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Orbit member Intelligent Gels wins Ofwat innovation competition

Orbit member and environmental gel innovator Intelligent Gels in partnership with Durham University, Northumbrian Water and technology innovation catalyst CPI is one of 16 initiatives being awarded a share of £40 million in Ofwat’s latest innovation competition – the Water Breakthrough Challenge.
Intelligent gels testing new gel product

6G and beyond...

We are delighted to announce that Durham University has partnered with Queen Mary University of London and UCL in a joint research project which aims to improve our mobile communications systems beyond 5G.
Connected world wireless signals

First-of-its-kind measurement of Universe’s expansion rate

Our physicists are part of an international team that has successfully used a first-of-its-kind technique to measure the expansion of the Universe.
A supernova surrounded by stars

Our scientists are supporting Durham Cathedral to bring swifts to nest

Leading scientists from our Department of Biosciences and Mathematical Sciences are encouraging breeding swifts to nest by setting up high powered speakers in Durham Cathedral’s iconic Belfry Tower.
Cathedral swifts

Top award for project to support care-leaver students

A partnership between ourselves and four other universities has won a national award for helping care-experienced students into higher education.
A group of four adults holding an award certificate

Professor Edith Hall wins the Classical Association Prize

We are delighted that Professor Edith Hall from our Department of Classics and Ancient History has been awarded the prestigious Classical Association Prize in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the promotion of Classics in the UK.
Edith Hall CA prize

Sir Harry Evans Global Summit attracts huge names from journalism worldwide

Internationally acclaimed journalists, publishers and political commentators gathered in London for the inaugural Sir Harry Evans Global Summit in Investigative Journalism.
Durham University VC Karen O'brien with Alessandra Galloni and Tina Brown

Buddha’s Birthday Celebrations at the Oriental Museum

The Oriental Museum will celebrate Buddha’s Birthday on Saturday 27 May, from 12-4pm . Buddha’s Birthday, also known as Vesak, is celebrated around the world and commemorates the birth of Buddha in around 563 BCE. Born a prince, Buddha went on to renounce his privileged royal life and become a holy man, ultimately reaching Enlightenment. 
Oriental Museum, gallery view with paper lanterns

Strengthening our North American partnerships

In April we celebrated our long-standing partnership with the University of Notre Dame in North America.
A group of people standing in they foyer of a large building.

Explore our May Community Newsletter

Want to know more about how we interact with our local community?
previous durham pride

New interdisciplinary health research awarded £9m grant

Our cutting-edge Institute for Medical Humanities (IMH) has been awarded a £9m Discovery Research Platform Award to develop a new Discovery Research Platform for Medical Humanities (DRP-MH).
Wellcome trust grant

Our Global Lecture Series travels to Brussels

The latest talk in our Durham Global Lecture series took place recently at the UK Ambassador’s Residence in Brussels.
An image of Professor Robin Coningham and Vice-Chancellor and Warden, Professor Karen O’Brien at the UK Ambassador’s Residence in Brussels