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Research team makes National Geographic’s ‘Picture of the Year’ cover

A research project involving Professor James Baldini, from our Department of Earth Sciences, features on the front cover of a globally-renowned magazine as it celebrates the best photographs of the last 12 months.
National Geographic December issue cover on blue background

New study shows how social bonds help tool-using monkeys learn new skills

Our researchers have studied wild monkeys problem-solving for food to better understand how social dynamics can influence behaviour and learning. 
Two monkeys examining a food item with their heads close together

Supporting local charities with this year’s Christmas Wish Tree

Would you like to help someone in need this Christmas? Help us to support three local charities by donating to our Christmas Wish Tree campaign.
Christmas Wish Tree 2024 graphic with a Christmas tree to the right-hand side and the words

Working with UNICEF to protect children’s health globally

We’ve joined UNICEF’s Children’s Environmental Health Collaborative (CEHC) to help protect children from the harmful consequences of air pollution on a global scale.
A road scene showing buses, cars and scooters emitting pollution

Celebrating our aspiring entrepreneurs

We are celebrating our student and graduate entrepreneurs this week as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week (Monday 18 – Sunday 24 November).
Image includes headshots of the two students/alumni - Yuk and Mohammad.

Norwegian Ambassador to the UK visits Durham

His Excellency, Tore Hattrem, Norwegian Ambassador to the United Kingdom visited Durham earlier this week.

Investing in the next generation of environmental researchers

We’re sharing in an investment of almost £30m to train the next generation of researchers to tackle the world’s environmental challenges.
Photograph looking up at a tree canopy from the ground.

Students hit the catwalk for some fashionable fundraising

Our South College students took to the catwalk to raise over £9,000 for a Durham hospice.
Students wearing fashionable clothes

New model could calculate probability of intelligent life in our Universe and beyond

A team of astrophysicists, led by our Institute for Computational Cosmology, have developed a new model that could estimate how likely it is for intelligent life to emerge in our Universe and beyond.
The NASA Hubble Space Telescope image captures a triple-star star system

Our Chancellor reflects on US election results with University community

Our Chancellor, Dr Fiona Hill, met with staff, students and friends of the University as they came together to discuss the US election results and their wider significance, both domestically and for foreign policy in the US, the UK, and Europe.
A group of people standing in front of a building

Declassified spy images help locate ancient battle site

Archaeologists from Durham University and University of Al-Qadisiyah in Iraq have pinpointed the location of a famous early Islamic battle using declassified spy satellite images.
Black and white close-up spy satellite imagery of al-Qadisiyyah taken in 1974 and used in this research study. Credit US Geological Survey

Earth’s ice at risk of irreversible loss

The world’s snow and ice regions are at risk of irreversible loss and damage.
A snowy, rocky foreground with a white glacier, blue sea and blue sky.