jack Symes pictured after releasing his second book

How we're making a difference locally and globally

In her monthly column, our Vice-Chancellor Professor Karen O'Brien shares some examples of how Durham University research is making a difference, locally and globally, and invites all to join our Global Week events, starting this weekend (Saturday 24 February).
Profile picture of Professor Karen OBrien Vice Chancellor of Durham University